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"That's all right," Raul said in his deep voice. "It'll be more fun this way."

"The bitch is awake." Chuck said, standing with his hands on his hips and looking down at her.

The big Mexican dropped his chain and stomped over to where Victoria lay on the concrete. He grabbed her long blonde hair and jerked her head up, snarling angrily down at her.

"You stupid whore!" he bellowed. "We're either gonna fuck you or kill you and I don't much give a shit which way it goes, understand?"

He whipped a glinting dagger from the holster at his side touching the razor-sharp edge of the blade lightly to Victoria's delicate throat.

It was then that she realized she had missed a lot while she had been in her daze. Wanting to push the knife away from her throat, she discovered her wrists were bound behind her back with rope or something. Then she found that her ankles were also tied securely. She trembled in terror, hating the awful sensation of that knife blade against her throat.

"I mean it, bitch," Raul said, his dark eyes glinting with evil. "I'll cut your Goddamned throat if you act up again. Got that, blondy?"

"Yes," Victoria rasped meekly, lying quite still.

Chuck squatted down beside her, gently drawing Raul's hand and the knife away from her throat.

"It's too soon, Raul," Chuck said condescendingly. "Let's have our fun with her then you can slit her fuckin' throat, for all I care. But I wanna fuck her while she's alive and warm, man."

"Yeah!" Scott agreed, still fumbling with chains and manacles. "I don't wanna fuck no dead chick. Raul. You put that fuckin' blade away till later."

"Oh, dear God in heaven!" Victoria cried loudly, squirming on the hot concrete. "Why me?"

"Why you?" Chuck mocked her. "Because you're a cunt, and you're here that's why."

Victoria started crying, writhing in misery as they laughed at her helplessness. Warm tears streaked down each side of her pretty face, running into her hairline. Her vision blurred with burning tears and she felt as if she might vomit.

"Hey, Chuck," Scott called. "We gonna fuck her out here or in the house?"

"Let's do it out here." Raul suggested, sliding his dagger back into its holster. "Be easy to dip her in the pool to clean her up between fucks."

"She's liable to start yellin' for help again," Scott said, staring at the twin peaks of her tits. "I say we ought to take her inside."

"I'll fix her up so she won't do any more yelling," Chuck said.

He untied the red bandanna on his head and started wadding it up as he moved it toward Victoria's face.

"Oh, no! Please!" she gasped. "Don't gag me I can't stand that! I'll keep quiet I promise."

"We can't take any chances," Chuck said, pushing the wadded bandanna against her lips. "C'mon, now, open up like a good girl."

"Oh, please!" she begged, turning her face quickly away.

Ignoring her plea, Chuck crammed the rag into her mouth forcefully. Victoria was disgusted. She could taste the big guy's salty sweat on the smelly bandanna as it filled her mouth, and she despised those masculine flavors and odors. She groaned through the nauseating gag, hoping she wouldn't throw up and choke to death on her own vomit.

"There," Chuck said, once he had crammed as much of the bandanna as possible into her mouth. "That ought to keep you quiet."

"Let's get the chains on her." Raul urged. "How about chaining her to the diving board? That way, if her pussy gets too hot from all the fuckin', we can dunk her and cool her off."

"You and your damned chains!" Chuck said, shaking his head. "Those ropes are doin' just fine, man. You don't see her goin' anywhere, do you?"

"Aw, Chuck!" Scott whined. "Let us chain the bitch up. All women belong in chains, far as I'm concerned."

"Yeah," Raul agreed. "The only good woman's a chained woman. It makes 'em hot, man."

"It makes me hot, too," the blond youth said, leering at Victoria's naked, bound body.

Victoria couldn't believe it. Scott looked like such a nice, clean-cut young man. But he was obviously as warped as the other two guys maybe worse, judging from the way he kept fondling those chains and manacles so fondly.

Looks can certainly be deceiving, Victoria thought.

While the guys discussed what to do with her, she kept thinking about something she hadn't had much time to seriously consider. One of them had called her by her name when they first came over the wall. How did they know who she was?

A horrid thought kept flitting through her mind, something eerie and formless, like a bat flitting about in a dark cave a thought so hideous she couldn't really bring herself to focus on it.

Was it possible that her frustrated husband had sent these barbarians to punish her for her coldness? Was that the real reason Andy had left town? Surely not!

Andy was a bit peculiar, but he wasn't insane.


While Chuck went in the house in search of beer, Raul and Scott removed the ropes from Victoria's wrists and ankles, gleefully replacing them with heavy metal manacles and chains.

If Victoria hadn't been gagged, she could have told the maniacs there was no beer in the house. She and Andrew had no taste for such low-class beverages, preferring fine wines and delicate liqueurs.

When they had the manacles secured on her, the two guys picked Victoria up and carried her around the pool to the low diving board at the deep end.

"Look at that pink little-girl pussy," said Scott, who had her feet. "Man, that's eatin' stuff!"

"She's got a cute butt on her," Raul said. "I'm gonna fuck that sweet ass, too."

"Don't you ever fuck pussy, man?"

"Not when there's a hot ass like hers around."

The chains clattered as they hauled Victoria out onto the diving board. They laid her out lengthwise on the springy board.

Then a brief argument ensued over whether she should be bound face down or face up. Raul wanted her on her stomach, and Scott wanted her on her back. Chuck came out of the house with a bottle of wine and settled the argument she would be bound face up.

The ass-crazy Mexican muttered irritably about the decision, but be helped Scott wrap the cold heavy chains around the prone young woman, binding her securely to the diving board.

When they finished securing the chains, Victoria was lying on her back atop the board, her manacled wrists fastened together beneath the board. Her ankles were also secured beneath the board, which caused her legs bent at the knees and spread to be sprawled open like those of a frog. The position made her pretty pussy gape open, revealing the glistening pink inner cunt folds.

Heavy chains criss-crossed her chest, making a big X between her upthrust tits. Her ripe nipples stood atop the pale mounds of her tits like cherries atop luscious mounds of whipped cream, and her long blonde hair cascaded over the edges of the diving board, hanging down and glinting in the eerie light from the pool beneath.

Satisfied with their handiwork, Scott and Raul abandoned Victoria, joining Chuck at pool side.

The three guys stood around and guzzled wine from the bottle, all of them staring hungrily at the chained woman while they passed the bottle around like winos in a park.

While they polished off that fine vintage in such an uncouth manner, Victoria kept trying to use her tongue to push that wadded-up bandanna out of her mouth hoping to gain another opportunity to cry out for help. But it was impossible. Chuck had crammed the entire bandanna into her mouth, and now that wet rag was wedged in quite securely. She couldn't budge it with her tongue.

Victoria kept wondering why these punks weren't ransacking the house for jewelry and other valuables. In the back of her mind, she already knew the reason. But her conscious mind simply would not accept the obvious that Andrew had arranged to have her terrorized by these young barbarians. It just couldn't be!