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Rose sighed. "It's a deal, I guess. When is the Equus and when do I get Laura?"

"The Equus is the week of August 14," instructed Benjamin. "We will want you here two days early for training. And then we will leave for the fair. The fair goes on for seven days, so you will be free to leave after the first five days of the fair. Of course, we are hoping that you will stay for the full event."

"As for Laura," Diana piped in, "We will leave that up to you. She owes us four days of commitment already. Each week, she earns another day. You decide when you want her and let her know. Of course, we always try to give her enough warning so that she can make arrangements, especially if we will be requiring her for an entire weekend. She's a mother, you know."

"Yes, yes, of course," responded Rose. "Mothers need to tend their babies first." Rose went back to Laura, standing before her and raised her hands to cup the slavegirl's breasts. She ran her thumbs back and forth across Laura's nipples causing them to stiffen and sending unwanted thrills through her body.

"This is a very high price I'm paying for you. I hope you are worth it."

Laura was stunned by the events and how everything was happening so quickly. Her whole world was turned upside down in an instant and she did not know how to reply. The only response that she could come up with was, "I hope that you find me worth it."

"Now, just one last item of business," said Diana as she arose from her chair. "We don't have much time, so we need to work quickly to get everything ready. Take off your clothes, girl."

"What?" gasped a stunned Rose.

"You heard me," replied Diana in a forceful tone. "We need to see what we bought in our deal. And we need to get some measurements for your tack."

Rose sighed. "What the hell," she uttered as she reached for the catch and zipper of her dress behind her neck. In short order, she was standing naked in front of Laura.

"A matched set, dear," smiled Benjamin. "I think they'll do very nicely."

"Oh my yes," replied Diana. "We'll be the envy of everyone. We might even take best in show."

For the next thirty minutes, Diana positioned both girls. First, back to back to see how close they were in height. They were both five feet four inches tall. Then they were positioned face to face. Their nipples touched perfectly. They both wore 38D bras and the general shape and texture of their breasts was identical.

"I don't think that we could have created a more perfect match," Diana announced proudly.

"Only the hair is different. But even that looks exquisite. Rose's red hair almost seems to complement Laura's blonde mane." Benjamin also seemed very proud of the pair of future ponygirls standing before him.

"This will have to go," said Diana as she reached down and tugged at a few wisps of Rose's pubic hair. Rose gasped at the first tug but then sighed and nodded in resignation.

"I kind of assumed that would go. But only shaving, okay? I'd like to grow it back soon after the event."

"We might be able to accommodate that," said Diana. "But only if we choose to. These are not decisions for you to make or even advise on."

"Okay, okay. I understand."

"Good girl," smiled Diana as she stroked the back of her hand over Rose's cheek. "But it's okay, okay Mistress from now on."

"Yes Mistress" replied Rose, causing Laura to almost giggle at the way that the mighty mistress from across the street had so quickly been reduced to slave status.

Diana finished making her observations and taking her measurements. The two girls turned out to be as evenly matched as possible. Diana measured the length of nipples, the diameter of their areolae, their waists, the circumference of the base of their breasts, the length of their labia. There was no measurement that turned out to be more than a quarter of an inch different between the girls. They were going to be a matched pair.

"Ben, we need to think about the hair," said Diana after she had placed down her tape measure and notepad. "I agree that they look striking with their natural hair. But we have to think about the judges. Maybe two matched platinum blondes?"

"Hmmmm," pondered Benjamin. "You might be right. But we have a couple of months to think about that." Both girls gasped at the thought that they might be turned into platinum blondes.

"At least they both wear their hair the same way," observed Diana. "We can have them wearing matching ponytails."

When Laura got home the next day, she told Jim about the new developments. "That's an outrage!" he cried out. "We can't have you parading around the neighborhood as the local slave. That's not what we signed up for. I'll have to talk to Ben about this!"

"What part of it didn't we sign up for?" asked Laura quietly. "They own me. They have decided to trade me for something else that they want. When it is all done, they will still own me. What are you going to say to Ben?"

"I don't know" mumbled her husband. "But it just doesn't seem right."

"Nothing about this seems right. It's all just so surreal. It's like my life has been transported to another world."

Jim fumed to himself for a few moments before looking accusingly at his wife. "So how many times did you fuck this time?"

"None," she replied honestly.

"How many orgasms?"


"What did you do then?" he asked, growing irritated and thinking that his wife was holding out on him.

"I'm not sure that I did anything. I was the subject of a purchase offer that was turned down. I was inspected. I was used to barter a deal. I was measured. And I was used as a pillow for the night. That's pretty much the life of a slave, I suppose." With that, she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for her family.

Chapter 5: A slave on loan

Laura did not have long to wait. The very next morning, her phone rang. She hoped that it would just be a phone solicitor, despite how much she despised them, but she knew that it would be Rose.

"Hiya, sweet thing," said Rose, cheerily.

"Hi," responded Laura, feeling her skin crawling in response to the sickly sweet tone of her new tormentor.

"Loved seeing you this weekend. Can't wait to see more of you. Whatcha got planned for the weekend?"

"Jim is out of town. I was going to take the girls to the art museum," replied Laura.

"Well, I have a better plan. Let's go up to my country home for the weekend. You are welcome to bring your daughters. Or, I would be happy to pay for the nanny to take care of them if you prefer. Two days. They can be your first installment."

"Must it be this weekend?" asked Laura pleadingly.

"Of course it must," replied Diana offhandedly. "I just said it must."

"Okay. I'll see if I can find someone to care for the girls," said Laura, dejectedly.

"And remember, I'm paying," said a cheery Rose.

Laura gritted her teeth as she said goodbye. "You sure are paying," she thought. "You are paying with your body and soul for this one." It was the only solace that Laura could find in her situation. Her tormentor was soon to be the tormentee.

Laura had been successful at finding a sitter for the weekend. Jim had once again complained that his wife was being loaned out, but was powerless to do anything. On Friday afternoon, Laura walked across the street to her neighbor's house and knocked on the door.

"Hiya, sweetpea," cried Rose as she hugged Laura and dragged her into the house. "So glad you could come."

Laura had been instructed to wear a sundress and nothing else. No underwear. No jewelry. No shoes. Just the sundress. And Rose made short order of that single garment by grasping the hem at the bottom and lifting it over Laura's head, leaving the older girl naked in the entryway of the house. "Much better," she declared and then led Laura deeper into the house.