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They walked toward the group. Nattie’s gaze immediately targeted Ravyn among the crowd. “And you.” Instead of hugging her, Nattie gripped her chin and twisted her head left and then right, scowling. “And what is this?” She tapped Ravyn’s Tell tattoo. “You didn’t get drunk one night and have that done as a jest, did you?”

A brilliant smile spread across Ravyn’s face, her blue eyes dancing with delight. A sense of love surrounded the group, sending warmth through Rell. Nattie seemed to be an important member of the household and obviously Ravyn cared for the woman very much.

“That would have been much easier.” Ravyn gripped Nattie’s hands and pulled them away from her face. “Come, let me introduce you.” She tugged the older woman toward the group. From the way Siban stared at Nattie, he cared a lot about her as well.

“Of course you know Siban and Luc.” Ravyn waved toward the two men.

“Nattie, you’re looking as lovely as ever.” Luc stepped forward and kissed the woman’s hand.

She yanked it away. “I see you’re still as much of a scoundrel as ever.”

“Actually, I’m not.” He straightened and reached for Jade, pulling her forward. “Nattie, I’d like you to meet Jade.” He draped his arm around her shoulder. “I love her.”

“Love her?” Nattie’s gaze bounced between them and then settled on Jade. “How did you manage that one?”

“I tried to kill him,” Jade said matter-of-factly and held out her hand. “Seemed to really win him over.” She smiled. “I’ve heard many great things about you, Nattie.”

“Well, I haven’t heard nearly enough about you.” She took Jade’s hand in hers and was about to cover it with her other hand when she stopped. Slowly, she turned Jade’s palm to face up. “My, this group is full of surprises.”

“You have not heard the half of it.” Luc pulled Jade to him and stepped to the side to make room. “This is Jade’s sister, Rell. She used to be a Bane, but we healed her.” Nattie’s mouth dropped open and she moved to speak, but he cut her off. “Oh, that’s not the most amazing part.” He gave one of his charming half smiles. “As a Bane, she was the one who helped Siban escape the Shadow World, and they are to be married.”

The woman held up her hands, but seemed unable to speak. Rell smiled, not knowing what to say to this overpowering woman.

As if sensing an opening, Ravyn moved to stand beside Meran and Juna. “And these two are my sisters. Juna is the oldest, and Meran is the youngest.” She twisted to the left. “And this is Gregory. Until he crossed through the Mystic Arch, he was the Bringer King, which means his brother, who was kidnapped as a baby is still alive and here in Inness.” Ravyn paused. “Unfortunately he’s a Demon Bane, but we’re working on that.”

Nattie snapped her mouth closed and narrowed her gaze on the group. “You’re trying to kill me with all of this, aren’t you?”

“You’ll get used to it,” Delphina slipped in.

“And of course…” Ravyn ushered the woman and her children forward. “This is Delphina, Serena, Hayden, and sweet baby Jenna.”

Nattie eyed the group suspiciously. “You Bringers too?”

“No.” Moving forward a few steps, Delphina extended her hand. “Lady Ravyn took us in and I tried to tend this lot when we was in Faela.”

“It’s quite a task, isn’t it?” Nattie said.

Delphina nodded. “I see you’re a woman of great understanding in this matter. Perhaps you could give me a few pointers.”

Appreciation glinted in Nattie’s eyes. “Indeed I can.” She glanced back to Rhys. “And you’re going to tell me everything that has happened so far.”

Rhys leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “We will give you the whole story at dinner, though I doubt you’ll be happy to hear it.”

“I suspect you’re right.” She sighed. “Well, go find your rooms. Your chambers have been ready for some time.” She looked at Delphina. “You and the children come with me. I’ve got a lovely pot of tea brewing and freshly baked honey and biscuits.” Nattie turned and strode toward the kitchen, calling over her shoulder. “Rhys, I’ll leave you to showing the others where they can sleep.”

“Of course.” He smiled and shook his head. “It’s so good to see you again, Nattie.”

With a dismissive wave, she disappeared through the archway.

From Nattie’s bossy demeanor, Rell got the impression that she ruled Alba Haven, and unless Rhys intervened, Nattie’s word was law.

Siban’s arm slipped around her waist. “I’ll show you my quarters.”

A thrill rippled through her. This would be the first time she’d see where Siban had lived during his dark days after escaping the Shadow World. She wondered what other things she’d learn about the man she’d fallen in love with during the most tumultuous time of her life.

Chapter Twenty-six

Instead of heading up the spiral staircase that had handrails fashioned into dragons, Siban lead Rell to a door that sat behind the stairwell, partially hidden. Beyond the door the hall was a comfortable width, not narrow as she expected. Small, arched windows illuminated the walk along an extension that connected whatever was at the end to the main building.

Siban slowed. A door carved with vines and flowers stood before them.

“These are my chambers.” He reached for the forged handle and settled on the metal. He turned to her. “Outside of Rhys and Nattie, nobody has ever been inside.” He smiled, almost as if he was embarrassed. “Until now I’ve never wanted to share it with anybody.”

“I’m glad you’ve chosen me,” Rell said, her interest piqued.

He pressed his thumb against the latch and pushed the door open. What she expected was a dark and sparse room. When he opened the door it was as if he’d opened up a passage to another world. On three walls glass reached from floor to ceiling and sunlight lay bands of white gold across the stone floor. The forth wall was solid stone. A huge hearth stretched from the center outward, taking up a third of the wall.

She stepped inside, surprised by how warm the afternoon sun made the room. “It’s an atrium.”

“Yes. Rhys let me stay here after I returned.” He followed her inside. “The glass helped me to not feel closed in and the vibrations of the plants soothed the darkness.”

A tree grew in the center of the room and beneath it sat Siban’s bed. The canopy was draped in green chiffon, with a border of darker green velvet around the bottom edge. A thick duvet of the same green velvet covered the mattress and the head of the bed was piled high with sumptuous pillows.

Rell circled the tree and the bed, running her hand across the top of the soft material. “It’s beautiful.”

He smirked. “I’ve spent many a sleepless night here.”

“And hopefully you’ll spend many more.” Her hand drifted up the poster and she leaned against it. “But this time I’ll be here to get you through those hours.”

“I think I’d like that very much.”

She gave him a coy smile. “As would I.”

Her gaze continued around the atrium. Among the plants sat a large wardrobe. Vines grew over the top, making it blend in as if part of nature. Stone paths branched out from the middle of the room and between them grew various plants and flowers. Two white butterflies flittered among the late-season blooms. Each piece of furniture blended so well within the living vegetation, that Rell wouldn’t have been surprised to see a bird perched in the tree.

A large table near the window caught her eye. Bottles and glazed clay dishes sat in neat order and a glass filled with paintbrushes rested on a smaller table. Sheets of paper lay spread in orderly disarray on the top. She turned to him, her brow crinkling. “Do you paint?”

“Yes.” He joined her at the table and lifted one of the pieces of parchment. “I stopped for a while but had begun again before I left for Faela.”