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Her head dipped. She felt so foggy.

No. Not yet. Stay awake.

“Come here, sweet girl.” She gasped when Declan’s arms swept her from the couch. “Time to put you to bed.”

“Not time,” she mumbled, opening her eyes. The room came into a blurry focus. Chloe stood across from her with Jackson, Gavin waited just behind them. Blinking, Rachel asked, “All done?”

“Yes,” Chloe answered and Rachel could have sworn she was smiling. “We’re done.”

Crap. She’d wanted to talk to Chloe too but it’d have to wait. She was too exhausted to maintain a conversation. She wasn’t even sure she could give Declan a mildly exciting sexual adventure if he wanted one. Accepting she’d done more than she could, she rested against Declan. She heard the door close and he moved, hurrying from the bedroom.

“I’m going to bust that pretty little ass of yours, Just Rachel.” She squirmed and he hushed her, easily stilling her struggles. “Not tonight, but soon. Your pride is going to kill you one day. I won’t allow that.”

She wanted to cry when he walked into his dark bedroom and placed her on the bed. Her tired eyes refused to open. The pillows cradled her head as Declan pulled the clothing from her body. She could have sworn she smelled that same fragrant aroma she had in the office—his arousal and a trickle of his seed. Even then she couldn’t rise to the occasion.

“I’m sorry.” She was really tired of saying that. “I’m so tired.”

“I know,” Declan soothed, stripping her bare. “You’ve accepted a mating, a pack and a huge responsibility in one night. You’ve had a busy day. But your body is going through hell right now and needs to recharge. You have to listen to it and give it what it needs before you shift.”

“Don’t want to shift.” Even if she was tired she felt she needed to argue. Declan couldn’t see her weak and think her mind had faltered as well. “I want to be me.”

“You’ll always be you.” Raking her panties down her legs, he lifted her again. His body shifted and she felt the air breeze against her. The next second he placed her in his bed. The sheets felt so soft, his scent calling to her.

Sleep. Her wolf reassured her, sending the impression through her head. Rest.

She’d be safe here. Secure and warm.

“That’s it.” Declan shifted her body and started tucking her in. “I’ll be watching over you. When you open those pretty eyes of yours I’ll be here.”

The abyss beckoned, drawing her under.

“Declan.” She reached out, not wanting him to leave. His hand met hers, his palm warm and solid. “Don’t go.”

“I’m right here, sweet girl.”

She shivered, nestling into the covers. While she hated him calling her Just Rachel, sweet girl made her warm and fuzzy. She got hot and bothered when he called her that.

“Shh,” he quieted her, stroking her hair. “Get some sleep. You’ll feel better.”

With each brush of his hand she settled. His pillows were so soft, his linens so sleek. This was nothing like her bed—a place to crash but not a haven to rest in. As the seconds passed, she relaxed. She drew his scent deep, wishing she could keep a part of it inside her.

Home, the wolf told her. Home.

For once she couldn’t find a reason to argue.

Wave after wave of fatigue took her under, pulling her to sleep. She slid into dreams, the darkness sweeping her below. It felt glorious, no longer frightening. Each breath drew her deeper, stealing her thoughts.

Until there was nothing but peace.

Declan waited until Rachel’s breathing had settled before he pulled way. His chest ached, her desperation beating at him. She’d been through so much yet she refused to be weak. He considered giving her a parting kiss but didn’t, unwilling to disturb her. Reaching down, he righted his hard cock. He still wanted her like hell on fire but she didn’t need his physicality right now.

Slowly, he moved away. The mattress lifted, no longer bearing his weight.

He held his breath and paused.

His mate slept, pulling in deep breaths. He gazed at her relaxed face. Her plush lips parted, a sigh sliding free. She was finally lifted away from it all, coasting in the valley of sleep.

Thank fucking God.

He’d loathed her tension, hated how hard she’d fought to stay awake. She hadn’t understood why she felt so tired either. He could have told her but he didn’t. She didn’t need to worry about the changes that were taking place in her body, preparing her for her first shift. As much as he wanted to touch her he didn’t, taking a small level of solace as he brushed his fingers through the dark fall of silky hair cascading over his pillow.

“Sweet dreams.”

His acute sense of hearing caught Shane’s voice, a rush of words as he whispered into a phone. The temporary Beta had already gotten to work, making sure everything was in place for the big reveal during the hunt. Preferably Declan wanted Rachel away from it all, thinking she’d prefer privacy for her first shift.

I’ll still give her that. No matter what it takes.

The hunting grounds were large. He could move her before the powerful beams from the moon hit her skin. Even at a distance the pack would assist her, their nearness bringing her wolf forth. Hopefully—if things went well—her first shift wouldn’t be too slow or painful. With changed werewolves it usually hit fast, the animal within ready to literally burst free of its human skin.

He exited the room and carefully closed the bedroom door. Again he paused, listening for any sound. When he didn’t hear anything he walked down the hall, ready to get down to business. It was time to get up to speed on pack dealings. Since he’d agreed to resume the beta role he needed to know about everything he’d missed in the last few weeks. Cracking the front door open, he saw Shane standing near the stairs.

“Come inside. We can talk in the kitchen.”

Shane turned his head, uttered something into the phone and ended his call. Declan kept his eyes on the male, studying him. He’d chosen Shane because he’d sensed the man was more than strong enough to handle the pack but he wasn’t absolutely certain about him. There was too much he didn’t know about Shane’s past.

“Take a seat.” Declan waited until Shane got comfortable before he sat in the chair across from him, resting his arms on the table. “Before we talk about the pack, I’m going to have to ask you a few questions.” Shane’s eyes narrowed and Declan said, “I should have questioned you a long time ago. I didn’t because I trust Jackson. But circumstances are changing. I have to know a lot of things. Once we join the packs and our numbers increase I can’t have any surprises. Not from our people.”

Shane absorbed what Declan said before he asked, “What do you want to know?”

“Two things. Why did you leave your pack and why did you decide to come here?”

“Going right for the throat, aren’t you?” Shane’s eyes—a shade of blue so dark they appeared nearly black—started glowing gray. “I left my pack because I had to. My female initiated dreamsharing.”

That made no sense whatsoever. In leaving Shane had made it more difficult for his female to track him down. “Why didn’t you wait for her?”

“I did wait,” Shane corrected, sounding annoyed. “When she didn’t come to me I decided to find her.”

“She’s here?” He didn’t accept Shane’s dismissive shrug, growling, “Either she is or she isn’t.”

“I don’t know where she is.”

“Tell me why you’re here.” Declan knew the male was nearing the end of his patience but he had to understand Shane as well as he did the other members of the pack. “Then I’ll know I can trust you.”