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“And I love you.” She smiled, certain there was more to come.

“Rell, I want to be with you always.”

Her throat tightened. “What are you saying?”

His hazel eyes locked with hers. “I want you to be my wife, Rell. Will you marry me?”

Stunned by his question, it took a few seconds for her to find her voice. She’d come too close to losing him in the Shadow World. There were so many things to consider, but the one thing she knew was that she didn’t want to be without him. She nodded. “Yes.”

A wide smile stretched across his mouth. White teeth gleamed and if possible, her love for him grew even more. She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him to her. Their mouths connected, sending a jolt of heat through her. Their tongues twined around each other and she shifted, attempting to drag him onto the bed with her.

Siban groaned and broke the kiss. “There are many other things I’d rather do right now, but we need to wash up and get ready for dinner.”

Rell gave him her most devilish grin. “Maybe we can feign illness.”

Siban sat back and shook his head. “Unless you’re lying in a pool of your own blood or have a hole the size of a boulder through you, illness is unbelievable.”

She scrunched up her face. “Damn.”

“Come.” He stood and pulled Rell to her feet. “Wash me so we can meet with the others.”

“If I wash you, we’ll never make it.”

“Good point.” He pulled his tunic over his head to reveal an expanse of golden skin. Rell smoothed her hand over his chest and trailed her fingers lower. He caught her hand. “You are being very uncooperative.” He kissed her hand again. “I promise after we find out what information the good Lady Tobin has for us, I will let you touch me all you want.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Not as much as I do,” he said.

Chapter Twenty-one

Lady Tobin’s private dining room was far more opulent than Rell’s room. It seemed nobility and rank had its privileges, even among the Bringers. From what she could see, Council members possessed far more material wealth than the others who lived and served at Illuma Grand.

“I hope your accommodations are adequate,” Lady Tobin asked.

Rell turned to see the older woman watching her. “Very nice, thank you.”

“My husband made his fortune as a merchant before he died.” She smiled, as if guessing Rell’s thoughts. “When I was widowed I moved to Illuma Grand to be with my daughter and grandson. Most of what I owned was given to the needy. The rest I brought here, hoping to reestablish myself.”

“It’s very lovely.” To hide her guilty reaction, Rell locked her hands behind her back. “I’m sorry about your husband.”

Warmth seeped into Lady Tobin’s smile. “Thank you, my dear. That’s very kind of you to say.” She indicated a chair at the table. “We’re not all like Lord Bagita. Most of us on the Council truly want what is best for the Bringers.” With a flowing grace, she sat in the chair next to the one she’d motioned to. “I will admit though, that it seems we’ve been remiss in our duties.”

Rell took the seat next to Lady Tobin. Siban joined them, sitting on the other side of Rell.

“My lady, I am not one to judge the actions of others,” Rell said. “I am realizing more and more that most people do the best they can with what they believe to be true.”

“Wise words.” A look of contemplation crossed Lady Tobin’s face. “You remind me of somebody.”

“She is Bowen Kendal’s daughter,” Gregory said, taking his place at the table.

The woman’s eyes widened. “But I thought Bowen only had two daughters.” Her gaze slid from Jade, who had just entered, back to Rell. “It was my understanding the oldest had been killed along with her father.”

“Not dead, my lady.” Siban covered Rell’s hand with his, folding his fingers around hers. “But nearly as good as.”

Lady Tobin’s eyebrows lifted. “I would very much like to hear the story.”

The remaining members of their party took their places at the table.

“I am afraid there is much to tell.” Gregory glanced at the gray-clad women and men who had begun delivering dishes of food to the table. “But perhaps we should enjoy this delicious meal first.”

“Perhaps that is best.” She looked toward the door, drawing Rell’s eyes as well. “Beatrice.” A wide smile spread across Lady Tobin’s thin lips. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited her to join us. She and my grandson are betrothed and I have taken her into my confidence.”

Jade waved the redhead toward the chair placed next to her and then glanced at the older woman. “As have we.”

Again Rell was struck that Jade’s friendship with Beatrice was not something new. This time the idea made her smile. It was good that she and her sister were finding their places in the world.

Two more trips brought an abundance of food Rell didn’t believe their party could consume. One of the men set a bowl of roasted potatoes next to her. His arm briefly brushed her hand and instantly the feeling of mistrust invaded her. She glanced at the man. His gaze leveled on her for a second, but then he turned and quickly left the room. Unsure what the vague feeling meant, she kept the experience to herself. Too many other things needed to be discussed right now. She would talk to Siban about it later. It would come as no surprise if Fromme had spies working within Illuma Grand. They’d already found a Splinter within the walls, so why not spies?

The meal was like nothing Rell had ever eaten, even before being turned Bane. Delphina and her mother were excellent cooks, but the sheer elegance of the meal they dined on made her feel like royalty.

“Oh, sweet Sainted ones.” Ravyn reached across the table and grabbed two figs off a large platter of fruit. “I adore these.” She bit and chewed slowly, her eyes sliding shut.

“I never get tired of watching you eat figs,” Rhys said to Ravyn.

She opened her eyes and winked at him, continuing to chew.

“Nor do I.” Luc plucked a fig off the plate and held it out to Jade. “Your turn.”

Jade leaned toward him, taking the fruit from him. “You first.”

Magnus snorted and shoved a large chunk of pork into his mouth. “Please, not here,” he said around his mouthful of food. “I’m trying to eat.”

Lady Tobin stood and ushered the servers from the room. “That will be all for now. I’ll ring when we’ve finished.” She followed them to the door. The man who had given Rell an uneasy feeling glanced toward the table, his departure slower than the rest. “Run along, Edgar.” With a gentle but steady push against his shoulder, she herded him out the door. “You wouldn’t want to keep Lord Bagita waiting.”

Edgar’s gaze jerked to Lady Tobin for a second before he pulled himself taller, lifted his chin, and marched down the hallway.

She clicked the door shut and turned to them, shaking her head. “I’m certain we’ll be getting a visit from Fromme very soon. Edgar is his snitch and I’m sure he’s off to report to him about our dinner.” Disregarding etiquette, she settled back on her chair and rested her elbows on the table. “We can speak freely. Tell me what you’ve discovered.”

All eyes turned to Gregory.

“I’m afraid the situation is grave, my lady.” He pushed away his plate and leaned forward in his chair. “The time for discretion and secrets is at an end. We found the Abyss.”

Lady Tobin gasped. “Here on Inness?”

“I’m afraid so. It gets worse,” he continued. “Vile tricked Juna, Ravyn, and Meran into opening it or at least weakening it.”

She collapsed against the back of her chair. “But how did he accomplish such a feat.”