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"It's beautiful," was all Laura could think to say.

"I was hoping that you would like it," responded Rose. She wrapped it around the slavegirl's neck and Laura heard it click shut behind her neck. It was snug, but not so tight that it would cause problems or discomfort. Rose then led Laura into the other room to a full-length mirror.

Again, Laura was left in awe. Looking into the mirror, she saw an exotic creature and hardly even recognized herself. Her breasts were as prominent as she had feared, but with the clamps and chain decorating them, they provided a very erotic accent. And the collar was simply gorgeous against her own golden flesh. Rose finally attached a matching gold leash to the collar and led Laura from the room again. "Let's go for a walk."

"Yes Mistress," replied Laura as she padded along behind her naked captor.

Rose strapped on a little fanny pack and then led Laura down to the lake and then along a path in the opposite direction from the beach that they had run to earlier. It was all that Laura could do to keep from laughing seeing the naked girl in front of her wearing the little knapsack around her waist as her only clothing. Rose was in a chatty mood and kept up a constant monologue, occasionally taking a break to ask Laura a question.

"Why hadn't you ever tried it with women before?" was one question and Laura tried to answer as truthfully as she could. "It always seemed wrong and I never was attracted to any women before."

"Do you find me attractive?" was the immediate question from Rose. "Yes Mistress" replied Laura with a blush returning to her cheeks. "I'm not sure why, but I find you very attractive and I love being with you." This brought a smile to Rose's lips.

A little while later, after some more monologue, Rose asked, "Have you ever thought about having your nipples pierced?" This question surprised Laura, and she wondered if Rose had other plans that she should know about. But she simply responded with a "No Mistress." "It's a shame," replied Rose. "Those puppies are practically begging for rings."

The questions continued and continued until Rose finally came to a halt and turned to Laura, tugging on the leash until the captor could kiss the captive. "Do you love me?" asked Rose.

"Oh Mistress. I hardly know you," replied a startled and embarrassed Laura.

"I know. But do you love me?"

"I'm not sure Mistress. Maybe. I think so. I know that I like you a lot."

Rose reached down and stroked her fingers along Laura's sex, rubbing up and down the silky petals before letting a finger slide in. She withdrew her finger and held it up for Laura to see. Laura groaned as she saw the finger shiny with her arousal and knew that she could not deny her excitement.

"I'll take this as an answer," smiled Rose. "You may or may not love me. But I do know that you lust me. Now it's game time."

With that, Rose unzipped her little fanny pack and pulled out a rope, which she tossed over a limb. She tied one end of the rope to the bindings around Laura's wrists and then started pulling.

"Oh Rose…. I mean Mistress. What are you doing?"

Rose continued to tug on the rope, raising Laura's wrists and forcing the slavegirl to bend forward. "Just having some fun. I think you'll like it, little one."

Laura gasped as her wrists were pulled again, causing her to bend over even more. By the time Rose was finished, Laura's torso was parallel to the ground and her arms were pulled up high above her back.

"Oh God Rose!! You are going to break something."

Rose patted the bound slave on the bottom and then moved around her and sat in front of Laura so that she could look into her face. "Pretty neat, huh?" giggled Rose. "You can't do a thing, but I can do anything. Everything about you is exposed and available."

She leaned forward and kissed Laura on the lips. "See, that's available." Then she reached out and grasped the chain dangling between Laura's clamped nipples. "And those are available too."

"Please stop," pleaded Laura as she grew annoyed with Rose's childish behavior and felt her discomfort increasing. "Please release me. It really hurts."

"Oh posh! It doesn't hurt. It's merely an aggravation. I'll show you hurt in a little bit." With that, Rose stood up and moved behind Laura, which sent a shiver of fear down Laura's back. Even though she knew it was coming, the bound girl shrieked in surprise when she felt the palm of Rose's hand coming down hard on her naked bottom.

"Now I'll bet that hurt," pronounced Rose. "And if you continue to complain about things hurting when they don't, I'll show you a lot more of that."

Then Rose sat down on the ground behind Laura and slipped her legs between the feet of the slavegirl to spread Laura's legs as wide as she could. Rose reached up and touched a finger to Laura's little pucker and traced a circle around it. "I could make this hurt too, if it would please you. Would you like that?"

Laura tried to protect herself, but was too stretched and exposed to be able to do a thing. "No, Mistress," she finally said. "I'll be good."

"Good girl," said Rose with a smile that Laura could not see. "You are my perfect slavegirl."

Laura heard a zipper opening and then some rustling behind her but could not tell what was going on. Rose had opened her fanny pack and had pulled out a bottle of oil. She opened it and poured a liberal amount over her fingers and into her palm. She then screwed the cap back on and rubbed the oil over her entire hand. "Hold on tight, little one."

Laura tensed as she felt the slick fingers rubbing up and down over her labia urging them apart. Two fingers slipped between them and then started to slowly stroke in and out. "How does it feel so far?" asked Rose.

"Humiliating," replied an indignant Laura. Despite the affection that she was starting to feel for this younger woman, she was not about to give in to this kind of wanton abuse of her body or her dignity. Her comment was quickly rewarded by another swat on her bottom, which elicited a yelp and then silence.

Two more fingers joined the first two and they slid in and out together, occasionally spreading or curling inside of her. Laura moaned and tried to close her legs but Rose held them wide apart to keep her prey exposed and vulnerable. Finally, the thumb was tucked in beside the four fingers, and still things continued to move in and out.

Each protest was rewarded with another swat and soon Laura was left with nothing to do but moan and whimper. The fingers kept moving in and out, sliding a little deeper each time. Laura could feel her entire body damp with perspiration and could see the chain between her breasts swaying back and forth with little droplets of sweat dripping from the lowest part of the chain.

Eventually, she let out a long, low groan as she felt her sex being stretched to its limit and then suddenly the pressure was off. But then, immediately, she felt fingers moving inside of her and she knew that Rose's entire hand was embedded in her body.

"Mmmmm, what's this?" asked Rose playfully, as she stroked the inside of Laura's vagina, sending unwanted waves of pleasure through the captive. "Seems like I found a sweet spot."

The hand continued to rotate and explore and Laura felt fingers moving everywhere inside of her. She felt her body responding by becoming more and more aroused and, in spite of her shame, she felt herself moving closer to an orgasm. Then the fingers changed their movements and she felt a finger pressing against her cervix, causing her to suck in her breath.

"Oh my. Is this where little Kaitlin came out?" asked Rose as a finger pressed tightly against Laura's cervix.

"Yesssssss Mistresssssss," was all that Laura could manage.

"That's what I thought" replied the mischievous Mistress. "Maybe I should try to retrace her steps."