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“I’m not scared.” She rubbed his back. “I’ve got my dragon to protect me.”

“Your dragon would rather stay here and quell the Splinter invasion,” he grumbled.

Juna pulled her arm free of Gregory’s clutch. “We’ve got to move fast. Fatima said they were to be there in three weeks’ time. That leaves little time for talk.”

“For once I agree with Juna,” Magnus said. “I say we gather provisions and head out as soon as possible.”

“Your enthusiasm is encouraging, but first we must decide who is going. There are other tasks besides this journey that require completing.” He looked at Brita and Magnus. “I’ll need you two here at the manor.” When Magnus opened his mouth to protest, Gregory held up his hand, stopping the warrior. “You will need to bring those who travel from Illuma Grand to full power.” Magnus pressed his lips together but didn’t argue. “It is imperative that I have two people I can trust. You know the ritual and I have no doubt that you can prepare the new recruits for battle.”

Magnus stroked his beard, but his brow remained furrowed. “You wish us to command the new recruits?”

“You and Brita have seen more combat than any one of us. Your knowledge of battle tactics is unparalleled.”

Siban couldn’t help but feel that though the things Gregory said were true, he was using thinly disguised flattery to gain compliance. From the look on Magnus’s face, it was working.

“If and when the need to move to Illuma Grand arises, I need somebody who will do it without hesitation,” Gregory continued. “You are an extension of me and I trust both of you completely.”

“Well.” Magnus lowered his hand to rest against his knee. “Perhaps you’re right. You will need a seasoned warrior to run things in your stead.”

“Two seasoned warriors.” Brita arched a brow at him.

“Yes, of course, two seasoned warriors. We accept.”

Siban repressed a grin, realizing that Gregory was a master of manipulation.

“What about the rest of us?” Rell asked. “What are our duties?”

Again Gregory was quiet for a minute as he regarded each of those gathered, assessing where they would be best used. He pointed to Trace, Odette, and Okee. “Travel east, south, and west. Tell the others of our quest and about the Summoners. I will write up orders tonight for you to deliver to the captains in the areas. You are in charge.” Gregory turned to the remaining seven. “We will travel north to the Threshold.”

Siban released a silent sigh, his halfhearted hope of he and Rell receiving a less dangerous mission dashed.

“I can have my ship ready by tomorrow’s evening tide,” Rhys said. “We can get more provisions at my home in Alba.”

“Excellent.” Gregory looked at Rell and Siban. “I recall mention of a wedding.”

Rell had told Jade and Ravyn about Siban’s proposal. Not surprisingly, the news had traveled quickly through the group.

“We had hoped to wed after our return from the Shadow World,” Siban said.

“Though we won’t be able to stay long, the Dragon’s Inn is on our course northward.” Gregory held out his arms and smiled. “I think we could all use something to celebrate.”

“Your mother and I found a lovely gown among Lord Le Daun’s items. It turned out just beautiful. We worked two solid days on it before she left. It will be perfect for your wedding.” Delphina stood. She bustled toward the stairs. “I’ll need to fit it to you, but I can have it ready by the time you leave.”

Rell turned to Siban. “It looks like we’re going to have a wedding.”

“Finally, you’ll be all mine.”

“As if I wasn’t already.” She leaned into him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He cupped her head and drew her to him, not satisfied with the brief kiss.

“Please tell me we’re not going to have to watch them paw each other all the way to the Frost Lands,” Luc said.

Siban broke the kiss but didn’t look at Luc. “If you’re lucky.”

Laughter rippled through the crowd and Siban kissed Rell again. Even though their wedding a few days away, he had no plans of waiting until their wedding night to show Rell what it meant to be truly joined with somebody she loved. If previous events were a glimpse into their future, there would always be some threat looming, just waiting to disrupt their lives. Taking advantage of opportunities when they arose was Siban’s new motto and he had every intention of taking advantage of the peace tonight.

Chapter Twenty-three

The door clicked behind Rell. Resisting the urge to cast a glance at Siban, she walked to the bed and then pivoted, wrapping her arm around one of the tall wooden posters. “Are you tired?”

She prayed he wasn’t. Siban slid the bolt across the door and slowly turned. Her heart skipped a beat and a flush of heat rushed through her. He looked determined and far from weary.

“No, I’m not the least bit tired.” He walked toward her, his fingers drifting down the front of his torso. He started unbuttoning his vest. “Are you?”

Her eyes watched the graceful movements of his fingers as he unhooked one button at a time until it opened. She shook her head. “No.”

With a roll of his shoulders, the vest slid down his arms and caught on his right hand. He pulled the garment free and tossed it on the chair near the fire. “What do you want to do?”

Next he undid his sword and tossed it on the chair. His attention shifted to the leather cord at the neck of his tunic. “Perhaps you’d like me to tell you a story?”

She continued to watch him, her mouth growing drier with each inch of tan flesh he exposed. “Not in the mood.”

With one seamless movement, he lifted the shirt over his head and added it to the pile on the chair. “Perhaps you’d like me to sing you a song. Maybe the lullaby my mother sang me when I was a child?”

“That might put me to sleep.” She pushed away from the bed and walked to him. Her fingers itched to feel the smooth skin spreading across his sculpted chest. She stopped so close she could feel the heat radiating from his body. “And the last thing I want to do right now is go to sleep.”

“Hmmm.” He reached for her belt and unhooked her sword from around her waist, lowering the weapon. The metal of the hilt clanked when it settled on the stone floor. With his right boot he scooted the sheath toward the chair. “Then, my lady, I am at a loss as to how I’m going to keep you entertained tonight.”

She let her hands drift over his chest and down the sides of his body. Taut muscles rippled under her touch. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

He smiled and lifted his hands to pull at the lace of her tunic. His fingertips brushed against her décolletage, sending skitters of pleasure across her skin and making her nipples tighten. “Your faith in my abilities warms my heart.”

She ran her hands over his hips and around his back to palm the tight globes of his ass. “You’ve not disappointed me thus far.”

He gave a decisive groan. “Then best I not start now.”

He brushed his lips against hers. She tilted her chin upward to meet his mouth’s caress. While he gently laid siege to her with his lips and tongue, his talented hands divested her of her tunic and undershirt.

Though the fire had been stoked in the hearth, the air in the room held a nip of chill, which he quickly chased away.

His skilled fingers found their way to her breast. Taking her nipple between his thumb and index finger, he gently squeezed. A moan escaped her and she leaned into him, loving the intense shocks of pleasure that spiked at his touch. Her tongue slid along his and when she pulled closer his arousal pressed against her stomach.

He broke their kiss and lowered his lips to her other breast, drawing her nipple into his mouth. He suckled, continuing to stroke and roll her other stiff bud to a tight peak.