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"Oh well," she thought. "I knew it couldn't last forever."

On Saturday, she dutifully arrived at 5:00 and was greeted at the door by Benjamin who gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before ushering her into the house. As she had been trained, she removed all of her clothes and fastened the collar that was on the table around her neck. Then she followed Benjamin into the living room where she received another huge shock."

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed as she saw who was in the room. Diana was sitting regally in one of the armchairs, smiling at Laura as she saw the shock register on the girl's face. The cause of the shock was sitting on the couch, sipping a cocktail. Rose Williams, her neighbor from across the street was also smiling at the naked slavegirl standing in the doorway.

"Oh Laura," said Rose. "What a coincidence meeting you here. You are looking wonderful."

"Oh my god," exclaimed Laura again. "Oh Diana, how could you?"

"I'm sorry, pet. What did you say?" replied Diana.

"I'm sorry, Mistress. But how could you?"

"Oh don't get your knickers all twisted up, girl," said Diana. Then she laughed at her unintended joke. "But you aren't wearing any knickers, are you? Come over here and let's get acquainted with Rose."

Laura reluctantly crossed the room and knelt at Diana's feet as Benjamin found a seat on the couch with Rose. Diana reached out and brushed a stray hair from Laura's cheek and then stroked her lustrous hair as she continued.

"I had no idea that you and Rose were neighbors until just the other day. Rose and I have known each other for several years. She is the daughter of one of my closest friends. And she is also a member of the club."

Laura had heard about the club but Benjamin and Diana had not yet taken her there, thankfully. Based on the way that her owners described it, the club was some kind of gathering of masters and slaves and Laura always shuddered when she tried to imagine what kinds of things went on there.

"Well, as soon as I learned that the two of you already knew each other, I just had to invite her over for dinner."

"Yes, Mistress," Laura mumbled, keeping her eyes cast down to avoid having to look into anyone's eyes. It was all just so humiliating.

"I had no idea," Rose spoke up. "You have always seemed so conservative, almost prudish I would say. And when Diana told me that she owned you, I almost scoffed at the idea, thinking that she must be talking about a different Laura."

Laura felt her cheeks burning with shame as she listened to her neighbor but remained silent as she listened to Rose continue.

"But the other day, I paid closer attention and I had to admit that it was possible. I watched you and your daughter taking a walk and you looked positively delicious. And it seems like every man in the neighborhood would agree. I have never seen so many people working in their front yards in my life."

Diana laughed at that comment. "Yes, I'm sure my pet draws quite a crowd."

"So when Diana invited me to dinner tonight, you know that I couldn't refuse. To think that a slavegirl lives in my own neighborhood. Practically right across the street. It's just too much. But it offers so many possibilities."

With that last comment, Laura looked up at Diana pleadingly hoping that her humiliation was not going to spread beyond this house. It would be just too much to endure.

"Now, now pet," Diana said as she let her fingers trail down Laura's back. "Don't you worry about a thing. You don't have to make any decisions. That's the beauty of slavery. You don't have to decide a thing. Your owners take care of all of that for you."

Laura groaned as she tried to envision how humiliating it would be for the entire neighborhood to discover that she was owned. And how humiliating it would be to be at the beck and call of Rose.

She hardly knew Rose, so it was not as if she had any kind of grudge against her. Rose was probably two or three years younger than Laura's 32 years. She was very attractive, the product of good genes and a sizeable inheritance from an uncle or other relative that let her indulge in fitness clubs and spas. But, it was beyond Laura's imagination to think about how her life would change now that Rose knew her station in life.

"Rose here has offered to buy you," spoke Benjamin for the first time. This sent a chill snaking down Laura's spine and caused gooseflesh to pop out over her entire body.

"Oh Benjamin, you're scaring the girl," admonished Diana. "You know that we wouldn't sell you, pet. Don't you?"

"Oh Mistress, please don't sell me," pleaded Laura.

"Well you don't have anything to worry about," Diana went on. "We could never sell you. And we have made that clear to Rose. At least we won't sell you any time soon. You are just too precious to us." This explanation was only partially comforting to Laura. She took solace in the fact that she was not being sold, but the thought that she could be sold, and might someday be sold, was frightening.

"But we thought it only fair," Benjamin went on, "that Rose be allowed to inspect the merchandise that she has made an offer on. Don't you agree that's fair, Laura?"

"Yes Master," Laura replied meekly. "I suppose that's only fair." Another chill shot down her spine as she listened to her words and realized that she was starting to acknowledge that she was simply property to be enjoyed or sold.

"May I?" asked Rose as she rose to her feet.

Diana removed her hand from caressing Laura and sat back in her chair. "Please do," she replied.

Rose crossed the distance between the couch and where Laura was kneeling and crouched down in front of the slavegirl. "You are magnificent," she said, sending more crimson to Laura's cheeks. Then Rose leaned closer and whispered into Laura's ear. "And someday, I will own you. Soon, I hope." Laura shuddered as she heard the threatening words.

Then Rose stood up. "Be a good girl and stand up for me."

Despite every warning that her brain was sending her to flee this room and this house, Laura rose to her feet and stood before her neighbor. "Yes, she really is magnificent," Rose repeated to Benjamin. "Truly a work of art."

"Thank you," replied Benjamin. "She is our most prized possession."

Rose spent the next five minutes, although they seemed like five hours to Laura, inspecting the slavegirl. Laura was instructed to entwine her fingers behind her neck and then Rose checked out every inch of the slave's body. Laura was told to open her mouth and Rose spent a long time examining it. Her tongue was grasped and pulled out. A finger stroked both sides of the tongue and the inner surfaces of her cheeks. Even her teeth were examined, leaving Laura feeling more like a thoroughbred racehorse than a woman and reinforcing in her mind that she was truly just as owned as the racehorse would be.

Flesh was palpated and stroked as Rose made random comments such as: "Soft," "Firm," or "Very well maintained." Breasts were lifted and caressed and squeezed. Her bottom was spread and examined. Rose even gave each cheek a swat and then smiled at the result. "She marks beautifully." Throughout this entire ordeal, Benjamin and Diana remained silent, simply observing the thoroughness that Rose was exhibiting.

Finally, Rose tapped Laura's inner thighs, signaling the slave to part her legs. Laura reluctantly obeyed and felt Rose's fingers gliding over her naked mound. "Shaved or waxed?" she asked the girl's owners.

"Shaved," replied Diana. "We'll get around to waxing eventually. Probably during her next extended stay."