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Flutters of excitement skittered through Rell’s stomach. She’d never traveled farther north than Faela. Probably because she’d spent the last thirteen years hiding from most everybody, the thought of traveling and seeing the world as a woman appealed to her. The prospect of meeting Willa’s family was another subject all together.

Rhys, Luc, and Siban left for the ship at first light. Delphina had insisted on going as well, saying she needed to prepare the ship. Dozens of voyages had been successfully undertaken without her supervision. But no more. The woman seemed to have appointed herself overseer of their comforts. As far as Rell could tell, none of the Bringers were complaining.

It was late morning and Rell only had one more thing to do before they left. The warded area of the manor vibrated along her Tell, though she couldn’t see the wards, they felt as strong as ever. She sent her awareness beyond the boundary, searching for the familiar void. She supposed she could have just shouted for Icarus, but the fact that he had never openly revealed himself to the others while at the manor, made her restrained. Better to treat him with caution than as one of their own—yet.

Her Tell skated across a black void. Instantly she recognized it. “Why do you lurk when you know I’m searching for you?”

A twig snapped and he glided from the woods. His reptilian eyes peered at her, but he appeared less tense and predatory than usual. He stopped a yard from her on the other side of the ward. “Habit I suppose.”

“I wanted to tell you that we journey for the Frost Lands.” She waited for his reaction, but when he said nothing, she continued. “We believe Vile is moving the Bringers there.”

“Yes, I believe this as well.”

She flinched. “You know this already?”

“I overheard Sha-hera speaking to the Splinter.” He flicked his horns toward the manor. “The one that now resides within.”

Rell reminded herself to never underestimate the demon. He seemed to see and know most everything that went on, though he wasn’t forthcoming with the information. She’d kept many of her questions to herself when Gregory had shared the legend of the Threshold with them. Gregory had told her to explain their situation to Icarus. “Icarus, what do you know of the Threshold?”

He shook his head. “I’ve not heard of it before. What is it?”

“I’m not exactly sure. Gregory said it is another portal to other worlds and that they thought it was only a legend.”

“Is this the place you travel to?”

“Yes. I think Vile has known about the Threshold for a very long time.”

Icarus tipped his chin downward, sticking her with his gaze. “What else do you believe, Rell?”

She cleared her throat, not completely sure she should share her suspicions. “I believe if Vile has kept your human body it would be there. Supposedly the Threshold is very dangerous. From the maps Gregory showed us, we’ll be journeying far beyond the border towns and deep into the Frost Lands. You must admit it would be the perfect place to keep something he wanted no one to find.”

He was quiet for a second and then nodded. “Perhaps.”

“Will you follow?” She didn’t say join us because she knew the demon would not and that it would be impossible to provide cover for him in populated areas.

“There are situations I must check on here first.”

Panic welled inside her. “Don’t go back into the Shadow World, Icarus. It’s too dangerous.”

His brow furrowed. “I do not think I will ever become accustomed to your concern. I cannot promise you that.” He seemed at a loss for word for a second. “But…I promise to be cautious. I have no desire to be imprisoned in the Abyss.”

“All right.” She relaxed slightly and looked over her shoulder when the jangle of the carriage sounded on the cobbled drive. “I have to go. We sail on the afternoon tide.”


She turned back to him. He took a deep breath and looked at the sky, not meeting her eyes. “If you find my body and I am not there—” His gaze tracked to her face. “Will you bring it back for me?” He swallowed hard. “Even if it’s to be buried.”

“If it is there, we will do everything in our power to bring it home.” She took a step toward him. “Everything, Icarus.”

He pursed his lips and gave a single nod. Rell knew him well enough to understand the action was his thank-you—silent, but genuine. Without another word, he strode back into the woods, and she turned and sprinted across the grounds back to the manor.

Rell, Jade, Ravyn, and Meran climbed inside the carriage. Juna refused the offer of riding within and rode her horse alongside. Trace drove the carriage and Jacob squeezed in beside Jade, leaving the three other women to cram onto one seat.

Rell found the ride to town uncomfortable. The carriage bounced and rolled, continually tossing her from one side to the other. However, her sister seemed unusually happy to be riding in the carriage instead of mounted on top of a horse. It was funny to see Jade so animated about the chance to sail again. For the entire ride, she and Ravyn retold the tale of their adventure with the Bane and how they’d single-handedly saved nearly all the crew. Though Jade had recounted the incident after it had happened, at that time Rell had been more concerned about killing Luc than in the actual magnitude of what the two women had done.

The carriage lurched to a stop. Jacob opened the door and stepped out. Noise swelled around them and the smells of the harbor invaded the cab. Jacob extended his hand, offering each of them assistance. Seagulls cried overhead, swirling and swooping to pick up pieces of fish and garbage thrown in the water by the fisherman. Shouts from the crews aboard the ships rose above the constant clatter and dock noises.

Like an encroaching storm, the swell of people pushed against Rell not only physically, but inside her mind. She strengthened her mental barriers and unlashed the small trunk on the back of the carriage that contained the gown Delphina had made her. The quicker they could be underway, the quicker she would be able to relax.

Traffic flowed around them but the many gawking stares made Rell feel out of place. She looked at her group and couldn’t help but smile. What an odd sight they must be, five women dressed in pants, and tunics, all displaying impressive weaponry.

Juna dismounted and tied the reins of her horse to the back of the carriage. Mounts would be provided once they reached Alba so Jacob would return hers to his stables. From what Ravyn said, Rhys had plenty of everything to go around.

“Safe journey.” Trace remained on his horse, his focus shifting to Rell. “And happy wedding.”

The two sentences were more than she’d heard the man speak at one time. “Thank you. Safe journey to you as well.”

He dipped his head toward them but said nothing more.

“Let me carry that, my dear.” Jacob reached for her small trunk.

“I can manage.” The box weighed very little and she couldn’t bring herself to let anybody else carry it. “But thank you.”

He smiled. “All right then. Let’s go find Lord Blackwell’s fine vessel.”

The five women and Jacob walked along the dock until they came to a beautiful black-and-red ship wedged between two larger sailing vessels. The ship bobbed, the water sloshing between the hull and the pier they stood on. The railings gleamed in the afternoon sun. Rell shielded her eyes to look up. Several men she’d never met before scurried around the deck and up the rope ladder preparing to get underway.

“Rell!” The thunder of tiny feet pattered behind her.

She turned and nearly dropped the trunk when a small boy barreled into her and wrapped his arms around her legs. “Hayden, have you been getting us ready for sea?