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Victoria grinned up at the sweating youth in triumph.

Her moment of triumphant feeling was abruptly obliterated when the wildly humping youth started slapping her face.

"Cum, bitch!" he snapped. "Cum, damn you!"

Scott's hand flew back and forth like a fast action windshield wiper as he slapped her with his open palm in one direction, then with the back of his hand on the return swing. He repeated that very rapidly several times, causing Victoria's head to turn back and forth with the fast blows.

Stinging pain seared both of her cheeks as he slapped her, and she had a fleeting moment when she feared he was breaking her jaw with the violence of his hard slapping.

She wanted to cry out with the abominable pain. But she knew she mustn't. The boy was obviously out of his mind, and she didn't doubt that he would punch her like a boxer attacking an opponent if she cried out. Tears blurred her vision and she kept her teeth clenched to keep from biting her tongue off with the impacts of his rapid-fire blows.

And, all the while Scott was slapping Victoria so cruelly, his ass kept pumping and his hard cock kept plundering her pussy at incredible speed. She had never imagined a man could fuck a woman that hard or that fast.

As the outrageous slapping and fucking went on, Victoria's head being knocked first one way and then the other, she could hear the other two men laughing stupidly at her and Scott. How she hated those callous bastards!

"Scott's real big on slapping," she heard Chuck saying.

After what seemed a long period of time to Victoria, during which she was aware of nothing but the cruel pounding of her pussy and the sharp blows to each side of her face, the young maniac abruptly stopped. Keeping his prick embedded in her burning cunt, he supported himself above her on stiff arms. His pupils were dilated and his tongue hung out as he panted in her face.

Then she felt it.

Scott's prick pulsed in her pussy and he sucked in a deep breath, his face contorted as he climaxed.

Victoria's cunt was almost numb from all the rough fucking, but she could feel the boy's hot cum spurting with surprising force in the depths of her cock-stuffed pussy. There were multiple spurts of his jism as he unloaded his balls into her body. He was cumming so much that it felt to her as if she were being given an enema in her cunt.

Scott suddenly hung his head when he had finished shooting his cum-load into his helpless captive, and his blond hair brushed Victoria's face as she felt his weight sink down on her, his chest flattening her chained tits. Cum foamed out around Scott's embedded cock, running down into Victoria's ass crevice.

She shuddered at the obscene sensation.

But she smiled then, despite the burning pain in her cheeks and the disgrace of having an overflowing pussy. She had beat them again! It was Scott's cum that burbled from her cunt, not hers.

He had not succeeded in bringing her to orgasm.

"Couldn't get her off, huh, Scotty?" Chuck teased.

Scott lay quietly atop the chained blonde, his sweat creating a clammy slime between their bodies as breathed hard, his chin jutting into the hollow of her shoulder.

"Damn you," he whispered bitterly.

Raul was jacking off again, getting his colossal cock good and hard for the next assault on Victoria's unresponsive cunt.

"C'mon, Scott," he said, standing up. "Get off the bitch and make room for a real man."

Scott pulled his softening cum-slimed cock from Victoria's pussy and rose to his feet. He obviously couldn't meet her withering gaze with his eyes. He turned and left the board, joining Chuck at the pool's edge.

The big naked Mexican strutted jauntily out onto the diving board, displaying his extraordinary hunk of cock meat for the chained blonde to gaze upon. She shivered at the sight of such a big cock, and her apparent fear only served to make his cock harder.

"You ready for the dick of death, blondy?"

Victoria closed her eyes to the hideous sight, unable to keep up her bravado. She couldn't imagine having a thing like that freakish cock of Raul's crammed up her cunt. She wished she could pass out and get through this without any awareness of what was happening.

"It's gettin' pretty late guys," Chuck said. "No use takin' any chances out here this late. Let's take her in the house."

In the house? Oh, God! Victoria realized that, once they took her inside, she could scream her head off and nobody in the outside world would bear a thing. There would be no possibility of escape then. They would literally fuck her to death!

"I want to fuck her ass," Raul said, hesitating as he stood between her legs. "Lemme fuck her first."

"You can fuck her ass in the house," Chuck said, rising and stretching. "Unfasten the chains."

Oh, yes, Victoria thought. Unfasten the chains! Dear God, get those horrid cold chains off me.

As if reading her mind, Chuck pointed a finger at her. "One peep outta you, Vicky, and you're gonna find out just how Goddamned mean Raul can get. Got that?"

"Yes," she said in a meek voice.

But her spirit was not meek yet. Her mind was racing. She knew this would be her absolute last chance at escape, and she was going to try. She figured she had nothing to lose now.

Scott slipped into the water and swam out beneath the diving board, where he helped Raul unfasten the unnecessarily heavy chains that kept Victoria's wrists and ankles secured beneath the board. There were laud clanking and clattering sounds as Raul pulled all the chains aloft, finally freeing the blonde captive's aching body from restraint.

Scott swam back to the edge and lifted himself out of the water. Raul stepped off the board onto the concrete and stood there, holding the chains and watching Victoria with narrowed eyes as she strained to move her limbs.

Victoria moaned in agony as she raised her arms and legs and tried to straighten her body out on the board. The muscles in her arms and legs seemed frozen into immobility from the long time in restraint, and it took her a moment to regain use of her limbs and sit up.

Cum gurgled from her abused cunt as she sat up, forming a warm and slimy pool under her naked ass. Two men had already dumped their cum-loads in her pussy, and she wrinkled her nose as she looked down at the obscene overflow. But she was still proud that she had not added her own cum to that slimy mess in her crotch.

"Get up, cunt!" Raul commanded, rattling the chains he held. "In the house."

Victoria struggled to her feet, almost losing her balance and toppling into the pool. How her legs ached. But she knew she had to make those sore muscles work, and fast. Even as she slowly made her way off the diving board and stepped onto the concrete, the adrenaline was already pumping, preparing those frozen leg muscles for a flight for her life.

"C'mon, get a move-on," Chuck urged, swatting her bare ass.

Suddenly, Victoria lurched to one side and made a mad dash for the high fence. At the same time, she started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Help! Anybody! Help me!" she shrieked as she made a flying leap, clutching desperately at the rough tile along the top of the wall. "Rape! Rape!"

But, before she could get her numb arm muscles to pull her weight upward, the three men were on her like a pack of wild dogs hitting her, jerking at her arms, puffing her hair and clamping big hands over her mouth. She tumbled to the pass, rolling into a naked ball in a futile attempt to protect herself as they slapped her face and kicked her in the ribs and stomped her hands and tore at her hair.

Victoria Halstead fully expected to die right then and there, beaten to death in her lovely back yard while the neighbors watched television in their homes, so nearby. Visions of the horror that was coming flashed through her fevered mind visions of the neighbors finding her naked and bloody body the next day, too late. Cum would still be running out of her raw cunt, and her beautiful green eyes would be staring, unseeing, at the scorching sun above. Her mouth would probably be open, her tongue hanging out. Dear God, she thought, losing all hope. What a wretched, inglorious end for an innocent girl from Ireland. How had things ever come to this? How?