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“They do less damage to bulkheads,” Miranda said. “If your only purpose is to kill people, why destroy the ship?”

She must be crazy. It must be, Cecelia thought, an effect of whatever had kept her so lovely for so long. Could she have been given bad rejuv drugs?

“Cecelia, I am not crazy. Well . . . not very crazy. Distracted with grief, and frustration, and anger, but not in the way we usually mean. Fencing—if you knew anything about it—is the ideal metaphor for what Lorenza and I did, just as Bunny and her brother Piercy—but no. You don’t know the terms.”

Cecelia felt her temper gathering like a boil behind her eyes. She squeezed them hard shut, and spoke with them closed. “Miranda. I know you’re grieving; it was good for you to cry. But please quit treating me like a silly horse-crazy schoolgirl—”

“But you are,” Miranda said, in that same flat cool voice. “You always have been; you refused to grow up—just like Brun, that way. It was ridiculous of Bunny to send Brun to you, of all people—”

“You—blame me? For Brun?”

“Not really . . . I mean, intellectually I know we chose her genetic type, we chose to increase the risk-taking and the responsiveness. But there you were, such a model for such a girl—every hunting season, egging her on over bigger fences, as if horses were all that mattered. And what did it get her, to take someone like you for a model? That . . . that degradation!”

Astonishment had blown out anger for the moment. “She isn’t like me,” Cecelia said, feeling her way.

“She’s not horse-crazy, no. But that—that stubborn insouciance, that willingness to shed responsibility—”

Cecelia felt the anger gathering again just beyond her vision. “I didn’t know you considered me irresponsible,” she managed to say quietly.

Miranda’s hand tilted quickly, a diminishing gesture. “Not in everything, of course. But no sense of family, no loyalty to the Familias—” Her head swung away; the bell of golden hair swung wide a moment, then stilled into new perfection. “And she pulled that harebrained stunt to rescue you—she could have been killed then—”

“I didn’t ask her to,” Cecelia said. Something tapped at the alarms in her brain, a tiny hammering. “I couldn’t. She just—”

“Loved you,” Miranda said. Under mint-green silk, her shoulders rose and fell; Cecelia could not hear the sigh but knew it had been given.

“She loved her family,” Cecelia said. “And you didn’t need rescuing.”

“No.” Miranda turned back, face composed as usual. “No, I never did.” For a long moment, she stood motionless, silent. Cecelia found it hard to breathe. Miranda shrugged again. “Kata Saenz said we provided the wrong models for Brun; she told Bunny that, in the planning for Brun’s rescue. I was glad of it at the time; I knew we’d done something wrong, though our other children turned out well. And the shock of being told it was partly his fault got Bunny out of his fury with the Suiza girl, and in the end she saved Brun’s life. I just can’t understand her, though she’s my child.”

“How about the rest of the family? Buttons and Sarah . . . ?”

“Are wonderfully helpful, as far as they can be. Buttons, of course, expected to take over as his father’s heir. But Bunny’s younger brother Harlis—you remember him?”

Cecelia nodded. Harlis had all the arrogance, all the faux-aristocratic foppery, and a third less sense, than Bunny had had. Bunny could always go in an instant from the foolish foxhunting lord of the manor to the sensible, practical, and very capable politician. Harlis was Harlis—all surface and no substance.

“Harlis is challenging the Family structure, and I’m not sure Buttons can stop him. I did tell Bunny three years ago that he ought to clarify the situation just in case, and he and Kevil were looking into it, but then Bubbles—Brun—disappeared.”

“And of course Bunny wasn’t thinking of it then.”

“No, nor of anything else. Harlis managed to convince some of the distant relatives that Bunny’s mind had gone, and that any of Bunny’s children were likely to carry the trait. And some of them accepted that, and have thrown in their influence with Harlis. He’s acquired an astonishing amount of stock in several of the corporations; even old Trema left him her shares—”

“Will you be all right?”

“Probably, but I’m going to lose a lot. And I wanted it for Brun—for her and the twins. She needs a safe place; Sirialis would have been perfect—”

“Harlis isn’t taking Sirialis . . . !” Cecelia’s first thought was that Harlis had never liked foxhunting and might end the annual hunting season; she slapped that thought down, ashamed of herself. Maybe she was as selfish and narrow-minded as Miranda thought.

“He’s trying.” Miranda dropped her voice, mimicking Harlis’s. “ ‘Oh, you’ll always be welcome, Miranda, of course. You’ll always have a place. But it was family property, not Bunny’s alone.’ As if I would go there to lurk in the apartment he so generously offered, while he strides about pretending to be lord of the manor!”

Cecelia forbore to say that he would be the lord, and no pretense, if he had his way. “And what are you doing about it—I assume you have some plan.”

“Yes. But I haven’t decided . . . it would mean tearing up much that Bunny built . . . family relationships, friendships, alliances. I can call on my family—” Of the founding Families, Miranda’s had been known first for information management, and later for the development and manufacture of a variety of devices that were to the ordinary computer as a top event horse was to a child’s pony.

“But it’s—it was Bunny’s, and it’s rightfully yours—” Inheritance had been the one immutable aspect of law; concentration of assets within a Family, the foundation of Family power. Angry as Cecelia had been with her sister for questioning her will, she knew that if she had left her assets within the family, even to a distant relative, the will would not have been challenged.

“Cece—you don’t understand how threadbare the fabric has become, since you exposed Kemtre and Lorenza. I suppose it had begun before, but that’s when it became obvious.” Miranda paused, frowning a bit in thought. “Bunny and I, and Kevil, were holding an alliance of Families by the skin of our teeth. All those years of social connections, business connections, and Kevil’s legal skills and intuition. I swear he knew more about the ragged skeletons in Family closets than anyone had ever guessed. Bunny would talk them around, and I would smile and be gracious and work through the wives and mistresses. We were holding it together, just, but the crises kept knocking it out of balance. Kemtre’s abdication, that Patchcock mess—the scare about bad rejuvenation drugs, and the Morelline/Conselline Family collapse, and then Brun’s abduction . . .” Her voice trailed away.

“And I went back to Rotterdam to play with horses,” Cecelia said.

“Yes. I understand it, in a way. Venezia Morrelline had her pottery, and you had horses, and Kata Saenz had her research. Most people do have their private interests, and that, after all, is what a good political system is supposed to do—leave you free to do what you are best at, whatever it is. People want to do the work they love, marry and have children, have some fun. But if too many people do that, Cecelia, it leaves gaps for people who want power for its own sake, and who may use it in ways that later degrade your life.”

Like Bunny using Fleet resources as if they were personal, to rescue Brun. She didn’t say that; she knew that Miranda knew what people thought. “How is Kevil?” she asked instead.

“Alive.” From her tone, Cecelia couldn’t tell if Miranda were pleased about that or not. Then she sighed. “I can’t wish Kevil dead, only Bunny alive as well. Kevil was badly hurt—days in the regen tank, and then the head injury—he’s still not himself. He may never be, the doctors say. And without Bunny—or me, if I could only find a way—he doesn’t have the backing to do what he did for us before.”