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"But I lost. And I lost my freedom when I did," she moaned.

"But that's not so bad, is it? I think that you were born to be a slavegirl and you are such a beautiful one. Besides, you were beating me. You would have won if you didn't trip."

"But I did. And now I have to explain to Jim why I have two owners."

"Oh don't worry about it sweetpea. I think you'll love being owned by me. Let's go grab some lunch."

When they got back to the house, Rose saw that a message was on the phone. Benjamin had called, so she called him back. Laura only caught Rose's half of the call, but pretty much figured out what the conversation was about.

"Hi Ben"

"Sorry. Hello Master"

"We have been having a great time. She's wonderful"

"Yes, she's a beautiful filly."

"Thank you Master. I guess we are both beautiful fillies."


"Well, we have gone on three runs so far. She is very fast. We thought that we should start to get ready for the Equus."

"Oh. Well yes. We did place wagers, Master."

"Hmmmm. Well, she owes me a month of slavery so far. But that might change Master. She won the first race. I won the second one. And she would have won the third race if she hadn't tripped. I wouldn't be surprised if I return home wearing her collar."

"Yes Master."

"Completely naked. But I think that's a problem. We both have too much motion, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure how good we will be as ponies."



"Wow, that would be great Master. Yes Master, I will tell her."

"Bye Master. Tell Diana… ooops, I mean Mistress that I said hi." And then she hung up the phone.

"Good news," smiled Rose as she plopped down beside the sweaty Laura. "We can wear our bras for the rest of the runs."

"I'm not running again," groaned Laura.

"Oh. So you want me to whip you instead?"

"Whip me?" gasped Laura.

"Yes. Whip you. Who owns you for the weekend? In fact, who owns you for a month?"

Laura sighed. "You do. And I'll run for you. But I'm not sure that I want any more wagers."

"Chicken," laughed Rose. "So do you want to know the good news?"

"Sure," replied Laura as she rolled her eyes.

"We get to wear bras. Ben said that figured that our well endowed figures would make it tough to run. Diana has already ordered us harnesses that will support our breasts. I guess that's what all of the measurements were about the other night. So he said that we should wear sports bras for the rest of our runs. But he also said that was the only thing we were allowed to wear."

"Oh, except for one thing," Rose continued. "He said that we should wear butt plugs for the rest of our runs."

"What?!?!?!?!" shrieked Laura.

"You heard me. It seems that we will be wearing tails for the Equus. And he wants us to get used to running with them."

Laura just groaned and picked up a pillow to smother her face in it.

Chapter 6: Deeper and deeper

The two naked girls showered together and then ate lunch. "What did Ben have to say about the wagers?" asked Laura as they sat on the deck.

"He just laughed and said that it was fine with him but that I owed him one day for every two days that you owed me."

"Wow. He did? Why do you think that's so funny?"

Rose thought for a moment and furrowed her brow. "I'm not sure. But I guess that I thought it sounded like fun. I guess I don't take all of this as seriously as you do."

"How can you not take slavery seriously?" asked Laura in bewilderment.

"It's just a game, little one. And it's a new game to me. I have always been on the giving end. It's kind of nice being on the receiving end. Even if I will have to prance around like a trained pony. I think it will be exciting to have all of my decisions made by someone else. It will kind of be like an exotic vacation."

Laura took on a pensive look as she thought about what Rose was saying. Could that be why she was so aroused in her slavery? She still had not figured out why her body kept betraying her despite the revulsion that her mind felt. She decided that she would just not respond and took another bite of her salad instead.

When they finished lunch, Rose surprised Laura with a length of rope. She had Laura stand and turn around so that she could tie the slavegirl's wrists together behind her back. "What's this for?" asked Laura.

The older girl received a swift swat on the bottom for that. "Just because," responded Rose. "I don't have to have a reason for doing things to you. You are my property."

"Oh. Yes Mistress." For some reason, Laura had a hard time acknowledging the mistress/slave relationship with Rose. She almost seemed more like a sister than owner. But she supposed that this kind of reminder was a good thing. Maybe it would keep her from making any more foolish wagers.

Rose took another piece of rope and wrapped it around Laura's elbows, slowly pulling it tight and wrapping it several times until the two elbows touched, causing Laura to groan as her shoulders were strained back. Thankfully, it was a wide, soft satiny rope so that there would not be too much discomfort from the rope itself. But the there was plenty of discomfort from the way that it stretched her shoulders unnaturally.

Rose walked back in front of Laura. "Oooooooo I like the effect that this has." Rose reached up and ran her palms over Laura's breasts, giggling like a child with new toys. Laura looked down and was shocked to see the prominence of her breasts with her shoulders pulled back the way that they were. In fact, it looked like she was all breasts. "We have to do this more," exclaimed Rose. "This really shows off your assets."

Laura only shook her head disapprovingly, but remained silent. Again, to Laura's surprise, Rose produced two clamps. "Now this might sting a little at first," Rose warned as she raised the first clamp to Laura's left nipple.

"Oh please, must we do this?" Laura asked pleadingly. This immediately elicited a swat to Laura's unprotected breast sending it bouncing wildly on the bound girl's chest.

"What was that?" asked Rose in a serious tone.

"Nothing. Sorry Mistress," replied a chastised Laura.

Rose flicked the vulnerable little nubbin with her finger and blew lightly on it until it was standing up proudly. "Why is it getting stiff?" thought Laura as she watched Rose prepare the nipple for clamping. "It's almost as if it's asking to be clipped."

Rose then opened the jaws of the clamp and slipped them around the tender nipple, sliding a little ring up the shafts of the clamp to tighten it and lock it in place. Laura grimaced as she felt the burning sensation on her nipple but remained silent. Rose then repeated her actions on the right nipple, eliciting a low hisssssssss from Laura as that nipple too ached with the pressure. Rose finished the decoration of the slavegirl by attaching a fine gold chain between the two clamps and letting it dangle. Because of the fullness of Laura's breasts, however, the chain dangled a good three or four inches away from her body.

The last item to be added was the collar. Rose produced it from a bag on the counter and held it out for Laura to examine. "I hadn't planned on using it, but since I own so much of you now, I thought it would be okay to start."

Laura examined the collar with a look of wonder. It was beautiful. It looked like it was made of spun gold and probably could have been worn to an elegant party instead of on a naked slavegirl in the woods. Rose kept turning the jewelry and Laura saw that an engraved tag had been embedded on one side. The tag read "Laura. Property of Rose."

"That's in case you get lost," smiled Rose. "This way they will know who to return you to. Do you like it?"