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“See, I knew you could laugh. It had to be somewhere in there.” Tyrian cleared his throat and carried her out of the bathroom.

“What do you want me to tell Telal?” asked Rayn. Tyrian looked down at the frail

woman in his arms.

“Tell him I’ll contact him as soon as Chloe’s well.” Tyrian started out of the room but her voice stopped him.

“Wait, I need Lily. Get my sister for me please? She knows a lot about this demon stuff,”

Chloe said, her words growing fainter as exhaustion crept over her.

Tyrian looked back at his men who nodded to say they got it, then took her to his room.

He didn’t even think about it, but carried her right to the bed he rarely slept in and tucked her in.

She passed out before he even pulled the covers over her.

Tyrian watched her for a minute. This feeling he had in his gut. It was one he’d once been familiar with and had strived to never feel again. In just a matter of days, this succubus has managed to unravel years of control that he’d built inside him. He would have to distance himself from her. He couldn’t keep taking her body either, her vein, he almost laughed. More like letting her take him.

Every time he was around her, every time she told him something about herself, he felt himself softening. It was a dangerous road he travelled. After the incident at the hotel, she was no longer safe with him.

And he was no longer safe around her.

Tyrian left the bedroom and found Lucinda standing nervously at her bedroom door.

“How is she?” His frimar was lovely. Her voice was soft and gentle; her gowns were simple and lovely. Yet never had he felt a spark of lust for her in all the years she’d been with him.

“She will fully recover.”

Lucinda nodded, keeping her head bowed. “It has been many days since you’ve taken

from me. You will grow weak if you don’t.”

Tyrian stilled and glanced back at his closed bedroom door. He’d taken Chloe’s neck.

He’d almost forgotten he’d done it. He’d been so lost last night, that he hadn’t even thought about it, had just pulled her head to the side and taken her.

He swallowed hard, his cock threatening to swell at the thought. She’d tasted unlike anything he’d ever had. Far from the thick richness of his frimar, she’d been light and sweet like some drink from the gods. He hadn’t wanted to tear himself away, had only forced himself to because of his need to protect her, to see to her pleasure. His heart stuttered in his chest at the revelation.

Since when was he a man that saw to a woman’s pleasure? This had to stop. Now.

Lucinda waited for him expectantly. She was the perfect frimar. Quiet, amiable, understanding. She never judged nor asked more from him. She only offered her vein when he needed it.

Tyrian took a step towards her then stopped. Shaking his head, he said, “I’m fine today.

Thank you, Lucinda.” He left her standing in the doorway and couldn’t believe what he’d just done.

Chapter Twenty

Willow spun around in a circle, eyes searching the road behind her. Dark emptiness

stared back at her.

“Where are you, you little devil. I know you’re out there,” she mumbled. She picked up her pace and made for the small German town she was near.

She knew that feeling that made the hair stand up at the back of her neck. He was near.

So close. Too soon. A hot blush crept over her cheeks. She’d lost herself to him. Like some little floozy, she’d given in to his touch. She shook her head. She couldn’t be any less proud of herself.

Sure she’d bested him by getting away and even left a snarky little note for him after he passed out, but that didn’t make her feel better. Not when he’d bested her in the most basic of ways—he’d made her want him. She licked her lips remember the way he’d filled her mouth so full. She could only pray that it was the new moon hormones that had her body pulsing with need at the thought. Because if it wasn’t she was royally screwed.

That feeling of being watched came over her again. Willow stopped and turned around quickly. Nothing. She gritted her teeth and contemplated yelling at him to show himself. She knew he was out there. Somewhere.

“Hiding like a coward,” she said under her breath. She turned back and walked into the town, happy to see cars driving by, people riding on their bicycles. There was safety in numbers.

She needed to find the local train station, bus station or something. She had to lose him and hopefully for good this time. His senses were entirely too good. She still couldn’t believe he kept her favorite shirt like some kind of weird souvenir. Bastard.

A man walked towards her on the street. He was dressed nicely and wore a chic pair of black glasses. His gaze met hers and he grinned before his eyes tracked down her body. Willow glared and when his eyes met hers again he quickly looked away. Yeah, that’s right, she thought.

Look away.

“A friend of yours?” a deep voice asked. Willow jerked around and practically snarled.

“Are you creeping on me now or what? Why don’t you do us both a favor and go home?”

He smiled but it looked forced. “I can’t do that. You know that, Willow. You left me.”

He sounded surprised. Willow crossed her arms at him and gave him her best glare.

“Yeah? At least I left a note. Consider that a great token of my esteem.” This time his mouth curled with a laugh. He reached into his pocket and took out the piece of paper she’d written on.

“Ah, yes. ‘You can’t best the champ, pup.’ I got a good laugh out of that one. Just another thing I like about you, Willow.” Willow’s heart fluttered and she ignored.

“Listen, this little reunion’s been great, but I have to go now. I’m warning you, if you don’t leave me alone I’ll get you into big trouble.”

He tossed back his head and laughed. “You over-estimate yourself, Willow. Besides, I smell your heat.” His voice grew deeper. “It’s intoxicating. I didn’t have you last time. I like the idea of you growing accustomed to my touch.” He stalked towards her, backing her into the wall of a butcher’s shop.

People walked by chatting, cars drove by, yet Willow felt like it was just the two of them alone in the world. His elbows caged her in, his hips gently trapping hers.

“Next time I’m taking you, Willow. There will be no denying me. You need it as much as I need to be inside you.” Willow shivered and his lips found the sensitive spot under her ear. “I know you want it. You want to know what it feels like to have my cock dragging through your tight flesh. And tight you are. I’ve felt the way you grip my fingers. I’m ready to feel that sweetness around my cock. I’ve earned it.”

“No,” Willow panted, her heart thundering, her body growing hot and languid. How did he manage to do this to her? With just words.

“Yes. I’ll take my prize for catching you right now, Willow. Your choice,” he breathed heavily. “We can start this right on this open street with all these people to see you or you can let me take you somewhere more private. Decide.”

His hand reached behind her, squeezed her bottom and releasing another flood of heat inside her. It was hard to think over the nips and kisses he was pressing along her shoulder, pushing her shirt out of the way so he could taste her.

“I can’t. I can’t.” Her hands latched onto his back, holding him close. His breath

shuddered against her neck and then he picked her up and was carrying her. Willow looked around as he took her between the buildings.

“Yes, you can and we are.” He carried her into a small fenced-in garden behind the