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Detective Collins came three-tenths of a second after her final plea. He spiked in his full length, felt her shudder and heard her scream. His cock jetted cum like a broken fire hose and she shrilled with delight each time she took a stinging hot deep spurt.

He caught his breath. "Does that all mean that you want to marry me?" he asked suddenly.

"Oh yes! I want first cum on that monster cock. But there's one small problem…"

"What's that?"

"I-I don't know your first name."

"It's Dick," he said. "What else could you call a detective with almost fourteen inches of cock?"

She shuddered and screamed as his searing hot cum shot into her ass.

"Oh, Long Dick… eat your heart out. You've been out-fucked again!"

"Now you be kind to that boy," Dick Collins said. "He's my cousin and it's not his fault he came from the cock-poor side of the family and was only gifted with a puny twelve inches."


Miss Stark was on edge all day, unable to concentrate on library business. Losing her precious virginity and being fucked repeatedly the night before had disordered her mind. The thrill of unwanted pleasure confused her completely. Her own body had betrayed her strictest beliefs, and she simply could not admit that she'd enjoyed what those young men did to her.

She realized now that it had been a mistake to involve the police. Her own deviant sex secrets had come perilously close to public exposure. Prudence was shocked and deeply hurt when none of the girls so heinously violated along with her would press charges, or even admit that a crime had been committed. She refused to believe they'd all enjoyed losing their purity. Even though they'd given themselves willingly, their chorus of scream and tortured wails still echoed in her mind.

At noon, she saw Cindy, a beautiful young blonde member of her lesbian cult who'd been working on a term paper the night before. She missed out on the savage debauchery that defiled the other girls and their sacred temple.

Cindy had come to the library on her lunch hour to get books she needed for her research. Miss Stark helped her find them and then invited the girl into her office. The cute little blonde grinned strangely when Prudence kissed her and fondled her budding young breasts as she had many times before.

"I thought after what happened last night that you'd be more interested in finding a man," Cindy said. "Or maybe a horny high school boy."

"You know about last night?" Miss Stark asked, blushing.

"Everyone does. All the girls have been talking about it. The guys too. They're delighted to have a dozen more eager cunts on campus. Some of the girls are fucking right now instead of eating lunch."

Miss Stark trembled in horror. "Oh, my God! My sweet, innocent girls. At least I still have you, Cindy. I want you to come to my house tonight. I'll help you with your term paper and we'll make love with the pure and tender passion that only two women can share."

"Forget it!" the girl said bluntly. "My paper is almost done and I have a date with a great looking guy tonight. I know he wants to fuck me, and I'm not afraid any more. Gloria and the other girls all say it's a lot better than just rubbing clits and eating each other's cunts."

"Gloria!" snarled Miss Stark. "That lewd little bitch!"

Cindy just shrugged and flounced out of the librarian's office.

At the door she turned and looked back. "If you want a big hot prick tonight, my boy friend has a brother in college who likes getting it on with older women. I could set you up."

"Get out of here!" Miss Stark screamed. "I never want to see you or any of the other girls again!"

"That's good," said the impudent young blonde, "because the feeling is mutual. We all want cock. Especially Gloria, she's going crazy trying to find one big enough to please her."

"Uuungh!" Miss Stark raged, slamming her office door. Then her lips curled into a devious grin. She sat at her desk and called the high school. Using her authority as head librarian, she was able to have Gloria brought to the phone.

"Gloria," Miss Stark said very sweetly. "I must talk to you."

The redhead told her: "Everything's cool. If you don't make trouble, neither will I."

"It's not about that, Gloria. There's a friend of mine I want you to meet."

"If it's another dyke, forget it."

"I'm talking about a man, a distinguished college professor doing research on adolescent sexual behavior. He's interviewing young girls recently… initiated, shall we say."

"Oh, shit! I don't want to talk about sex. I want to do it! I've gotta find a cock as big and beautiful as that one that got you your first time."

Miss Stark winced, remembering all too well.

"Professor McKane has one, I can assure you. And I know he'll want to do more than talk. He did with me, and I know he likes beautiful young girls even mere."

"He's really got a big one?" Gloria asked.

"Ooooh, yes! Girls at the college where he teaches call him 'Horse Cock' McKane."

"Hhhmrnrn, when can I meet him?"

"Tonight at the temple. I won't be there, but he'll be waiting for you at eight. I'll leave the back door unlocked for you."

"I'll be there," Gloria said excitedly. "But where will you be?"

"Oh here… I have a date."

"With a man?"

"Most definitely with a man!" Miss Stark was grinning slyly, planning the costume she would wear as Professor McKane. A man's suit, a wig, a beard and a mustache. And, of course, a realistic artificial cock… the biggest one she could find.

If her fallen virgins wanted to feel prick, Miss Stark was going to give it to them. She planned to have Horse Cock McKane interview them all.

It was near midnight when Letha and Dick Collins parked in the alley behind Miss Stark's old Victorian home.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Collins asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. She has to be up to something. Calling in the police didn't satisfy her, and she obviously hasn't learned to enjoy sex the way a woman should."

"Yeah, but I've found one who does," Collins said. "And I'd rather be home in bed fucking you right now."

"You've fucked me front and back four times already," Letha replied.

They kissed in the dark shadows, thrusting their tongues back and forth. She fondled the huge prick she'd fallen so madly in love with. "Hhhmmm," he growled. "Keep that up and I'm going to fuck you again right here in the front seat of the car."

Before Letha could answer, they were both jarred by the sound of a hissing whip crack and a girl's shrill scream.

"That's Gloria's voice coming from the basement," Letha said. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"I don't know, but it sounds like fun. Let's find out."

They both leaped out of the car and went up the back steps. The door was unlocked, and they lost no time getting into the darkened house.

Letha led the way to the basement stairs. She hadn't bothered with her Phantom disguise since Miss Stark had seen through it anyway but she had worn her high black boots and a wet look mini-skirt along with a clinging black sweater that showed the proud thrust of her firm tits.

As they reached the head of the stairs, they heard Gloria's voice cry from below.

"Nnnnooo! God! Please… don't stick that awful big cock in me again! You know I can't stand it! It must be sixteen inches long!"

Letha stopped. "Sixteen inches? This I've got to see!"

Then they heard a strange man's voice laugh.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? I was told you were anxious to find a cock big enough to please your faithless cunt!"

The whip cracked again. The sound echoed up the stairwell like a rifle shot, followed quickly by Gloria's tortured scream.

"Yes, I want a big cock. But not that big! It's-it's inhuman!"

"All men are inhuman," the deep voice declared. "They ravage and despoil women with their beastly lust."