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In a way it was for the best.

The pack didn’t need this shit during the full moon.

Jackson retrieved the key Declan kept taped to the bottom of a flowerpot on the porch, dusted it off and handed it over. “Here you go.”

Declan slid the key into the lock and tried to clear his head. Once he opened the door the alarm would go off. Even if that woke the women inside, he could make sure the annoying noise didn’t drone on forever. Before he could put his plan to action he heard someone on the other side undoing the locks. The door opened and Rachel appeared.

Her smile of happiness quickly vanished.

“What the hell happened?” She rushed forward, her fingers carefully inspecting his wounds. In a split second she directed her attention to Jackson. “What the fuck did you do to him?”

Time for damage control.

“I told you not to open the door.” Catching her hands in his, he stepped forward and forced her into the house. When her anger didn’t lessen—telling him she wasn’t up for his teasing—he tried a different tactic. “Take it easy, Rachel. He didn’t do anything.”

Jackson stepped in behind them. Before Rachel had only seen his shadow. Now she got the full deal. She shut up, no doubt embarrassed when she realized Jackson had it just as bad. Declan had made sure to keep things in order—only letting the males go at the Alpha one at a time—but Jackson hadn’t been so lucky. His cheekbone had been busted. Despite the substantial amount of healing Jackson had done, one of his eyes was almost entirely black.

“I thought you said there wouldn’t be any fighting.” Chloe didn’t sound happy, rounding the corner. “You said you’d never lie to me.”

“I didn’t lie. I didn’t think there would be.” Shooting Declan a look, Jackson swept Chloe up and headed for the door. His mate’s hands went to his eye, her expression concerned. “I’ll tell you about it in the car. I’m ready to get home.” He gave her a fast kiss and exited through the house, calling out as he went, “I’ll see you tonight. Call before you leave.”

“Close the door,” Declan requested softly. He didn’t want to fight with his mate. He was too tired, in need of a shower and sleep. “I’ll explain.”

Her lips thinned and her eyes narrowed but she left him. He discarded his jacket, tossed it onto the counter between the kitchen and the living area and removed his shirt. As a werewolf he healed quickly but these wounds would take longer. Each blow to his body had been delivered by others just like him. Rachel gasped and he turned toward her. Her mouth opened and closed, her gaze raking over his torso.

“Oh dear God,” she whispered and took a small step toward him.

“A few of the wolves decided to challenge Jackson as Alpha.” Bringing his hands to his jeans, he undid the buttons. His lust didn’t stir, his body too sore and bruised for any sort of physical activity. Even if he wanted to take Rachel to bed he wouldn’t be able to. He needed to sleep his injuries off, give his wolf time to rest. “The fuckers look worse than we do if it makes you feel any better.”

“What do you need?” Like a switch had been flipped, she went from appalled to concerned. She hurried to his side but didn’t touch him. “Tell me what I can do.”

He hoped she meant that.

“There are steaks in the back of the fridge. Can you pull out two or three and put them on a plate?” Deciding it was best not to inform her he was going to eat them raw, he said, “I’m going to get a shower and get clean.”

“I can cook a steak.” She pivoted to go the kitchen. “How do you want them?”

Shit. So much for that. “I’ll heal faster if I eat them rare.”

“How rare?”

“Completely,” he answered, too exhausted to continue the conversation.


He waited until he heard the fridge open before he made the trek to the bathroom. Wasn’t this his luck? When he finally had time to be with his female he was too shitkicked to do anything about it. He peeled his pants off inside the bathroom and walked to the shower. He didn’t wait for the water to heat, thankful for the cold against his skin.

Running his hand along his side, he inspected the rib that had been cracked.

Still tender but definitely healing.

Bowing his back, he let the water drift over his head as it warmed. It felt good to get the sweat and blood off him. He didn’t bother with shampoo, scrubbing at the strands with his fingers. He tried not to think about the pain, picturing his bed instead. Once he finished off the steaks he’d curl up around his female and sleep.

The door to the stall opened and Rachel—naked as the day she’d been born—stepped inside. He wasn’t sure what she was up to and felt ashamed that he might not be able to perform if she wanted him to. For her, he’d give anything a try. But he ached all over, his muscles sore and weak. She retrieved soap and a washcloth stowed on a shelf built into the wall and, all business, started washing him clean.

Her hands were just the way he liked them—soft and heavenly.

She started at his neck and worked her way down.

He was too tired to speak so he just enjoyed. She made sure to cleanse all of him, tender as she worked about his rib cage. After she’d she finished, she left the shower. He turned off the faucets and she reappeared with a towel in hand. She’d wrapped another one around her lovely body. If things had been different he’d have ripped it off and taken her to the floor. He was weak but he still had fantasies, wanting to do so many things with his mate.

“Let me help.” It wasn’t a request but an order. He stood there, letting her pat him off. When she was satisfied she backed out of the shower. “I want you to get in bed. I’ll bring your food. Come on.”

Bossy little female.

He considered swatting her ass but decided against it. Another time he’d give her that, when they both could enjoy it. He didn’t bother getting dressed, just moved to the bed. She saw his needs and reacted, pulling the covers back. He sat on the sheets and moved his back to the headboard. Once there he waited, giving his body a rest. The rusty scent of bloody meat suddenly appeared.

“I didn’t know if you needed these.” Rachel stood right beside him, holding a plate in one hand and utensils in the other. He couldn’t help but notice her towel had loosened, giving him an ample view of her nipples. Even though his body was injured, his cock rose at the sight. He wanted to curse his shitty fucking fortune.

Reaching for the plate, he clarified, “Just the steaks, baby.”

“Do you need anything to drink?” She handed it over along with a napkin.

“I’d kill for a beer.”

She didn’t run from the room but she did haul ass. In an effort to make things easier for her he called to his wolf, willing his teeth to sharpen. As soon as his canines lengthened and he knew chewing would be fast, he went at the first piece. Normally he ate slowly—even when he hunted game with the pack—but tonight food meant fuel. He’d finished the first, chomped down the second and started on the third when Rachel returned. She avoided looking at him as she walked over and placed the bottle on the nightstand.

“I had to find a bottle opener.”

He didn’t point out the lids came off with a firm twist of one’s hand. “Thank you.”

“Uh.” She glanced at his fingers clenching raw meat and looked away. “You’re welcome.”