"No, I want to think about Sheldon Electronics this morning. I want to call them in Dallas and wrap up the account once and for all. We're through with them, of course, but I do want to make one final, follow-up call. You go ahead, Stan. Give Hendricks and Reardon your best effort, and-and I'm sorry for my mood."
"Forget it, Chief," Stan said, pleased by his boss's apology.
Stan left and just then his phone rang. It was Maria.
"Well," Vern said, beaming. "To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Does Dream-Date bill me for all these phone calls?"
She laughed her beautiful, warm laugh. "No, sir. This is purely social. Well, it does regard your clients, but there will be no charge."
"What's up?" Vern said.
"I just talked to Randolph Reardon, and guess what."
"He wants to take me to lunch today. Is that all right?"
"Sure. You're supposed to be my fianc'e, remember? Hell, you ought to be able to score some mighty fine points, especially since he'll feel guilty fooling around with my bride-to-be. But don't make him feel too guilty. I mean, keep him on my side, no matter what else you do."
"That's why I'm calling. He definitely wants to do something. It seems he and Hendricks had a little private conversation last night. Would you believe that those two upstanding, high-powered businessmen want to fool around?"
"Of course," Vern said. "After your sessions with them last night out on the golf course I should think they would. What do they want?"
"Well, I played a little trump card. I told Reardon that I might be busy with Hendricks, but that I'd get back to him. He said-you won't believe this-that we should make it a threesome, or even a foursome."
"Jesus, people are funny, aren't they?" Vern said. "So they want to have some kind of orgy, huh?"
"I don't know about Hendricks, but Reardon does. What do you think if I set up a little foursome? I could get my roommate-Judy Thor, another Dream-Date girl-for one of them and we could have a foursome."
"That sort of leaves me holding my pecker out in the cold," Vern said.
Maria laughed. "Well, not really, dear. Remember it would be strictly for business reasons, strictly to advance the cause of Shipley Research. No, you won't be out in the cold and you know it. I'll take care of you whenever you say, Vern. Do you think I should set up something? Tell me. I do think I might be able to use such a situation to good advantage for you."
"All right," Vern said. "Use your own judgment. After last night, I'll never question anything you do."
"Good, then I'll try to set something up. Judy Thor is available."
"Fine," Vern said, "but keep me apprised of the dates and results, and please don't get hung-up on any of those old fools."
"Don't worry. Bye-bye. I'll probably call you later to report."
Vern hung up then. He wondered what Maria's roommate and Dream-Date employee, Judy Thor, was like. In a way, he was envious of his prospective clients. If an orgy took place, he would like to be a part of it instead of simply getting "reports" from Maria. Yes, he decided, he would have to discuss this possibility with Maria. The trouble was, how could he possibly manage it when both Hendricks and Reardon thought Maria was his fianc'e?
Vern took a long, solitary, leisurely lunch. He wondered just how much extra Dream-Date would charge him for Maria's extra efforts with Hendricks and Reardon. He hoped that Lance Gregory arid Maria weren't trying to fleece him. Such things had happened before-to plenty of men. He believed Maria, trusted her motives, but he would have to keep his eyes open. Then, too, there was that warning business regarding Roscoe Snyder. What did it all mean? He did not know. He would simply have to wait and see. Actually, money was not the issue right now. If he could satisfy both Hendricks and Reardon, his money problems would be over forever. Yes, if he could sign both O.A.R. and Reardon Systems International, he didn't care if Dream-Date charged him $10,000!
For some reason, Vern's thoughts turned to Ellen as he ate his dessert. He had been cruel to her last night, to be sure. The poor girl had no idea his prick was raw from his session with Maria. She had been only trying to make him happy, and he had behaved unforgivably. Impulsively, he paid his check and left the restaurant.
In his office once again, he dialed Ellen's number at the school. It was after lunch and she would be teaching, of course, but he had to make an apology. The office girl said she would summon Ellen Lanning from the classroom, and in a few minutes Ellen's voice answered, "Hello?"
"It's me, dear," Vern said. "I think it would be awkward to send a dozen roses to the school, so in lieu of that will you please accept an apology from the world's nastiest bastard?"
"Yes," Ellen whimpered. "But you-you were absolutely heartless. I've never seen you so-"
"I know," Vern interrupted, "but I want to make it up to you." Vern did not understand his own feelings at that moment. He truly-for the first time in his life-felt that he was in love with two women at the same time. "Can I see you tonight, Ellen? Please? I want to take you out to dinner. You see, sweet, I've had an awful lot on my mind lately-those two big accounts I told you about, I mean. You have no idea the kind of worrying I do. Please forgive me and have dinner with me?"
"All right, darling," Ellen said, completely won over. "And-and we can do all our favorite things afterwards?" She giggled.
"Yes, of course. You know your brand of loving is addictive. How could I ever get along without you?" Vern actually felt his prick stirring within his pants. He could not believe Ellen could wield such power over him-plump and plain Ellen. Although he shared something very special with Maria, he apparently still craved Ellen, too.
"Do you want me to meet you, or what?"
"If you don't mind, yes," Vern said. "I'll make a reservation at the Mediterranean on La Cienega for six-thirty."
"Fine, darling," Ellen said. "Oh, you've made my day! My students even noticed that I was distraught, but now they'll see the difference." She made kissing sounds. "See you there at six-thirty. If you're late, I'll be in the bar."
The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Vern made his call to Dallas regarding Sheldon Electronics. They were completely happy with the results they were getting. They had successfully revamped their advertising approach and made the personnel changes Stan Kettering had recommended. The president was delighted and even told Vern he had several friends-heads of companies-who might soon be contacting Vern's firm for consultation services.
It was nearly 5:00 when Maria once again called to inform Vern that her lunch with Randolph Reardon had yielded some very interesting results.
"I'm having dinner with him tonight," Maria said. "And I convinced Hendricks that he should join us and meet my beautiful girlfriend, Judy Thor."
Vem felt mixed feelings. "So will it be just four people fucking, with me picking up Dream-Date's tab, or will it help Shipley Research? I mean, just what is going on specifically? Would you mind letting me in on your plan, or do you have a plan?"
"Vern! Do I detect a hint of jealousy? Darling, these men actually believe I'm cheating on you because I find them irresistible. Don't you get the significance of that? Heck, I could even threaten to blackmail them if they don't do whatever you want them to do. I could subtly imply I'll tell their wives on theml This is the best possible thing that could happen!"
Vern nearly dropped the phone. "Yes, I see what you mean. Wow! But go easy on the-the blackmail part, huh? I mean, I may be aggressive, but thus far I've never been ruthless. Blackmail? I don't like the idea, but-but do whatever you think best. As I told you before, I trust your judgment. Do whatever you think is necessary and let me know what happened tomorrow…first thing in the morning."