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“You weren’t easy to resist, you know.” He rested his chin on top of her head. “I had to remind myself to be a gentleman.”

Skimming her nails over his shirt, she teased him. “I wouldn’t have complained.”

“I would have.” His chest vibrated as he growled. Fingers suddenly wound into her hair, forcing her head back. His eyes met hers, the golden centers fixated on her face. “The next time I take you to bed, nothing will be able to pull me away.”

So that was why he’d left her alone. “When might that be?”

His gaze dipped, resting on her lips. “Soon.”

She sagged when he kissed her. The arms he’d snaked around her kept her upright, holding her close. His woodsy scent lined her nose, his warmth like a miniature heater. His tongue lashed out and she met him halfway, deepening the kiss. He moaned, bringing a hand down to cup her ass. Lifting her up, he thrust his hips against hers. She felt the hard ridge of his cock, aware that she was the reason he was turned on.

A loud knock at the door had both of them groaning.

No wonder he’d said what he had.

The next time she got him alone she wasn’t letting go either.

He whipped around and carried her from the bathroom. She leaned against him, knowing her wouldn’t drop her. When they made it to the door he lowered her, taking his time so she felt every last inch of his engorged length. His lips left hers and she immediately missed the contact, wanting to breathe him in.

“Soon,” he repeated, meeting her gaze.

She tried to collect herself when he let her go, running her trembling fingers through her damp hair. The door opened, sending brisk autumn air crashing into her. She stepped back to make room, relieved to see Jackson and Chloe had come to see them alone. The members of the pack were nice but she didn’t know them well. Not yet.

Chloe rushed through the door with open arms and Rachel greeted her as she had in the past, wrapping her arms around her friend. Jackson strode past them and Declan closed the door.

“You okay?” Chloe whispered.

A simple question with a complex answer.

Was she okay?

She closed her eyes, embracing the young woman she’d always trusted. Here—in Declan’s home—she’d been cared for and pampered. She’d also been pleasured, adored and cherished. The wolf—her wolf—endorsed the sentiment. She felt the creature but no longer fought it. In accepting this was going to happen she’d gained an enormous advantage. Everything that had brought her to this moment might have been difficult but Declan—her mate—had made the rest so very easy.

“Believe it or not,” she answered, her gaze darting to Declan’s, “I am.”

* * * * *

Declan listened to Jackson but kept his attention on Rachel. The last few hours had given him a glimpse of how their future might be. Within minutes of Chloe’s arrival his mate had become more relaxed than he’d ever seen her. To his delight she’d started laughing at Jackson’s horrible attempt at werewolf jokes. There was no fear or worry about what was to come.

“Hey, pay attention.” Jackson tapped the counter, yanking Declan’s eyes from the female seated in the living room. “I understand how you feel right now but she’s going to be fine.”

“If you understand how I feel, then you know I’m worried about tomorrow night,” he said, keeping his voice down. As a beta he could influence wolves but he didn’t have the ability to fully control them. He couldn’t force Rachel’s shift or make it faster for her. “I’m not sure what to do.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Jackson said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “After we deal with pack business I’ll make sure to stay close. Whatever path the packs take for the hunt, take the opposite. Chloe and I won’t be far behind.”

“Are you sure you can call to her?” Declan had intended to keep Rachel out of everyone else’s sight. She’d be horrified if she had to change in front of anyone else. “What if we’re too far away?”

“I made sure to get a lock on her scent.” Jackson reclined in his chair, absolutely confident when he said, “I’ll be able to find her. When she’s ready give me a howl. I’ll make sure it’s quick.”

Give him a howl? His anxiety changed to good humor. “I can do that.”

Jackson’s cell phone dinged. He checked the screen, saying, “I figured you could.”

“Any news?” Shane had promised to check in. The males were in charge of keeping the rogue hidden. They had strict orders to deliver him to the hunt, approximately thirty minutes before things got started.

“A bit.” Jackson rested the device on the counter. “Look,” he said, a hint of fatigue in his voice, “this has been hard on you but I’m afraid I need a favor.”

Declan met the alpha’s stare. “What kind of favor?”

“A few wolves in Gavin’s pack are raising a ruckus. We need to go over and talk to them.” Jackson peered over at Chloe. “We have to keep this quiet, so they’re meeting us a town over. There’s a good chance you’ll be gone most of the night.”

Fuck. “I can’t leave.”

“As my Beta you don’t have a choice.”

“With everything that’s happened,” Declan had to beat his wolf back, “would you really leave Chloe alone? Do you think that’s smart?”

“I’m not leaving her alone.” Jackson’s smile was that of a smartass, with a touch of menace. “Gavin has his wolves positioned all around your place. None one is allowed within a hundred yards of the perimeter. No more pizza delivery. Our mates will have to eat in.”

“You son of a bitch,” Declan snarled. Rachel glanced up, hearing the anger in his voice. He didn’t look at her, toning it down. “You knew you were going to ask me to leave when you got here.”

“Sorry, man,” Jackson replied smoothly, not sounding apologetic at all. “Shit happens.”

Rachel had risen from her seat. Declan closed his eyes when her small hands pressed on his shoulders, her voice soft in his ears. “It’s okay.” She massaged his muscles, inching closer. “Chloe’s going to stay here. We’re going to finish the movie night we started. I’ll be fine.”

“When did she tell you?” Declan didn’t want her to stop touching him. He loved how gentle she was, how cautiously she loosened the tightness in his neck. Opening his eyes and staring at the Jackson, he resisted the urge to punch the male in the nose. The Alpha was only doing his job.

“Just now,” Rachel whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Don’t ask him to do something he can’t,” Chloe said, striding to Jackson. “He’ll always worry about you. It’s how they are.”

“You tell her, baby,” Jackson purred, yanking Chloe to his side.

Declan wanted to mirror Jackson’s possessive display. Only once he had Rachel in his arms he wouldn’t let go. He kept his hands where they were, knowing he would only be tempting himself. “When do we have to leave?”

“As soon as possible.” Jackson stood, towering over his mate. He wrapped an arm around Chloe’s waist and smiled at Rachel. “We’ll give you a few minutes.”

The pair departed, leaving Declan and Rachel alone. She didn’t stop rubbing his shoulders, her hair drifting against his neck as she leaned over his body. Even if Jackson had indicated they had to leave soon, he didn’t stop her. He wanted the memory of this—her touching him in a loving way—before he left her side.

“I don’t want you to go either.” Her tongue flicked the inner shell of his ear. “Just so you know.”

He’d finally gotten a handle on his desire and she went and did something like that.