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“How did you escape?” Icarus posture was stiff, his stare boring into Vile.

Though his wings were folded, Rell could feel the rage pouring from him. She shielded her mind, trying to block out the intense flow of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. Siban reached for her. Instantly their connection calmed the chaos swirling through her. She twined her fingers with his, no longer caring if their joined hands revealed their love for each other.

“I didn’t escape, my boy, I was never imprisoned.” Vile slid onto the throne and folded his hands over his stomach. “An illusion. Another Summoner took my form and my place.” He shrugged. “After that it was simple.”

“Simple, how?” Gregory moved to stand next to Icarus. “And why take my brother.”

Icarus’s gaze settled on Gregory for a few seconds before returning to Vile.

“Harlin was vain and told no one of his acquiescence to imprison me in a warded cell. I bided my time, watching Arron grow incensed with my brother’s treatment of the humans. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he took action and overthrew Harlin. The Summoners aided him in his fight, though he never knew this. We were still outcasts and imprisoned in the Abyss for all your father knew. Our presence had to remain a secret.” He pointed to Icarus. “That’s where you came in. You were just an infant and the apple of your father’s eye. Fortunately your mother died giving birth to you, leaving your raising to wet nurses. When I had you kidnapped, I thought Arron would die of heartbreak. He nearly did.” His expression turned dark. “Then the human bitch arrived pleading for his help with the Bane.”

“But you are the Bane,” Juna said. “How is that possible?”

Vile cocked his head. “You look very much like your mother.”

Juna took a step forward, raising her hand, but Rhys captured her wrist, holding her in place. “Where is she?”

Vile waved a hand toward the wall of ice. “Let’s just say she’s been my guest for quite some time now.”

“Have you killed her?” Ravyn joined the line. “Or have you made her Bane?”

“Neither.” The Demon King’s brow furrowed. “I would never hurt Phillipa. I love her.”

“Love her?” Ravyn shook her head. “You are incapable of love.”

“Do not pretend to know me, girl.” He stood and strode to the wall of ice, stopping next to a woman, who Rell could now see bore a striking resemblance to Juna and Ravyn. He stroked the smooth surface near the woman’s face. “I have loved her for an eternity.” With surprising gentleness, he kissed the ice covering her cheek. “And she would have loved me too if not for your father.” He let his hand slide down and away from the wall. “He lured her away with promises of happiness and a family.”

“Which they had.” Meran moved to stand next to her sisters. “But you destroyed that.”

“Yes, I did.” Vile walked to stand behind his throne and laid his arms on the back, resting his chin on them. “Now she will be with me forever. And you will join her.”

“Over my dead body,” Juna said.

“Oh, you may try to free her as you did the girl.” He shrugged. “But I’m sure you’ve already discovered that a body is of little use without the soul.”

“I beg to differ with you, Uncle.” Icarus stepped back and looked at Rell.

Siban released her hand and with slow steps she walked forward. Vile’s gaze drove into her and for a fraction of a second she was positive uncertainty and fear flashed in his eyes. He straightened and skirted the chair.

She stopped next to Icarus but didn’t look at him, keeping her eyes on Vile and her grip tight on her sword. “Remember me?” Her words sounded much braver than she felt. “Daughter of Bowen Kendal?”

“But how?” The demon’s gaze tracked along the gathered Bringers. “This has never been done.”

Nobody spoke, all unwilling to reveal the healing ritual that had restored her.

“Perhaps my brother wasn’t as much of an idiot as I believed.” Excitement edged Vile’s voice. “I’m sure you will share your secret with me eventually—after you’ve experienced my methods of persuasion.” He pointed at Siban. “Ask the dark Bringer. I’m sure he remembers all too well the pleasures of being my captive.”

Rell turned to look at Siban. Even if she hadn’t felt his rage, his hard expression would have revealed his barely contained anger. She wanted to go to him, to calm him as he had done for her so often since they’d begun their journey. Giving in to the urge, she approached him and placed her hands against his arms. At first he didn’t look at her, his gaze fixed on Vile. She released her Tell, letting it flow over him, willing it to drive away his pain. Slowly he lowered his eyes and after a few seconds, he nodded.

Before she could shut the barriers of her mind again, the screaming she’d heard in the tunnel erupted, the howls of anguish exploding in her. She stumbled but Siban caught her. With great effort she slammed her mental barriers and the cries ceased. A sensation of lies swamped her before she successfully blocked it all out.

“Ah, I understand now.” Vile tapped his finger against his chin. “It was you who released him. That was a miscalculation on my part. I can see that now.” He settled back on the throne. “I’d thought to drive the Bringers from hiding by turning a helpless girl. I knew they’d find out, but I hadn’t counted on the girl being a warrior.”

The words he spoke fueled Rell’s determination to never fall under Vile’s control again. She would die, fall on the immortal weapon by her own hand, before she would allow the Bane to take her.

“I think there are many things you have miscalculated, Uncle.” Icarus spread his wings, sending the Bringers scattering.

Vile laughed again. “Do you mean to battle me, Icarus—or should I say Icarus Drake Stewart from the House of Cameron.”

“I know only Icarus.” He crouched. “You took the rest from me long ago.”

Vile stood, spreading his wings, their barbed tips pointing forward. “You will lose, nephew. I have taught you all you know, but not all I know.” The sentinels in front of the black obelisks moved forward. “And you and your friends will replace my comrades in the Abyss.”

“You cannot open the Abyss, so your threat is mute,” Icarus growled.

“Oh, but I can.” He smiled, baring his fangs. “Now that you’ve so generously brought me the Trilation.”

The three sisters glanced at each other and then lifted their swords. “We will never open the Abyss.”

A knowing smile spread across Vile’s sharp mouth. “We shall see.”

Chapter Nineteen

Icarus launched himself at Vile at the same time the Demon King attacked. The two demons clashed in the air, ripping at each other’s flesh.

Siban grabbed Rell and spun her to face the back of the room. “Stay close.”

“Protect each other’s back for as long as you can,” Gregory shouted. “Juna, take your sister’s and try to free the Bringers.”

“How?” She crouched next to him, ready for the attack from the encroaching Bane.

“You’re the Trilation. Use that.” He stepped in front of her. “We will hold them off as long as we can.”

“I hate to break this to you, but we don’t know what we’re doing,” Juna argued.

“Come on.” Meran grabbed her sister’s tunic and pulled Juna toward the wall of ice.

Siban shifted his attention to the imminent attack. Unlike his time imprisoned within the Shadow World, he was at full power and ready to fight. Anger rolled through him, igniting his Tell. Tremors raced through him and pooled into his hand. “Use whatever Bringer powers you have!”