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His female only had to accept what was coming.

It was only a matter of time.

Rachel stopped fighting her instincts, allowing the voice that had appeared in her mind to dictate her actions. It felt foreign but right, telling her what she needed to do. There was a comfort in the presence, as though things were coming full circle.

Take him. Claim him.

He’s ours.

Her pussy clenched, a fresh burst of wetness drenching her already moist panties. Since they’d arrived at the tattoo parlor she’d been on edge, wanting to finish what they’d started in the street. Her breasts felt full, her nipples hard and aching. Each time her underwear brushed her clit she thought she’d come out of her skin.

Her skin tingled as she recalled Declan’s words.

Touch me and I’ll touch you.

She focused on the task at hand, shocked at how hard yet silken he felt. His cock was thick and long. The mushroom-shaped head was broader than the root, forcing her to widen her lips in order to take him. Considering her less than memorable sexual encounters with the opposite sex, she now only used her vibrator or fingers against her clit when she needed to let off sexual steam. Due to that she knew she wasn’t going to accommodate him easily. When he tried to enter her body he’d have to work his way inside.

The thought turned her on as much as it frightened her.

The men she’d slept with didn’t compare to Declan. They didn’t even come close.

“Fuck yes,” he groaned, carefully pumping his hips. “Don’t stop, baby.”

Opening her eyes, she peered up. His lids lifted and his gaze sought hers.

The fingers in her hair tightened, making her scalp prickle and burn. His amber-colored irises were bright in the artificial lighting. Despite the ache in her jaw she sucked harder, wanting to give this to him. For once she wanted to enjoy the moment and worry about the future later. She loved knowing she was responsible for the hunger, lust and need in his eyes.

“Shit,” he whispered, panting softly. “I’m going to come. You decide how it happens. Pull away if you don’t want me like this.”

Drink him down, the voice in her head demanded. Take it all.

Doubling her efforts, she moved faster. She stroked his shaft in tandem with her sucking mouth, drawing her lips and fingers up and down his iron-hard length. He bumped the back of her throat and it took every ounce of her will not to gag. Forcing aside the natural reaction, she focused on giving him pleasure.

“I can’t hold back,” he groaned, thrusting into her mouth. “Feels too fucking good.”

With a final plunge of his hips, he pressed the head of his cock to the back of her throat and held her head still. His semen jetted into her mouth. Thick, hot and slightly bitter. She breathed through her nose and swallowed, trying not to panic when she gagged. Women did this all the time. There wasn’t anything to be worried about. He pulled back and gave her a bit of room. She maintained a level head, using the space to her advantage. She swallowed each wave of his seed, finding it became easier as she did.

In seconds his cock stilled, no longer pulsing in her mouth. She drew a steadying breath, trying to cool the fire rushing through her veins. A part of her couldn’t believe she’d been so bold and brazen, giving him what he asked for without argument. With a quick step back, Declan slid his still-hard length from her lips and bent to pick her up. She didn’t have time to protest, ripped from her knees and lifted into his arms in the same breath.

“Your turn, mate.”

She gasped when he tossed her into the chair, grasping the sides to keep her balance. Since she didn’t have shoes it wasn’t difficult to pull the sweatpants down her legs. He tossed the clothing to the floor and reached for her panties. The gleam in his eyes made her nervous.

He wasn’t going to pleasure her with his fingers this time.

Somehow she knew he fully intended to return the favor—using his mouth and tongue to get her off. As much as she’d fantasized about it she’d never had anyone venture to the land below. The real thing wasn’t as enticing as she thought it might be. Licking his fingers was one thing. Once he put his face between her legs he’d find out just how wet she’d become.

What if he didn’t like it? What if she turned him off?

The voice in her head had gone strangely quiet, leaving her vulnerable and alone.

“W-wait,” she stammered, holding her hands out to ward him off.

He froze, staring her in the eye. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t have to do that,” she blurted, turning her head so she didn’t have to look at him. Heaven help her, she felt so awkward and uncertain. “Don’t feel obligated or anything.”

“Obligated? Is that what you think?” He came at her, shoving aside her hands. “I’ve been dying to taste you, Rachel. I got a sample earlier but it wasn’t enough. I want to bury my head between your legs, lick you up like candy and watch you fall apart. I want to find out how sweet you sound when you come like this.”

“But…” She couldn’t look at him, not now. Humiliation swamped her.

“No buts,” he growled, reaching for her panties. “I want this and so do you.”

There wasn’t any reason to fight. He was right. She wanted this equally—if not more—than he did. When he grasped her panties she didn’t stop him, allowing him to slide the garment from her hips and legs. The chilly cushion beneath her ass sent a shiver up her spine. Suddenly she became aware of the cold room, the way the air seemed to breeze over her bare flesh. On a whim she’d shaved her pussy, curious to see how it would feel. As hair had grown in she’d decided to keep herself smooth.

There was nothing to protect her. Her folds were open to his gaze.

“There’ve only been two,” she blurted, changing the subject before she knew it, answering an earlier question he’d probably forgotten. “I’ve never done this before.”

“Two?” he questioned, freezing in place, fangs visible beneath his full lips.

She wanted to slap herself. He didn’t want to hear about that. Not now.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

“Never mind,” she whispered. “It’s not important.”

“Two men?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

If there had been a hole in the ground she’d have gratefully crawled into it. This was why she’d never tried to establish a relationship. Each time she got around a member of the opposite sex she said and did the wrong things. If she wasn’t busy snapping at them, she found herself muttering stupid shit. No wonder they had never called her the next day.

Unable to respond verbally, she nodded.

“No one has kissed you here?” He cupped her mound, his palm hot against her weeping flesh. When she didn’t answer he asked thickly, “No one has gone down on you?”

“No,” she squeaked, wanting him to touch her but afraid to ask for it.

“Good,” he growled, edging closer. “I’ll be your first and only.”

“You might not like it.” Damn it. Why did she keep talking out loud and ruining things? She rushed to fix what she might have broken and salvage a bit of her pride. “You don’t have to.”

“You’re right. I’m not going to like it.” She’d known he might not but hearing him say so broke something inside her. She started pulling away, drowning in misery. He stopped her, holding her in place. “You should hear a man out. I’m not going to like it because I know I’m going to fucking love it. I had a small taste but it didn’t even take the edge off. If anything it only made me want this even more.”