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“I’m going to take you home, spoil you rotten and love you so hard you can’t breathe.”

She inched closer, fingers drifting into the hair along his nape. “Promise?”

“I give you my fucking word.”

It was the easiest vow he’d ever made.


Shane moved to place himself between Jackson and Wade, knowing a fight was about to go down. Right after Gavin and Jackson announced the joining of their packs, Shane had brought forth the snitch. Simone had seemed totally confused, her father had seemed totally pissed off and the other pack Alphas had scrambled to get a grip on things. To make things worse Chloe wanted to go after Rachel and make sure all was well as soon as she’d spotted Declan’s vehicle.

With all the snarling and combined adrenaline, someone was going to bleed.

“It wasn’t me!” Simone shrieked, rushing behind her father. “I would never sleep with a rogue. That’s disgusting! Are you kidding me?”

He shouldn’t have been surprised that Simone would find more offense in someone saying she slept with a mutt than being accused of plotting a murder. The rogue, for his part, had gone quiet. Shane had warned him it was best if he kept his mouth shut. Jackson—though tough—might find some room in his heart to the let the stupid motherfucker go.

“Is it her?” Shane whispered in the male’s ear, keeping position between Jackson and Wade. “Do you recognize her scent?”

“Something’s off,” the man whimpered, body shaking.

“Off how?”

“It’s not her.” He stared at Simone, nostrils flaring as he inhaled. “Even with the perfume the smell is off.”

“See,” Simone said, sounding triumphant. “Told you.”

Shane’s grip on the rogue’s neck tightened and the man blurted, “The scent was here earlier. I caught it after we arrived. The person you’re looking for is one of your people.”

Gavin’s gaze darted up, his eyes finding Jackson’s. “Desiree,” Gavin snarled, spinning around. His nostrils flared. “Where is she?”

“She’s here.” Wade whipped around, trying to locate her as well. When he didn’t, his eyes drifted to the lone wolf in Shane’s hold. “Damn it. All you need is a scent?”

The male nodded and Shane wondered if the sissy was going to piss his pants.

“She rode with me,” Wade motioned to his Beta. “Her coat’s in the car. Get it.”

“If the rogue confirms the scent, I want her dead,” Jackson growled, his arm behind his back, keeping Chloe safely behind him. Another Alpha started to speak up and Jackson cut him off. “She’s not a true member of any of our packs anymore. We owe her nothing. And the bitch has already been warned once. This isn’t the first time she’s threatened my mate.”

The Alpha let it go. No one spoke, waiting as the Beta dispatched by Wade vanished for several seconds and finally returned. He walked to Shane, a golden garment in his hand. He held the coat high.

“That’s the scent.” The rogue’s voice broke, his shoulders quaking. “With the perfume on the other female it’s the exactly the same.”

“Barry,” Wade said the word in a low snarl, “I want you to take Simone home. Put her in the room we keep for special guests. Don’t let her go anywhere.”

Simone snarled when Barry dropped the coat and advanced on her. “I didn’t do anything!”

“Then you won’t mind answering any of my questions,” Wade replied briskly. “Simone, shut up and go. Do as I say. Do not say another word.”

To her credit, Simone shut her gob and did as she was told.

An extremely nice change.

“I want Desiree here, right now.” Gavin pinned Wade in place with a glare. “I told you not to trust her. Knowing that bitch, she’s already long gone.”

Rustling drew everyone’s attention.

Shane glanced over his shoulder and saw Declan and Rachel walking from the woods. Judging by their tightly clasped hands and the smile on Declan’s face, things had gone well. That much was a relief. Shane didn’t like being the fill-in Beta. It was time for Declan to slide back into the job. Taking his focus from the couple, Shane directed his attention to Jackson. Chloe relaxed, shifting closer to her male. The Alpha had a decision to make. Hell, all of them did.

“If she’s not here, she ran.” Wade seemed tranquil on the inside but Shane could feel his anger. “Considering the accusations against her, she’s no longer under my protection. I apologize for any trouble she’s caused. I’ll defer to Jackson’s wishes in this matter.”

“To kill her you have to catch her,” Gavin snapped. “Your apology is a little late.”

“She’ll be our hunt then,” another Alpha—Merrick—chimed in. “We need a solid nose.”

Wade’s gaze flew over the pack and stopped on a couple. Shane followed the Alpha’s gaze. Their scents were oddly familiar. He’d seen them before. Gertrude and Ben Lowe. A nice pair who’d been together over a century.

“We need Luna,” Wade told them. “How long will it take to get her here?”

“Get her? But it’s so late. She took her medicine before we left and she’s with her aide.” Gertrude didn’t seem happy, neither did her mate. She lifted her head, gazing at the sky. “The conditions aren’t right. It’s too cold and dry. She’s not expecting to hunt. She’ll be sleepy. I can call and talk to her but I don’t think she’ll make it in time.”

“Call her, now,” Wade snapped. “Tell her that her Alpha wants her here.”

“Luna?” Jackson asked, studying Wade. “I’ve never heard of her.”

“She’s new to my pack, Gertrude and Ben’s granddaughter. She arrived a few months ago. Her circumstances are…” Wade struggled for words. “Unique.”

“Unique or not, she should be here,” Jackson reminded the Alpha. “Hunts are mandatory.”

“As her Alpha, hunts are decided on my discretion. Not yours.” Wade gazed in the distance, watching as Simone slid into his posh Cadillac. Returning his gaze to Jackson, he said, “I’ve given her leave to be medicated and caged during the hunt in certain conditions.”


“She’s not like us,” Ben answered, narrowing his eyes at Jackson. “She’s special.”

“But she can find anything with that nose of hers,” Gertrude interrupted, giving Ben a slap. “She’s only recently shifted but her sense of smell is incredible. If she can pick up the scent she can find anyone. Mark my words.”

Declan joined the group with Rachel at his side, asking, “What’s so special about her?”

“Nice of you to join us,” Wade snapped, glaring at Rachel. “Even if you’re recently mated, as the newly reinstated Beta I expect you to be here to support your pack.”

“You’re welcome, Wade,” Declan replied sardonically, giving the male a smug smile. “Don’t you worry. I never miss a good party.”

Rachel elbowed Declan in the ribs and Shane could have sworn he heard Chloe snicker.

“The clock’s ticking,” Jackson reminded them and glowered at Wade. “Why should I trust you? You took Desiree in when you should have kicked her out. This is your fault.”

Shane watched Wade—noting the red appearing in the male’s face.

“I didn’t take your warning to heart,” Wade said cautiously, “but I’m trying to make amends. You can accept help us find her or you can choose another course of action.”

Stepping forward, Shane injected himself in the conversation. “If we couldn’t convince you to do the right thing before, what makes you think we should trust you now?”