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Once the attendants were satisfied with their work, they stood in front of the girls and held out their hands. "This is my favorite part," one declared. "The reins," smiled the other.

Laura groaned as she saw the clamps contained in each hand with long leather thongs dangling from each clamp. The attendants reached out and flicked each pair of nipples, causing them to stiffen even more and stand out as if in invitation to the clamps. Then the clamps were applied, causing winces and gasps and yelps, before the reins were led back to where the driver would stand. After securing the reins, one of the attendants led the two ponygirls out into the sunlight to find their owner.

Maggie was standing and talking with a couple when the attendant found her. "Oh here are my lovelies," she exclaimed as she saw the cart and its ponies approaching. "Don't you think they are beautiful?" she asked of the couple.

"Exquisite," replied the male.

"Absolutely divine," responded the female. "And a perfectly matched pair. Where did you find them."

Maggie laughed. "Well, they are just on loan. They belong to the Holcombs , but I traded for them for the day. This one is such a beautiful creature," she went on as she rubbed the back of her fingers across Laura's cheek. "She is still new to all of this, but I could easily see owning her myself." This caused a chill to snake down Laura's spine.

"And this one," she said as she moved next to Rose, reaching up to lift one of the full captive breasts in her palm, "is someone you might recognize. She has been in the scene before, but never in this capacity. She's always been one of the owners in the past."

"Oh my god!" exclaimed the woman. "Is that Rose? It is!!!"

"Yep. This is Rose," smiled Maggie. "Makes a beautiful slavegirl , doesn't she?"

"Oh my gosh, Maggie," the woman went on. "You have enslaved your own daughter?"

"No, not at all. She enslaved herself to the Holcombs . Seems she couldn't keep her hands off of this other dear pet. So she traded herself to be able to occasionally enjoy Laura. I just took advantage of the situation to teach her a few lessons myself."

"You never cease to amaze me, Maggie," chuckled the man. "Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun this evening."

"I intend to," smiled Maggie again. "Should be interesting for all three of us."

Laura rolled her eyes at that comment and Rose simply closed hers, wishing that she were anywhere on earth but here. With that, Maggie climbed into her chariot and gave a snap to the reins, signaling the girls that it was time to move. They stepped forward in unison and Maggie was off to the feast.

Maggie led her beautiful ponies through the crowd to the sounds of many ooos and aahhhs before arriving at the track. There, they were met by at least a dozen other carts of various designs, each with its own ponygirl propulsion. A slow parade began and the owners drove their carts around the track twice to let the assembled crowd admire the beauty of the Equus . Finally, the parade was finished, and Maggie drove the girls to where the meal was being served and unhitched them from the cart.

"Come, girls" she said as she led them by their clamped nipples, choosing to leave their reins on for the time being. Laura and Rose obediently followed their owner until she was seated. Then, each one knelt beside her acting like bookends while she behaved as if she were sitting on a throne.

Each diner had at least one slave kneeling beside him or her. The meal was served in courses and, when each course was announced, the slaves were expected to rise and fetch the food for their owners. Maggie tapped Rose on the head to indicate that she would be serving the first course. When Rose got up, Maggie leaned down to Laura and whispered. "I think you could make yourself useful beneath the table. Let me loosen that bit so that your tongue can work." Laura blushed as she realized that Maggie wanted her to crawl beneath the table and service her. But she was thankful to finally get that horrible bit out of her mouth. She went dutifully to work and pleasured Maggie as she was eating.

After three courses, and two orgasms, Maggie tugged on the reins, sending a sharp pain through each of Laura's breasts. She correctly interpreted the tugs as an indication that she was finished servicing her mistress and crawled out to kneel beside Maggie again.

"Time to switch now," explained Maggie.

"Rut?" mumbled the still-bitted Rose.

Maggie just smiled and patted Rose on the top of her head. "You heard me slavegirl . Now get under the table and I will remove your bit."

Rose turned a deep shade of red but soon found herself beneath the table with her face buried in Maggie's crotch. Despite the humiliation of servicing her own mother, she quickly realized that she had better do a good job or be ready to suffer the consequences. And who knew what kinds of diabolical things her mother was capable of. So she got her tongue working and tried to imagine that it was Laura instead of Maggie that she was pleasuring.

The rest of feast day was uneventful. After the meal was over and Maggie had enjoyed multiple orgasms, she summoned the attendants who returned the girls to their stall in the stables. Their tack was removed and they were allowed to comfort each other until the next day.

Chapter 9: The Auction

Benjamin and Diana came for the two girls the next morning. While they were not allowed any clothes, at least Rose and Laura did not have to be bound or strapped up in pony tack. They were instead, led to a patio where they were allowed to sit in chairs to eat their breakfast.

"We have wonderful news, girls," gushed Diana.

"What is that, Mistress?" asked Laura.

"Well, we were afraid that you were going to have to pass on the main event of the Equus . But we were finally able to make the necessary arrangements last night. So you two will get to participate. And I'm sure that you'll be the hits of the event."

"What event is that?" asked Rose.

"The auction," replied Benjamin before taking another bite of his omelet.

"What?!?!?!" exclaimed the two girls in concert.

"I knew you'd be pleased," smiled Diana. "Isn't it just so exciting?"

"Pleased? Who's pleased?" gasped Rose. "This is a disaster."

"I don't understand," said a genuinely concerned Diana. "I thought that the two of you would relish the opportunity to expand your horizons and continue this delicious life you have been living."

Laura opened her mouth to say something but could not think of anything that would make any sense.

"I know it's not as great as becoming a full-time slave forever. But the extra month should be lots of fun for the two of you."

"A month?" gasped Laura.

"Oh god," muttered Rose.

"I can't do this for a month. I have obligations. I have a family. I have a life!" exclaimed Laura.

"But that's what has been taken care of, girls. That's what I have been talking about. We have arranged it all for you."

"Why? How? What do you mean?" stammered Laura.

"We spoke with Jim last night. He is fine with the arrangement, as long as it doesn't last more than a week," explained Benjamin. Laura listened in disbelief.

"And we spoke with your mother last night also, Rose," Diana went on. She has agreed that you can be auctioned off for a month also. She will have someone look after your house."

Neither girl knew whether they should scream or run or simply faint. Perhaps fainting would have been the easiest way to get out of the situation but, unfortunately, neither girl did pass out.