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“Don’t worry, Jade.” Rell rubbed her sister’s arm. “I’m sure Luc won’t toss you to the ground like I used to do.”

“Yes, remind me to repay you for your gentleness once we are out of here.” Jade turned to Luc. “No fancy flying. Just straight to the other side.”

“Your wish is my command.” Luc kissed the top of her head. “As long as you don’t retch all over me.”

Jade grimaced and stepped away from him, motioning the others to give him space. “I can neither confirm nor deny that I won’t lose what little food I’ve eaten today, but I will try my best not to.”

In an instant, Luc changed from human to dragon. Golden scales formed to cover every inch of his powerful body. His arms extended, growing razor-sharp talons that curled and scraped against the stone.

Rell remembered battling Luc as a dragon. He had been powerful even though he’d barely tested his wings. Now obviously much more in control, he swung his head to face Jade and growled at her.

Jade released a heavy breath and moved forward, climbing the dragon’s massive leg and onto its back. She gripped the horns like she would the reins of a horse and shifted to find a solid seat. “Sweet Sainted Ones, don’t let me die.”

At those words, Luc dove from the ledge. His golden wings spread to catch the updraft. At first they dipped, but the air lifted them with what looked like effortless ease to glide down the gorge—though Jade’s screams would suggest the ride was anything but smooth.

Chapter Eighteen

The golden dragon landed and faced Rell, purring at her. A thrill shot through her. Not since she’d been a Bane had she been able to fly. She glanced at Siban. “I’ve been waiting for this.”

Siban shook his head and then gave her a little shove toward the dragon.

She pushed her sword into its sheath, and avoiding the curved talons, stepped onto his thigh and climbed up his flank. The scales appeared smooth but to the touch the texture was rough and held her footing. Once on his back, she did as she’d seen Jade do, and gripped the spiraled horns. Her heart beat faster as she braced herself for the dragon’s launch.

This time he spread his wings halfway and pushed off the ledge. They nosed downward, the cold wind rushing over them, before he fully extended his wings and looped upward. Joyous laughter rolled out of her when Luc banked steeply to the right and glided so close to the wall she felt as if she should draw in her feet.

She closed her eyes and let the freedom flow through her. Though their journey to the other side took only a minute, it would forever remain as one of her favorite memories.

“That was incredible.” She patted the dragon’s neck. “If we get out of this alive, perhaps you will take me flying one night.”

The dragon purred again and then transformed back to Luc, his leathery scales shrinking to reform his clothing. “At last, somebody who appreciates my skillful flying.”

“You mean somebody who is as daft as you are,” Jade said.

“I’ve heard it said you must try something twelve times before you like it,” Ravyn said.

Jade glared at her. “It will be a cold day in the Abyss before I willingly climb on that beast again.”

“Careful, sister.” Rell stepped back to allow an incoming dragon to land. “This just might be that day.”

Since the ledges were not large enough for four dragons to land on at once, Rhys, Gregory, Trace, and Luc had to transport in shifts. The process went fairly quickly and for once, nothing unexpected happened.

Once each of the Shields had transformed back to a Bringer, the group congregated at the head of the path. Instead of a narrow, treacherous path along the ridge, they were now heading into a tunnel. The blackness within was so thick no light penetrated beyond a few feet inside.

“Lovely,” Juna said, sticking her head inside. “Another dark, dank tunnel.”

Gregory rolled his wrist forward and produced an orb of light in his free hand. “If you are able to control the fire, I suggest producing an orb to not only light the way, but as a first line of defense.” He circumvented Juna and moved into the cave. “There should be no shortage of Bane presence from which to draw your power.”

Rell’s fingers tingled and vibrations skittered along her arms and prickled in her palms. The sensation was new and she wasn’t sure what would happen if she allowed the power to pool. Exhaling, she gave over to her Tell’s desire. A tiny blue spark crackled weakly in her hand. She refocused her concentration, letting her Tell fuel rather than force the energy. The orb grew stronger. It took a full minute, but in the end, she held a brilliant ball of spinning white light in her palm. “I did it.” Unlike the fire of the Shields, her glimmering orb was not made of fire. If they got out of here alive, she would practice to see what new powers this ability held. She turned to show Siban and she scowled. His flared more brightly. “Show off.”

“You inspire me.” He waved his sword toward the tunnel. “After you.”

Rell started to open her mouth, but bit back her retort when she saw Icarus watching her and Siban. His expression was guarded, as if expecting one of the Bringers to hurl the orb of light at him. “Would you like to go first?”

A sneer turned up the corner of his lip. “No, thank you. I will follow behind.”

Rell didn’t know if that was a good decision. The best choice would have probably been to have Icarus lead the group. His presence might delay an attack from the Bane, but she certainly understood his reluctance.

The tunnel wound for what seemed like forever. The light from their orbs illuminated the passage a few yards ahead and then the tunnel fell into blackness. If there was an attack awaiting them, the only warning they’d have would be from the increased gnawing that heralded the Bane’s presence. The menacing itch had increased as they’d headed deeper into the caverns and with Icarus so close behind, it took a concerted effort for Rell to not constantly scrub her arm and try and sense other dangers beyond the big demon on their heels.

The tunnel turned to the right. At the end a pinpoint of light glowed. Their pace slowed, Gregory growing more cautious the closer they drew to the opening. Would this lead to yet another trail or had they finally arrived at their destination?

A clawing sensation traveled up Rell’s back. She rolled her shoulders, trying to ignore the warning. At the entrance, Gregory stopped for a few seconds and then proceeded into the light. From where Rell stood she saw a wide expanse of rock, and when she stepped out of the tunnel, panic welled up inside of her. They’d arrived.

Before them rose two gigantic doors, reaching thirty feet at least in height. Intricate carvings covered the wood, but Rell stood too far away to make out the images. However, the two Demon Bane standing guard in front of the doors sent ripples of fear through her. Their wings spread across the front of the exit. The spears they held reached three feet above their heads and were tipped with heavy iron points. Thick horns spiraled upward from their heads and gold rings adorned their ears, while gold bands encircled their biceps and ankles. They wore leather breastplates studded with gold and at the center was the symbol of the Summoners. Unlike the other demons she’d encountered in the Shadow World, these Bane emanated power and much like Icarus, they were horrifyingly beautiful.

Their yellow gazes remained focused on the group, but they did not move to stop the Bringers’ approach. Rell searched the ceiling and sent her Tell into the dark recesses that could easily hide more Bane, but nothing besides the guards registered.

“Why do they not attack?” Juna asked.

“They guard whatever lies beyond the doors.” Gregory was quiet for a few seconds. “We must get past them.”