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"Oh please no!!!" screamed Laura as she felt Rose's finger pressing harder and harder at the tiny opening, knowing that it would be painful if her mistress pushed deeper.

Another swat. And then Rose was twisting and turning inside Laura again. But now Rose was also using her free hand to toy with Laura's clitoris, teasing it as her fingers teased inside. It only took moments until Laura's whole body shook in a violent orgasm and, if Rose hadn't pulled her hand out and caught Laura, the slavegirl might have dislocated her shoulders when she collapsed. Thankfully, Rose caught her, released her and then cuddled her until she regained her senses.

"That wasn't so bad, was it little one?" asked Rose as she leaned down and kissed the tip of Laura's nose.


Rose kept Laura's arms tied behind her on the way back to the cabin but let the leash dangle between her breasts. This let Rose walk beside her captive and wrap her arm around Laura's waist. The two girls emerged from the woods, only to find a second car next to the house.

"Oh shit" exclaimed Rose.

"What?" asked a confused Laura.

"Mom" was all that Rose said. "Shit"

"Hi there," they heard as they moved closer to the house. "Eventually they saw a woman step off the porch and into the sunlight. "I wondered where the two of you were."

"Shit Mom, what are you doing here?" asked a very upset Rose.

"Just checking out the merchandise" replied Maggie.

"Well she's not for sale," retorted Rose.

"From what I understand, she's not the only merchandise around here."

"What are you talking about?" asked an irritated Rose.

"I had an interesting conversation with Ben and Diana yesterday. And an interesting transaction."

"Oh god," groaned Rose, causing Laura to look at her quizzically. "What's this all about?"

"Come up and join me on the porch and let's talk," replied Maggie as she turned and walked back up the stairs to the porch. Rose and Laura remained standing naked in the yard until Rose finally grasped the leash and tugged her charge along behind her.

"Might as well get this over with."

Rose led Laura to the porch and then untied all of her bindings, leaving her wearing only the collar and clamps. Then she gently removed the clamps and had a seat on one of the chairs. Laura didn't know exactly what to do so she knelt beside Rose's chair.

"She is very well trained," observed Maggie.

"Yes, she is Mom," replied Rose politely.

"I understand that you have bartered with the Holcombs to obtain her service."

"That's right. I own her for the moment."

"And is she pleasing?"

"Yes Mom. I find her pleasing."

"Good. Because I understand that she came at a high price. I always pictured you as a top. It's hard to imagine you as a bottom. But my understanding is that you are now a slavegirl yourself. Is that so?"

"No Mom. I'm not a slavegirl at the moment. But I did agree to be one for a week in exchange for Laura."

"Yes. That's my understanding too. Come here. Both of you."

Laura looked up at Rose for a signal. Rose sat there for a moment but eventually stood up and crossed the porch to stand before Maggie. Laura quickly arose and followed her until she was standing beside her mistress.

"I just came up here to see your new pet. I'm glad that you are coming back into the scene. Your girl is lovely. And you are too."

"Thank you Mom," replied Rose.

"And I wanted to let you know that the two of you will be serving me at the Equus."

"What?!?!?!?" sputtered Rose.

"You heard me. I made a deal of my own. Ben and Diana were insistent that they show you off at the Grand Parade. Now that I see the two of you together, I can see why. But I was able to convince them to let me have you on Feast Night. So you will be my ponies, wearing my colors, on Feast Night."

"Oh god" gasped Rose. Laura remained silent, not understanding exactly what was happening.

"I think it will be grand," Maggie went on. "I'm not sure that anyone has brought in their daughter as their slave before. It should send quite a stir through the group."

Maggie then stood up and stepped in front of Laura. "I understand that you have kind of stumbled into this lifestyle," she said as she reached out and lifted Laura's breasts in her hands. "I hope that it is agreeing with you." Laura simply nodded and cast her eyes down.

"She's adorable," said Maggie as she lowered the breasts and then stepped in front of her daughter. Again, she raised her hands and lifted Rose's breasts. "And I hope that slavery is finding you well also."

Rose bit her lower lip as she watched her mother holding her breasts and rubbing her thumbs across the nipples. "You cost me dearly. I had to trade Felicity and Janice for the night. But I'm sure that I will be the envy of the event when I show up at the banquet with the two of you in tow. Don't you think?"

"Yes Mom," replied Rose in resignation.

"It's yes Mistress until after the feast," replied Maggie as she gripped the two nipples and squeezed tightly. "Understand?"

Rose yelped but quickly nodded. "Yes Mistress."

"If you are going to go about selling yourself to our friends, then it's only fair that I buy you for my own slavegirl. Don't think that you are going to be treated with any favoritism. I raised you to be a top. If you want to be a bottom, then you'll have to put up with being loaned, traded or sold to new owners. And now I'm your owner."

With that, she turned and walked to her car and sped off.

"What was that all about Mistress?" asked a very confused Laura.

"She's pissed," replied Rose. "And we are going to have a very interesting time at the Equus."

"Is she really planning on owning you?" asked Laura.

"Oh you bet she is. She owns both of us now."

Laura only groaned as it sunk in that she was now owned by yet another person. In such a short period of time, she had become owned by so many people.

"And I guarantee that she will expect a lot. It doesn't surprise me that she traded Janice for us. But she has never been willing to share Felicity. If she traded Felicity for us, then she is definitely out to make a statement."

Chapter 7: A whirlwind

The next several weeks were confusing, to say the least. Laura was receiving calls and summonses from four owners instead of her normal two. Benjamin and Diana would call weekly and generally wanted her to join her once each week. Rose also called, but she stayed in touch with her property on a daily basis. And Laura found herself at Rose's house at least once a week. Sometimes, she would be summoned more than once a week.

And now Maggie was also calling to check up on her. It seemed that Maggie had taken an interest in Laura's training since Laura would be hers during the feast, whatever that was. Maggie was constantly interested in Laura's diet and exercise and was continuously making recommendations.

Jim was becoming agitated at the popularity of his wife. On numerous occasions, he told her that enough was enough. On each occasion, she reminded him that she had had enough and that it was not her idea in the first place to sell herself into slavery. It had only been his inability to put food on the table that had resulted in her need to become a slave. While that response did not improve his mood, it did tend to silence him.

Rose worked out a training program for herself and her new slavegirl .

Laura was surprised with the seriousness that Rose exhibited about the upcoming event. The younger woman was determined that she and Laura were going to be the premier pony team and she pushed both of them to higher and higher levels of fitness. What surprised Laura the most was that Rose was doing this of her own free will and had never served anyone before. But she seemed to be absolutely committed to doing it well and even seemed to be looking forward to it. Laura, on the other hand, saw very little that was appealing about it. It seemed to her that this would be just one more in a long line of humiliations. The only thing that she did like about it was that it gave her more time to spend with Rose, who she was starting to really grow fond of.