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“I plan to,” Rhys said.

Before their eyes he shifted to a black dragon. Siban pulled Rell with him, barely dodging the spiked tail of the dragon.

Rell produced a glowing ball and hurled it at the nearest Bane. The demon waved his hand, sending the orb to crash against the wall. Chunks of rock erupted, leaving a giant hole. “It’s not working.”

Siban thrust his hands forward, and again the Bane repelled his attack. The black dragon roared, spreading his wings to shield them from the demons. The beast opened its mouth and loosed a stream of fire that spread across the line of Bane.

A few were caught in the attack, their screams horrific and piercing. Most launched themselves into the air, narrowly avoiding being incinerated.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Luc said. He shifted into his golden dragon. The powerful legs of the creature bent and pushed off, sending its body into the air after the escaped demons.

Rhys joined him.

“I will remain here and fight. Our attack will be stronger if we don’t put all the Shields in one place,” Gregory shouted.

Those on the ground created a circle, their backs to the inside and released a volley of fire and energy balls at the demons that engaged in the fight on the ground.

Icarus and Vile slammed into the walls, sending chunks of stone falling down. Siban dove out of the way and barely missed being struck by a hunk bigger than his head. Though they tried to keep their formation together, little by little the Bane drove them in different directions. Rell managed to stay next to him. Siban opened his Tell to her and she to him. Together they worked as a single unit, attacking repeatedly, fueling each other’s fighting instincts.

A demon landed in front of Siban and slashed at him with its deadly talons, raking his chest. Fire burned along the gashes and blood seeped through his leather tunic. He stumbled backward and knocked into Rell, falling to the ground.

“No!” She spun and as the demon’s talons snaked out to finish the job and impale Siban’s chest, she trust her hand out. Without thinking, she shouted some ancient words of power. The demon froze.

Siban struggled to his knees, one hand pressed to his chest while the other gripped his sword. How Rell was immobilizing the demon he didn’t know, but questions would wait.

“Stab him!” Her hand began to shake and sweat beaded on her forehead. “Hurry.”

Siban drew back the Immortal sword and thrust it forward, piercing the center of the Summoner’s symbol. Rell released her hold and staggered backward. Siban pulled his sword free. He gained his footing and caught Rell around the waist. They needed to get away from the demon. Despite the pain searing his chest, Siban pulled her toward a huge carved statue.

The demon convulsed several times. A black shadow formed behind it. Rell slapped her hands over her ears when the wails once again erupted. Thunder rumbled, sending vibrations along the ground like the ones in the passage near Vile’s chamber. The statue they stood behind rocked, the giant stone scraping along the black floor.

Siban yanked her back against the wall. The cries grew louder. The black shadow behind the demon grew wider and denser. Wind rushed through the hall with a furious blast, pelting them with debris. Wrapping his arm around his face and covering Rell with his body, Siban shielded them from the punishing shards of rock.

The statue swayed more violently, the base lifting from the ground. With a groan, the monolith toppled forward, crashing against the ground. Siban looked over his shoulder at the demon he’d slayed. Hands extended from the interior of the black hole, grabbing the Bane and pulling it slowly inside. The demon fought their clawing grip but couldn’t break free and disappeared within. A rumble rocked the ground and the black hole disappeared.

When he released Rell, he dropped to the ground again. Weakness shook his muscles. He touched the blood running down his chest and reached a hand toward her. “Rell.”

“Siban.” She eased him to the floor and looked around. “Jade!”

Darkness tinged the edge of his vision. He fought his weakening state. If he died, who would protect Rell?

Suddenly Jade was there, her hands pressed hard against his chest. He coughed, tasting blood in his mouth. None too gently, Jade shouted the ancient healing words. Sparks of heat raced along the gashes. Her voice grew louder. Like stitching a wound, the skin around his injuries drew together, meshing into long, angry, red welts.

Strength returned and his vision cleared. After another few seconds, Jade released him. “There, now be more careful.”

His body hummed with energy and though he didn’t need their help, Jade and Rell drew him to his feet. Before he could thank Jade, Ravyn screamed, drawing their attention.

“Go help Gregory,” Rell said to Jade.

Rell and Siban raced across the hall to the wall of ice. The three sisters battled two Bane. Ravyn hurled balls of fire, while Juna drove them back with her sword. Jade joined the fight, grabbing one of the demons by the arm.

White light flowed from her and into the creature. Ravyn gripped its other arm, sending fire along the demon’s skin. The creature yanked, jerking the two women forward. Meran shoved both hands against its chest and released golden light into the center of its body. The demon shrieked and convulsed but the three women held tight.

“Move!” Juna rushed forward. They released their hold and with a hard thrust, Juna buried the sword into the demon’s chest. She pulled it free and leveled a kick at the symbol, sending the demon toppling into the deep gorge.

Rell faced the other Bane and again lifted her hand, holding it in place. Not waiting this time, Siban rammed his sword through the Summoner’s chest and continued to push the Bane backward until it toppled into the gorge to join the demon that Juna had slayed. The familiar rumble of the Abyss as it claimed more prisoners rippled through the chamber.

Jade turned to Rell. “When did you learn to do that?”

Rell shrugged, her eyes wide. “It just happens.”

“Well done,” Jade said.

“There’s too many of them.” Ravyn nodded toward the end of the hall. Two more demons filtered through the open doors. “We can’t free the Bringers and fight.”

“You concentrate on them.” Siban wiped his hands against his pants and repositioned his sword. “And we’ll protect you.”

“How are we going to get out of here?” Meran asked. “The door is blocked and we can’t carry them all the way back through those tunnels.”

“There’s a light above. It might be an opening.” Rell pointed to the ceiling. “At least some of us will be able to get free.”

Nobody spoke for a few seconds, then Juna said, “Come on, sisters, let’s find out if being the Trilation is worth more than opening the Abyss.”

The three set their hands against the ice and closed their eyes.

“Doesn’t it burn?” Jade asked.

“No,” Ravyn said. “It’s cold but doesn’t burn.”

The fight above them drew Siban, Rell, and Jade’s attention. Vile and Icarus remained locked in a deadly battle, each demon tearing at the other and delivering unforgiving blows.

“Why don’t the Summoners use fire?” Rell asked.

“Maybe it’s not their power.” Siban watched as a demon engaged Rhys’s dragon. Its attacks were punishing but not deadly. Rhys easily defended himself. Trace had also transformed and though he fought several Bane, they didn’t attack as one. “It’s almost as if they are baiting us.”

“Perhaps Vile has given them orders not to kill us,” Jade said.

Rell shook her head. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“I thought the same thing.” Siban looked to where Magnus, Gregory, and Brita defended themselves. “Watch, the Bane attack halfheartedly, as if they’re only trying to keep them occupied.”