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“It’s more than that and you know it. Far, far more.”

Her haphazardly constructed façade crumbled. What Declan had told her at the garage was true. She’d never been a good liar. Chloe saw right through her. They knew each other too well. It was time to go for broke, no more evading the issue.

“What are you telling me? Come out and say it.”

“You belong with him.” Meeting Rachel’s gaze, Chloe said, “You’re his mate.”

Damn it. Wrong again.

Things could get worse.

* * * * *

“You’re burning the bacon,” Jackson said, pointing at the skillet. “I’m not sure how Rachel feels about crispy pork but Chloe isn’t a fan.”

With a growl, Declan flipped the frying meat over. The minute he’d heard Rachel’s voice he’d wanted to run from the kitchen into his bedroom. If it hadn’t been for Jackson he would have done just that. The Alpha had insisted Chloe needed to talk to Rachel and calm her before Declan waltzed in. Perhaps Jackson had been right but the instinct remained, urging him to go to Rachel and care for her.

Shane—the temporary pack Beta until Declan reassumed the position—strode into the dining area. He shook his shoulders, cracking his neck. The white T-shirt he’d worn was covered in dirt stains, his jeans crusted with mud.

Jackson stepped away from the stove. “All finished?”

“Yep,” Shane answered and plopped down on a stool.

Declan kept his mouth shut, attempting to keep his temper in check. He’d wanted to dispose of the wolf that’d attacked his female—making sure to rip the motherfucker limb from limb before he tossed him in an unmarked grave—but Jackson had forbidden that as well. The Alpha had sent Shane to do the deed, telling Declan to stay put.

It was for the best. Rachel needs you. He clenched his teeth, impatient and uneasy. I need to be in there with her. Chloe had better hurry the hell up.

“Declan,” Shane said softly, breaking him out of his stupor. “You need to chill out, man. Your female is going to be edgy enough without you adding to her anxiety.”

“Is that so?” Glancing at Shane, Declan arched a brow. “What would you know about it?”

Shane was a mystery. He’d arrived in Atrum Hill as a rogue. For weeks they’d seen him around. The male had taken odd jobs and rented a room above Gleason’s Laundromat. One day—to the shock of the pack—Shane had approached Jackson to see if they had space for him in their group. Rogues didn’t like being around other wolves, which made Shane’s interest bizarre and suspicious. Even stranger? Jackson had talked to the male, decided he was trustworthy and introduced him to the pack in order to get their blessing.

Shane had shown everyone he was worthy of their trust over time but Declan still had his doubts. The man was strong enough to be a Beta—hell, perhaps even an Alpha—so why had he come here?

What is he running from?

“I know enough.” Shane rested his elbows on the counter, leaning forward. “This isn’t about you. Keep that in mind. You have to make decisions based on the needs of something more important.” There was gravity to the statement, as though he was trying to send Declan a silent message.

Growling, Declan forked the bacon onto a plate. “My patience isn’t going to last forever,” he warned Jackson and slipped the pan into the sink. “I’m going into my bedroom in the next five minutes. Like it or not.”

“Rachel, wait!” Chloe’s quietly hissed order would have gone unnoticed among humans but Declan heard her loud and clear. He’d tried not to eavesdrop, wanting to give Rachel some measure of privacy, but in this circumstance he wasn’t leaving anything to chance. He listened in, attuned to their conversation. “You can’t leave,” Chloe whispered. “Where do you think you’ll go? What do you think you’ll do?”

Lifting his head, Declan met Jackson’s gaze. The Alpha had obviously heard the exchange as well.

“I’m going,” he growled, tired of being tethered in his own home. “Don’t try to stop me.”

After a moment, Jackson gave Declan a nod.

About fucking time.

He walked from the kitchen, taking a deep breath. His heart pounded, his wolf itching to get closer to its mate. He tried to collect himself as he neared his bedroom, shaking off his doubts and anger. Shane was right. This wasn’t about him. Rachel needed him to be confident yet understanding. Anything else would confuse her. Entering the hallway, he detected the acrid stench of Rachel’s fear. No wonder she wanted to get the fuck away. Whatever Chloe had said had petrified his female.

“Time’s up.” He addressed Chloe as he entered the room but had eyes only for Rachel. His mate had moved from the bed and stood across from him. “Jackson’s waiting for you in the kitchen.”

Chloe’s gaze darted from Rachel to Declan. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Go,” he commanded softly, watching his mate.

Rachel had torn through his drawers looking for clothing. She looked sexy as hell in the button-down shirt Chloe’d dressed her in, the edges of the garment skimming over the tops of her thighs. Rachel met his gaze and her eyes clouded, the cock-rocking fragrance of her arousal merging with the scent of her fear. She took a step back, staring at him.

“Declan…” Chloe hesitated, wringing her hands.

“Don’t make me call Jackson,” he growled. Chloe wasn’t human, so he knew she was also capable of judging the shift in Rachel’s demeanor by the change in scent. “You’ve done all you can. It’s my turn.”

“Your turn? Hell no,” Rachel snapped, turning around, giving Declan a glimpse of her ass as she rummaged through his dresser, “I’m not sticking around. As soon as I find some clothes I’m calling a cab and going home.”

Chloe shot Declan a sympathetic look. He could tell the Halfling was torn, hating to leave her friend. “Go,” he mouthed, making sure not to speak. Chloe needed to leave, the sooner the better. Rachel would remain conflicted so long as she didn’t understand and accept her nature. It was time to introduce her to what she’d become, offer her a taste of what she could expect.

With a parting glance to Rachel, Chloe slipped from the room. He closed the door, placing his body between Rachel and her only means of escape. His wolf tried to fight for dominance, wanting to mark Rachel in its scent. With another deep breath he soothed the beast, ordering it to take a step back. Damn he hadn’t thought it would be this hard. He’d never wanted a woman this much, aching for the relief only she could give him.

“Think about what Chloe said.” He took a step to the side when Rachel tossed a shirt over her shoulder and it flew at him. “Say we let you leave, what will you do when the change comes? Where do you think you’ll go? You don’t know what to expect. You need to understand what’s happening to you.”

“You’re only saying that because you think you own me.” She ripped the bottom drawer open, dug through the clothing and she snagged a pair of sweatpants. “Chloe might’ve been fine with all this craziness but I’m not. I’ve seen how she’s become since she met Jackson. You’re not taking control of my life.”

“You think Jackson controls her?” How little Rachel knew. Chloe could ask Jackson for anything and he’d do whatever it took to give it to her. That’s the way it was between mates, a constant give and take. “Have you actually watched the two of them together?”

He’d planned to talk and give her space but when she started to pull on the oversized pants he knew it was time for action. One touch was all it would take. Born werewolf females dreamshared with their mates prior to their first moon heat. However the first actual touch sealed the deal. Rachel had bypassed puberty, going straight to adulthood. As soon as their skin connected she’d feel the difference. The wolf inside her would reveal itself little by little. She’d need him even if she didn’t fully understand the reason.