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"Yes Mistress"

Rose smiled and poured a line of oil from between Laura's breasts to her navel. "You please your Mistress greatly. And your Mistress is honored to own you."

Laura could not help but smile brightly at the words that she heard from the younger woman who was straddling her waist. "And I am very honored to be owned by you Mistress."

Rose slipped lower on Laura's body until her legs were straddling Laura's hips. She leaned forward and, with her hands, spread the oil out over the slavegirl's shoulders and, with longer and longer strokes, down Laura's arms. Occasionally, she would return her hands to Laura's chest or belly to recoat her palms and then she would let her hands glide outward again until the arms were shiny with a coating of oil.

More oil was poured onto the prone woman and, once again, the hands started to move it about. The sides of Laura's chest were coated. Her belly was turned into a shiny slickness. Eventually, the two glorious orbs floating on her chest were coated until they were glistening and the nipples were standing erect.

Rose slid down lower and moved her knees inside of Laura's legs, forcing the slavegirl to part her legs and causing a blush to return to her face. Laura raised her hands to cover her sex in some semblance of modesty, only to be stopped by the clearing of a throat. With no words spoken, she realized that she had promised not to move and obediently returned her arms over her head.

Oily fingers danced over her abdomen and tickled her occasionally. Laura tried not to react but she knew that her belly was quivering at times. More oil was poured into her bellybutton and then was spread downward in ever-increasing circles toward her exposed and vulnerable sex.

Eventually, the inevitable happened and she felt Rose's fingers toying with her labia. Laura closed her eyes and fought the temptation to move her arms to protect herself. She felt like she should trust this younger woman but wasn't convinced that she really should. The fingers glided over her sensitive flesh, sending unwanted thrills through her body. She felt her belly quivering as the fingers would briefly toy with her clit, only to return to the up and down strokes of her petals. She hoped that the oil would hide any wetness that she was producing, but knew that her captor would probably know the truth.

"Oh Mistress," she pleaded. "Please. I'm not sure this is right."

Rose raised her hand and brought it down hard on Laura's sex, making a loud smacking sound. "It is not your position to worry about what is right, little one. Leave all decisions to me. Understand?"

Laura whimpered and nodded her head in response, feeling the burning of the slap on her tender sex. The shock was almost too much for her. One moment, she had been thinking of Rose as a sort of slave sister. Now, she was very much her tormentor and owner.

Fingers continued to toy with Laura's sex. She clenched her hands and kept her eyes closed tightly. At one point, she started to raise her hand, but dropped it as soon as she felt another stinging blow to her most private parts. "Move once more and I will bind you to the dock for the night.

"Yes Mistress" whimpered the defeated girl.

One finger, then two, insinuated themselves into Laura's sex sending waves of shame through her. A third finger joined the previous two and stretched her even wider. Laura bit down on her lower lip. Finally, a fourth finger was inserted and Rose started to rotate her hand letting the fingers move over the oily surfaces of Laura's sex. "Have you ever been fisted, little one?"

Laura's eyes flew open at the question and it took all of her strength to keep from lifting her arms to protect her vulnerable sex. "Oh Mistress no. Please no. I have never been fisted and I don't think I could do it."

"Oh, you can do it. Trust me."

With that, Rose lowered her head and started flicking her tongue over Laura's exposed clitoris. The fingers continued to rotate and spread, moving in and out, driving the poor slavegirl crazy. Rose wrapped her lips around the tiny bud and suckled it while her tongue continued to lash at it. Within minutes, Laura let out a low moan and tensed, feeling her whole world spinning as a huge orgasm swept over her. Rose simply leaned back and knelt on her haunches as she smiled.

Rose let Laura bask in her orgasmic state for several minutes before finally speaking up. "Okay. Time for some pony training. Let's go for our first run."

"You have to be kidding!" exclaimed a withered Laura.

"What's wrong kiddo? Too much of a good thing? Don't think you can beat me after reaching for the stars like that?"

Laura groaned. "I don't think that I have the energy to move." She then quickly yelped as she felt Rose spank her gaping sex for a second time.

"You forget so quickly. It's not your job to think. It's only my job. Now get moving, slave."

The swim back to shore helped Laura regain her senses and restore some of her energy. She still wasn't sure that she wanted to go for a run, but she also knew that she didn't have any choice. The two girls walked hand-in-hand back up to the cabin, dripping dry as they walked. Once at the cabin, Rose ran inside and came back waving two white pieces of cloth.

"No sense in going too hard on ourselves the first time out," she said as she flipped one of the items to Laura. Laura caught it and smiled as she unraveled it, discovering that she would be able to wear a sports bra after all.

"Only this one time. Well maybe one more time. But we have to get used to running without them eventually," Rose explained. Laura was left once again wondering about this woman who owned her. Most of the time, she really liked her and, at times, thought that she might even be able to get used to being owned by her.

"How about a wager?" asked Rose as she bent over and stretched. Laura had to fight back the giggles when she realized how ridiculous she and Rose must look in their sports bras and nothing else.

"What kind of wager?" asked Laura as she also started to stretch.

"Well, how about a slavery wager. I own you for seven days. If I win, I get you for an additional day. If you win, we eliminate a day."

"Oh, I don't know," said Laura. "I'm already in enough trouble. I don't think I could handle much more of this slavery thing."

"Hmmm," replied Rose. "I guess it's going to be a painful equestrian week if my own pony partner doesn't have any confidence in her abilities."

"Hey!" exclaimed Laura, indignantly. "Who said I don't have confidence. I just don't want to risk any more days of slavery."

"Oh sure," said Rose as she lifted her foot high on the trunk of a tree to stretch out her thighs. "Well if you had any confidence, you could be earning back your freedom."

Laura gritted her teeth but, in the end, gave in to what she knew was a bad decision. "Okay, it's a bet. You win, and you own me for another day. I win, and we erase a day."

"Deal," smiled Rose.

"How far are we going?" asked Laura.

"Not far. Let's make it easy for our first one. We have all weekend. Besides, it's going to get dark soon. How about we run down to the bridge across the stream and back?"

Laura remembered crossing a small bridge on the road in to the estate and she remembered that it was not all that far away. "Okay. And we have a bet?"

"We sure do. Ready, set, go!" And they were off. Both girls were in good shape, but Laura quickly took the lead. Even with the sports bra on, however, she realized that she was bouncing and jiggling too much. She could not imagine running at the equestrian event with no support.

Laura reached the bridge and touched it with her hand before turning around and racing back toward the house. She almost bumped into Rose who was only a few yards behind her as she made the turn, but the two managed to avoid a collision. Laura could taste freedom and dug deep to keep her lead. In the end, she did manage to hold onto the lead and ended up beating Rose by about three yards.