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“If it scares you then it most definitely fucking matters,” he corrected, an edge of anger appearing in his voice. “I won’t have you frightened. Not when there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to know I’m going to turn into a wolf?” Maybe she should have kept it to herself but the idea did frighten her—the mere thought of her body changing like that—more and more with each passing second. “I’m not like you. Have you thought about that? Chloe told me the first time could have been horrible if it weren’t for Jackson and she’s half of what you are. What do you think it’ll be like for me? Let me clue you in. I’m pretty sure it’ll be pure misery. And what if…” She didn’t want to say it but she had to, she’d already opened the door to the barn, freeing all the creatures inside. “What if it kills me? I’ve seen the news. Iknow that humans have been bitten, gone to hospitals and didn’t make it out alive.”

“I’m not going to lie to you.” He didn’t falter, staring her down. “There have been humans who have died under rare circumstances. It doesn’t happen often. The people you heard about on the news went to human doctors for human medicine. We don’t work that way. I can’t describe it to you but soon you’ll feel it. The connection of the pack makes sure changed members find their way.” His faced softened, his eyes changing color, shifting from brown to amber. “That’s one reason I’d like to get to know you. If you accept me—if you’ll let me claim you before the full moon—there’s no chance anything will happen to you.”

“How do you know that?” It wasn’t like he’d mated before…or had he? “Have you done this before?” Ouch. She sounded jealous, like a shrilling wife who’d found out her husband had another woman on the side.

“No, I’ve never done this before. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life but you, Rachel.” He tugged her closer, his breath whispering over her lips. “And I know because we’ll be connected on the deepest level imaginable. I can’t tell you from personal experience, only from what I’ve seen and been told.” His gaze rested on her mouth. “I know I didn’t treat you as I should’ve the first time we met. I thought with the wrong head, even though it’s no excuse.”

“You were an ass.” And inwardly she’d loved that about him. He didn’t waste time with idle threats. He’d told her as much. The man—love or hate him—was who he was. “I’m not sure I should forgive you.”

His lips inched closer to hers. “Then give me another chance. That’s all I’m asking for.”

“You’re going to kiss me now, aren’t you?” The idea suited her fine. Right now she wanted to kiss him and feel alive, viewing her future as a possibility and not a death sentence.

“Only if you ask me to,” he murmured, his gaze locked on her lips.

Bringing her hands up, she rested her palms on his shoulders. He was so much taller and broader than her, the outline of his muscles clear beneath his shirt. With all that strength he could cause her serious harm yet he’d only been careful with her, mindful of how frail she was in comparison. Human men were known to be far less considerate. In fact, nestled as they were, she remembered how much she’d wanted to have this kind of feeling, aching for it as a teen who only viewed it from afar. Now she didn’t have to be on the outside looking in.

Not unless she wanted to be.

He wanted her to come to him. He’d made that obvious. If he’d wanted to take advantage he could have in the bedroom. She’d been keyed up enough to allow it, like a lust-crazed nympho. But instead he’d pulled away and given her space, respecting her in a manner she’d never known from another man.

“Declan…” She moved closer, their mouths almost touching. The world was a scary place but oddly enough she wasn’t afraid. Not right then. Not with him. “Will you kiss me?”

“Of course I will.” Declan wrapped an arm under her ass, scooping his female from the ground. His other hand went to her nape, his long fingers twining in her sleek hair. He saw her need for reassurance and swore he’d give it to her. “Put those pretty little arms around my neck. Come here sweet, beautiful girl.”

He didn’t close his eyes as he kissed her, wanting to look at her face. To his ultimate satisfaction, she didn’t shut hers either. Their gazes locked, lips pressed together. He waited for her to take things further, digging his fingers into her hip. Her mouth opened and he felt the wet flick of her tongue against his lips. With a groan he followed her lead, letting her guide the dance. Her irises had changed color again, bright near her pupils. He felt the pull of her wolf, the beast inside her growing stronger.

Only one thing could have possibly made him close his eyes—the memory of her question, her fear that she might die. He didn’t want her to see his own anxiety, the notion she could be lost something he couldn’t bear. So he let his lids drift closed. Even in death he’d follow her. She was too important to him now. Perhaps if he’d never touched her—learning firsthand how lost he’d feel without her in his life—he could have moved on if she died.

But not now.

She thought her life would never be the same. What she hadn’t thought about was how much she had changed his. He’d often wondered how mated pairs placed their male or female above everything including their children. Now he got it, crystal fucking clear. He might be able to exist without her but it wouldn’t be a life. The world would lose color, the foods he loved lose flavor.

Nothing will ever mean as much to me. Not even close.

He’d known others were watching, feeling the weight of their stares. Personally he didn’t give a shit. He wanted them to know he’d found his mate, sending out a threat far and wide to stay the fuck away from the female meant for him. But he knew Rachel probably didn’t feel the same. To be safe he carried her to his vehicle, stopping once he was hidden behind the opened passenger door and length of the SUV.

Pulling away, she rasped, “Are we leaving?”

“Not yet,” he answered, leaning back in.

Their mouths met again, eager tongues touching and darting away. He loved her like this—eager and responsive, wanting him as much as he wanted her. Through his shirt he felt the sharpness of her nails. They’d obviously grown—a small sign of her impending change. If he got lucky he’d get to feel those hands on his bare shoulders, finally experiencing the contact of her fingers against his uncovered skin. He knew for a fact she needed guidance, having little experience. It might have made him an egotistical asshole but he loved knowing that he’d be the man to introduce her to so many wonderful things.

Dimly he recognized the hum of a motor in the distance. He didn’t think too much about it, deepening the kiss, thrusting his hips against Rachel’s. Then he heard the crunch of gravel behind him. His wolf had already come up for air, scenting its mate, feeling her call. Man and beast merged, coming together. Every instinct told him to protect his female and make sure she was safe. He couldn’t do that with his back turned.

“One minute, baby.” Tearing his mouth away and depositing Rachel in the seat, he growled, “Hold that thought.”

Whoever had pulled up behind them was stupid as fuck. He had a raging hard-on—his cock tenting his jeans—and his mate was equally geared up. Only a moron would interrupt a werewolf couple locked in a heated embrace. Whipping around, he faced the unwelcome interruption. His fury intensified, the fucking bitch walking over to him someone he was not in the mood to deal with.

“What the fuck do you want?” he snarled at Simone, hating the sight of her.

As usual she was dressed in skintight clothing, leaving little or nothing to the imagination. Thankfully she’d covered her tits today, sparing him the visual. Compared to Rachel, Simone looked like a cheap whore who’d been ridden hard and put up wet one too many times. If the pack’s suspicions were true the bitch was the reason Chloe had been attacked and Rachel had been bitten. That only made his wolf more deadly, wanting revenge for its mate.