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Chloe pulled his mouth back and kissed him.

She kissed him hard and long. When she pulled his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it, she started coming. Tyrian tore his mouth away so she could scream. And scream she did. His name, over and over again as her body shook and exploded into a million pieces all around him.

His hips slapped against her faster. His fingers dug like sexy points into her ass and kept her still for his thrusts. As the last ripple of her orgasm faded, his began. He cried out, the sound magic to her, a sound she would never forget. So precious was it to see him lose control. He started shooting hot jets inside her and she wiggled closer on a moan, not wanting it to stop, wanting him to fill her deeply and forever.

When he was done, he pulled out, breathing hard. His hands were shaking as he put

himself back in his pants. He didn’t look at her as he moved her away from the door.


“Get dressed. I’m sending Lily up. We have to go see Telal.” His voice sounded dead, empty. Chloe had a feeling she’d just pushed him even farther away.

As the door closed, she wanted to curl up and cry.

* * *

“So how do you feel knowing you’re about to meet the demon, as in the demon you’re supposed to be Protected by?” asked Chloe. Her previous argument with Tyrian, if that’s what one called such a thing, still lingered over her like a dark rain cloud. But at seeing her sister, she perked up immediately. Lily had that effect on people.

Lily always had the ability to smile and make everyone around her feel lighter, happier.

Maybe it was her passive, daydreamy-type personality or the way she smiled at you like you delighted her silly.

It was hard to feel serious around Lily when she was wearing a long billowy skirt with large purple flowers on it, and a strappy shirt that tied behind her back and showed off all of her bare skin. It was also bright pink. Her white flip-flops topped off the look. And they were in a chilly castle in Norway, yet she acted like this was Palm Beach.

Her sister was a curvy woman with a fuller figure and her arms and back were sexy

enough to show off. Chloe totally wasn’t jealous. Even her hair looked wilder than usual. She’d inherited the wild, curly mane from their mama. And hers was dark, too, like papa’s.

Lily kicked her feet out and swung them off the edge of the bed. “Ecstatic! I can’t wait for my 29th birthday. Why do you think I chose this shirt? Demon’s are known for their sexual prowess, you know.” She wiggled her eyes brows.

Chloe laughed. “So what, you’re eager to seduce the demon, then?”

Lily arched a brow and said, “I did some research into him after I got Papa’s will. I’m interested to say the least. I don’t think I’ll have to seduce him. He’ll see me and what’s not to like?”

“True,” Chloe agreed.

“So what’s he like anyways?” asked Lily, her eyes wide.

Chloe bit her lip, trying to think the best way to word it. “He might not be how you imagined. He’s kind of a stiff.”

Lily’s nose wrinkled. “Stiff as in a corpse or the business kind?”

“The business kind.”

“Dammit, I knew something like this was going to happen. I guess I’ll just have to loosen him up a bit,” Lily said with a wink. Chloe had forgotten how good it felt to be around her sister.

She missed them both so much.

“Have you heard from Willow?”

“Yeah, she called me once to say she was headed off to Russia and that the shapeshifter was hot on her trail. Don’t tell her I said so, but she’s totally into him.”

Chloe snorted. “Oh, come on. An Alpha? No way. You must have been talking to

someone else.”

“I know, right? Trust me. She didn’t have a nice word to say about him. She hates him. I also know she’s already slept with him, and judging by how adamantly she denied liking it, I’d say she loooved it. Probably even wants a few thousand do-overs.”

“Wow, in a way it’s almost a cruel fate. She’s so stubborn, I don’t know how she’ll be able to put up with him.”

“She’ll find a way. I had a dream about her a few days ago. I think she and the Alpha will do fine, once he catches her that is. She’s playing the extreme version of hard-to-get. Though he probably likes it. It’s a good challenge for them both.”

“I thought Alphas like him liked submissive women,” Chloe said.

Lily smiled big. “I know. That’s what makes this all the better. Willow says he keeps trying to best her, but she keeps coming out on top. Seems like he’s getting angrier about it by the minute. When he finally does catch her, and according to my dream he will, they will have some interesting times together.”

Since she was young, Lily always had these dreams that acted more like visions. They used to only have about a 40% accuracy rate, but since she’d gotten older, it was now more like 50%. Lily liked to call it her “hit or miss visions.”

Chloe finished dressing in a sexy black dress with ridiculously tall heels and black stockings. The whole thing with Tyrian earlier really rubbed her the wrong way. She didn’t know if she wanted to hit him or...well, hit him. But it wasn’t in her nature to give up. So tonight, when they get back from visiting Telal, she was going to seduce him.

She even debated asking Lily to make one of her aphrodisiac concoctions, but how was she supposed to slip that to a vampire? He didn’t drink anything that wasn’t from a vein. She shivered at the thought, remembering when his fangs at sunk into her. Her body began to warm so she quickly blocked the image.

“Have you dreamt of your demon?” asked Chloe.

“You look killer, by the way. Add some mascara from my purse and it’ll be perfect. He won’t be able to resist you. My demon? Well, I did have an interesting dream with him. I was licking his body up and down and he was in chains on a bed or something. I couldn’t really make out his face or anything. He was kind of blurry.”

Chloe gasped. “Lily!”

“What? You wanted to know, don’t interrupt a sexy story. So then, I remember he tore through them like they were plastic except they were old-fashioned prison manacles, and he came after me and took me so passionately. I’m certain I came a dozen times. Now I don’t know how much of that is true, but I sure hope the orgasm part is,” she said with a dreamy sigh. “So enough about me. You’re the one who’s actually been living with her Protector. How’s it going?”

Chloe turned to her sister and almost wanted to cry. She didn’t know where to start, so she just started talking. Soon Lily had her sitting next to her on the bed with an arm wrapped around her as she spilled everything from their first sexual encounter with the vampire commander to his past and up to their “thing” this morning.

“Sounds to me like he’s crazy about you.” Chloe couldn’t help it, she laughed hard. If only Lily had been around these past few days.

“No, he’s not and a part of me keeps feeling like a complete fool every time I talk to him.

I’m starting to think that maybe I should just turn my back on him and try to make it with one of the other warriors. But there’s just something about him, Lily. I feel like I can’t walk away.”

“I understand,” Lily said, holding her close. “I think you two are going to be great together. Just keep pushing him. He’s strong, he can take it.”

“But what if he hates me for it in the end?” Chloe asked, her eyes haunted with pain.

“Have you had a dream about us?” She couldn’t keep the hope out of her voice.

Lily pulled back. “Um, no, no.” Chloe glared at her.

“Yes, you did, Lillian Bellum. Tell me now and do not lie, no matter what.” Lily cringed.