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“Don’t you see that that is one of the reasons I admire you.” She took a step, then another until she pressed herself against him.

“Don’t press me when we both know you’d never accept me like I want.”

“Yes I would,” she said sounding desperate. His hands curled around her arms and shook her.

“No, you wouldn’t and neither would your brother.”

She opened her mouth, stunned, but he saw the truth in her eyes and knew he was right.

Where she came from, the males in the family, in this case, her brother, dictated whom she mated with, whom she married. And Heru would never let a half-vampire, half-demon touch his sister. He was basically the bottom of the food chain to him.

“Now you know. Now get out of my room, Nanu.”

That damn look of determination crossed over her face. In the next second, her mouth was plastered against his, soft and needy. Her tongue licked across the seam of his lips then pushed inside. A groan escaped him.

She pressed closer, and he jerked away from her, stalking to the bedroom door. He

opened it and nodded to the hall.

“Get out.”

Nanu stalked to him with the same determined look in her eyes. Henry steeled himself.

Had to or she’d run all over him.

“Why can’t you just let us be together? I don’t get you.” Anger bit at her words. Henry clenched his jaw left and right.

“That’s why, Nanu, because you don’t get it. You don’t see what I really want. Now get out before I call your brother.”

She stiffened, her mouth flattening into a hard line, then stormed out. Henry closed the door behind her with a sigh, resting his sweaty forehead on the door. How he wished things were simpler, easier. But he and Nanu couldn’t be together.

Chapter Fifteen

The heavy patter of feet beat after her. Willow’s heart raced loudly in her ears, blocking out everything but her quick breathing and the sound of leaves rustling behind her.

Alphas Lyonis Keelan was quick in human form, but as a wolf, she barely stood a

chance. Inwardly she grinned. That one chance was all she needed. Sprinting over fallen trees, Willow ran with a different kind of fear pushing her. Not the fear of death but the fear of what might happen if she were caught.

I will not let him have me. It took several seconds for her mind to register that the thundering of paws had stilled.

She didn’t stop. Willow broke through the tree line and came to the side of a road.

Panting, she turned, searching the forest. Shit, shit, shit. No fur, no man, nothing. A car whizzed by and then she started running again, across the street and into a field filled waist high with rows of wheat.


Coming to a stop halfway through the field, Willow spun in a circle looking for anyone, anything. She was winded and, dammit, she knew she was in better shape than that. It must be the new moon. She needed sex. It’s what fed the succubus, kept her strong and healthy.

“Not with him, ever.”

A soft noise brought her to a standstill. She held her breath, made her racing heart slow so she could hear.

As the hard weight of an animal came crashing into her back, she had only one thought—

no animal could ever be that quiet. The heavy mass of fur above her contorted, twisted, with only a whisper of sound—a purr, and then he was on top of her, breathing steady and sure as he thrust his hips against her bottom and spread her legs with his knees.

“You please me,” he said, the syllables guttural and harsh as if his voice hadn’t

completely changed back yet.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Alpha.” She cocked her arm and sent her elbow flying back. Sweet relief coursed through her as bone connected with jaw. The purring turned to a sharp, snapping growl and she had the feeling he was trying to reprimand her. “I’m not an animal,” she bit out.

He moved so fast, she had no way to prepare herself. He lifted her chest off the wheat-flattened ground and wrapped one arm around her, trapping both of her arms at her side.

“That’s much better. Behave and I’ll make you feel good.” Exhaustion, lust, shit,

something came over her and made her completely stupid. Willow rested her forehead on the ground and let her body feel as the Alpha petted her. Indignation quickly flared inside her but for once, her body tampered it down as if to say: this one time; this one concession. You need this.

His arm held her tightly poised body as his free hand roamed over her arm, her shoulder, then down her back. Again and again that’s all he touched. The touch was deceptively soothing, cunningly disarming. Baring her teeth, she bucked her hips hard against him.

He winced and bit the back of her neck. Something not unpleasureable flodded through her. A gush of hot cream flooded her channel and doused her already wet panties. She heard him inhale with a satisfied sound.

“I knew you’d like my touch. Your scent is lush and rich. I like it.” He arched his hips into the crevice of her cheeks to prove his point. “I’m glad to know you’re ready for me, my Willow.” His free hand found the bare skin of her lower back, flattened his palm there. She was burning up but his touch was feverishly hot against her. His touch was sweet, reassuring. Willow hated it.

She fought hard now, twisting and squirming until finally she was turned around face to face with the Alpha. They were both breathing hard. His eyes tracked over her face, down her flushed neck and chest.

“If you wanted to look at me, you had only to ask, Willow.” Willow gave him a sarcastic smile. What he didn’t realize as he plotted his already-going-to-fail seduction was that she now had another weapon at her disposal—her teeth.

He didn’t have much leverage on her now, so he used his body to weigh her down. And it was like having a truck sit on top of her. A hot, sexy truck. He tried to spread her legs open again, but she fought it until her thigh muscles burned in protest. She bared her teeth at him when he finally won. He quickly took the opportunity to press his straining erection against her wet, soft core.

She moaned at the delicious pressure, there was no stopping it. He made a satisfied, gruff sound then pulled up her shirt in jerky movements. Either her reactions were slowing or he was moving faster because he quickly had her athletic bra pushed up and a nipple in his mouth.

The sucking sensations were too much and not enough. Willow grabbed his hair and

pulled back hard. He lifted from her with a growl, quickly grabbing her hands in one of his and planting them above her head.

“No! I don’t want you. Do you hear me, Lyonis? No! ” He stilled above her, his eyes finding hers. His hips pumped once, letting her feel the hard-ridged length of his cock, the bump of his head through her damp shorts.

“What your body and scent tell me disagrees with you, Willow. I promise only to take care of you. That’s why I’m here. I am your Protector. You can’t survive the new moon without me. We both know that.”

She shook her head wildly. “No, I’ll find someone else. Not you.” He laughed at her.

Actually laughed!

“What, find some little human you can command to sit and stay? You need a real man, a shapeshifter,” he purred, his tongue licking a hot path from shoulder to ear. He was so...cat like.

She did not like it. If she wanted a cat, she’d buy one.

“I don’t need to be broken in.” His teeth traced the shell of her ear, enticing her to stay still and simply feel his touch, and wonder wildly what he was going to do next.