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“Should I ask?”

“I wouldn’t give her any cash.” Rachel didn’t try to play things cool. Chloe had been around Cindy through the years. She knew the score. “She tried to throw a tantrum and he stepped in. He told her she could stay until a Realtor took a look at the place. I might have let that slide but I’ve honestly had enough. I told her to leave before I called the police.”

“You know it’s not your fault.” Resting a hand on Rachel’s leg, Chloe said quietly, “She’s been doing this to herself for years. No one can help her but herself.”

“I know.” Rachel rested her fingers over Chloe’s and gave them a squeeze. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve missed having you around.”


Enough of this sappy shit. “So are we watching a movie or what?” Rachel rose from the couch. “I’m not sure what kind of liquor Declan has but we can raid the cabinets if you want a drink.”

“Trust me.” Chloe stood, an impish grin on her face. “He’s got good stuff somewhere. We’ll find it.”

Heading into the kitchen, Rachel asked, “So what do you want to watch?”

“No movies, not tonight.” Chloe strode past her and took a deep breath. Pivoting, she went for a cabinet and opened it. Several bottles were stashed inside. Collecting a bottle of vodka, she spun around and smiled at Rachel. “I want you to take a seat,” she gestured to the kitchen table, “get comfortable and get ready to spill the beans. I meant it when I said I wanted to know everything.”

“Chloe…” The last thing Rachel wanted to be was a bitch. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but I’d rather not discuss certain details. It’s not that I mind sharing things with you.” Hell, over the years they’d shared everything together. “It’s just,” lifting her head, she stared into her friend’s eyes, “this is the first thing that’s ever been completely mine. I want to keep it that way. At least for a little while.”

“Oh wow.” Instead of getting angry, Chloe grinned. “You really need to take that seat and have a drink.”

Doing as she’d been told, she questioned, “Why is that?”

“Because, dearest Rachel…” Chloe placed the bottle on the table and went to retrieve glasses. As soon as she had them in hand, she put them on the table and put a sizeable amount in each container. “You’ve fallen hard.” Chloe passed a glass to Rachel and lifted the other into the air, extending her arm so they could toast. “That’s a cause for celebration.”

Rachel almost protested. Then she thought about it.

She had fallen—very hard.

Declan wasn’t like anyone she’d ever met. She knew she’d never get tired of looking at him, listening to him or letting him care for her. Each day seemed to bring them closer. Even now, with him gone only for minutes, she kept glancing at the door. She missed his smile, woodsy scent and gentle touch. She wanted the time to pass quickly so that he was back at her side. In his presence she felt protected in a way she’d never expected to be.

To hell with it.

“To the future?” she asked, looking at Chloe.

“To the future,” Chloe parroted, giving her a smile.

They dinged glasses and tossed the drinks back.

Out with the old and in with the new.

* * * * *

Jackson parked outside the club and turned off the engine. The bar was hopping, the parking lot crammed with cars and trucks. “Are you ready?”

“Yep.” It hadn’t been easy leaving Rachel but he’d managed to get a grip on things. The sooner they got this shit over, the better. “All set.”

“Gavin has your place covered,” Jackson repeated—something he’d done the entire drive over. “Rachel’s in good hands. I need you here.”

“I told you.” Facing the Alpha, he growled, “I’m all set.”

Seemingly satisfied, Jackson climbed from the car. Declan did the same. Facing testosterone-laden males wasn’t his idea of a good time. The men wouldn’t show up as an idle threat. They had to know Jackson meant business. Due to the nature of things they’d chosen neutral ground—a biker bar that catered to humans and immortals.

“I hate these places,” Jackson grumbled, adjusting his coat.

“I feel you.”

Most mortals came to bars like these to get their supernatural groove on. Others were curious but became terrified if a werewolf, vampire or other such being approached them. Since heavy drinking was often involved, crazy shit usually happened. Declan had heard many a horror story through the years. Despite the police leaving their kind alone, they still had to respond to disturbance calls.

“It’s still early,” he offered, glancing out of the corner of his eye at Jackson. “Maybe we’ll miss the deadbeats who trickle in.”

“We’re not that fucking lucky.”

The loud shuffling of feet got their attention. Jackson froze and so did Declan.

The male standing to the left of the building, just beside the parking lot, let his wolf show through his eyes. The male’s dark eyes brightened to orange, his fangs reflecting the glow from a nearby streetlight. He’d dressed in black, his hoodie keeping his face somewhat hidden.

“Jackson Donovan?”

“Who wants to know?” Jackson snarled.

“I’m just the middleman. I don’t have a dog in this fight.” The male’s eyes returned to normal and his fangs retracted. “Everyone’s waiting for you in an area in the back. It’s private and exclusive. You can’t get in without the password.”

“Which is?”

The male strode across the distance, holding out a piece of paper to Jackson. “Talk to the man behind the bar. He’ll take you where you need to be.” The werewolf didn’t stick around, spinning on his heel. He hurried off and faded into the night.

“Something smells shitty,” Declan muttered. While they were meeting in a public place, the area they’d be taken to was hidden. That meant the males could very well be itching for an ass kicking. “I don’t like it.”

“I don’t either.”

“So what’s our move?”

Jackson pulled his cell from his coat and pressed a button. He placed the device to his ear and after several seconds said, “Gavin, I’m meeting your guys at the back of the bar like we discussed. They want a fucking password in order for us to enter some super-secret room.” Opening the paper, Jackson snorted. “It’s Cinderella. Figures. If you don’t hear back from me by the morning you’ll know who’s responsible. I’ll be sure to tell them we chatted as soon as I get inside. Just so they know their asses are grass if they fuck this up. Keep our girl safe. I’ll be in touch.”

“Nice.” Declan grinned and cracked his neck. The males had the right to challenge Jackson but killing him would earn them Gavin’s eternal wrath. He was the male’s father-in-law. If Jackson died Chloe might not survive. “Can we get this over with?”

“Absolutely.” Jackson put his cell away and strode to the door, the loud boom of music nearly drowning out his voice. “The sooner the better.”

Chapter Thirteen

Declan dragged his feet up the stairs, more exhausted that he’d felt in years. So much for making it home in enough time to enjoy his mate. The males from the other pack hadn’t just demanded their attention, they’d decided to fight for it. Precisely as Jackson and Declan had thought they might. Apparently a few of them thought they were strong enough to take the pack from Jackson.

Not smart, although Declan hadn’t blamed them for trying.

He rubbed his cheek, relieved a nasty cut had started healing.

Jackson hadn’t been able to hold them off, meaning Declan had to watch the Alpha’s back. It hadn’t been pretty. For several hours they’d had to wait for the next challenger to appear. Despite their waning strength they’d pulled through. After the last asshole from Gavin’s pack had his ass handed to him, the other males had finally caved and bowed down to their new Alpha.