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“Olivia Marie, this is one weird ride you are taking. Get dressed. Write the story. Get out of here. That’s the plan.” Giving herself an emphatic nod, she skimmed out of her clothes and layered from silk long johns up to a thick wool sweater before heading downstairs to join Micah and Talia.

She couldn’t stop the grin when she saw Talia bundled to within an inch of her life. Micah’s look of determination as he wrapped a scarf around the child’s neck warmed Olivia’s heart. The man might not know it, but he was bonkers over the kid. A yearning for that kind of connection tried to make itself known and she ruthlessly pushed it aside. Entering the room, Olivia laughed.

“Trying to make Talia look like the poor kid from that movie?” Olivia staggered around holding her arms straight out from her sides. “I can’t move my arms!”

Infectious giggles erupted from Talia who immediately began mimicking Olivia. Micah grabbed for the trailing scarf but it was too late. He scrambled to his feet, chuckling.

“Fine! You do it then! And,” he waggled his eyebrows at her in a fair “evil villain” impersonation, “you are next, my dear!”

Talia screamed with glee as Olivia flung her hand up to her head. “Oh no! It’s the evil scarf wrapper!”

Micah pounced while she was distracted by Talia. Heat radiated from his arms as he pulled her against his chest. She saw a glint in his eye but before she could react, he kissed her then released her to the sound of Talia clapping her hands.

“Micah!” Olivia’s cheeks were hot and she knew she had to be scarlet.

“Here’s your coat and gloves, Liv. Grab a hat and put a scarf on or I will.” Micah scooped Talia up under one arm and headed out the door as he finished winding her scarf. Talia’s laughter echoed from the porch as Micah pretended to drop her, catching her just before she hit the snow piled by the stairs.

“Why that man!” Olivia couldn’t help it. She started to laugh. If he was trying to keep her off her balance, he was succeeding very well. The kiss he’d just given her had been a total scorcher and then he’d turned around and teased Talia. She pulled on the coat followed by the gloves. Tugging the hat down on her head, she threw the scarf over her shoulder and headed out the door.

Talia stood at the edge of the driveway, watching Micah gather up barking and bouncing dogs. He took them to the sled one at a time, checking each harness before putting it on the dogs. Olivia watched appreciatively as Micah bent over to attach the harnesses to the traces for the wicker sled. The curve of his ass in those tight faded jeans was enough to make her drool. She frowned when he turned to slide into an insulated jumpsuit. What fun was that?

“Okay, you two! Let’s go!”

Olivia followed the running Talia more slowly but her hurried steps reflected her excitement. A twinge struck her. This must be what it felt like to have a real family. Brushing the thought aside, Olivia took up a position in front of Micah. His gaze ran up and down her as he checked what she was wearing. Heat pooled in her belly when his look lingered on her breasts. She remembered what he had said about wanting her.

“This won’t do, Ms. Decatur.” His breath warmed her cheek as he grabbed her scarf to pull her close to him. “We have to make sure that delicate skin is protected.” He lowered his voice, “And I have to imagine what it would be like to have you tied up in my bed using this scarf.”

Before she could draw enough air to scold him, Olivia found herself gently pushed into the sled. The dogs were anchored somehow but she could feel the jerks and tugs as they tried to surge forward. The barking nearly deafened her. Talia clambered in place to rest between her legs and Olivia wrapped her arms around the child to hug her.

Micah covered both of them with a blanket he’d had draped over the sled. The seat under them was just a thin cushion, but no cold came through it from the snow below them.

She focused on the lead dog as Micah shouted, “Away”. Micah ran behind the sled and Olivia felt the impact as he jumped up on the runners. She leaned her head back to look up at Micah, only to get an eyeful of his erection. Olivia jerked her head forward again.

Even wrapped up as she was, Olivia could feel the bite of the wind but she didn’t care. The joy of the dogs as they ran was contagious. She watched as they headed down a path through the trees. All of the scenery seemed strangely familiar then she realized that she’d seen it in her dreams.

“Gorgeous, isn’t it?”

Micah spoke quietly. The dogs had stopped barking as soon as they’d started running. He explained that the animals would use all their energy for pulling the sled, not for barking at one another. She looked back at him, careful not to let her head brush his crotch again and nodded.

He pointed out various things including an immature bald eagle sitting high in the top of one of the trees as they zoomed down the path. Olivia almost wished she’d brought her camera, but knew the sights would stick with her long enough for her to add them to her article.

This was definitely Micah in his element. He was such an obvious part of this landscape and so comfortable here. In spite of the fact that he hadn’t been born here, this was his place in the world. Olivia felt a spurt of jealousy immediately followed by guilt. Micah couldn’t help it that he’d found the perfect home and she hadn’t managed that for herself yet.

Suddenly he pulled on the leads and called the dogs to a halt. He anchored the sled securely in the snow. Some of the dogs started barking again while others curled up to rest, covering their noses with their tails. Olivia could just tell the ones still barking were ready to run some more.

“I want to take you somewhere.” Micah helped Talia then Olivia out of the sled. Olivia watched as he spoke quietly to the dogs, patting some of them on the head, speaking to all of them as he passed them. “Follow me.”

Trees pressed in on them as they navigated a narrow path that Olivia knew she would have never seen. With Talia between them, she drank in the intoxicating scent of balsam mingled with what she now knew was Micah. How did he know I could do that though? Gotta pin him down when we get back and ask him about that.

“Oh!” A puff of white air accompanied her gasp of delight as she stepped into a huge clearing. On the far edge a large white wolf stood its ground. Olivia knew she’d have to write about how secure these animals were in showing themselves to humans. All this time she thought they’d be difficult to spot and now she was seeing her third one.

Talia glanced up at Micah who held a finger to his mouth while he shook his head. She nodded then reached for Olivia’s hand. The simple gesture brought tears to Olivia’s eyes and the knowledge that she needed to make sure Talia didn’t come to depend on her. This was just a working vacation and her editor needed her back at her desk at the end of it.

Movement caught her attention and she looked at the wolf who still paced restlessly at the edge of the clearing. It seemed uncaring of their presence as it raised its nose to sniff in the air. Olivia squinted. Did that wolf have an injured eye? She saw that the right eye seemed glazed over and there were marks on its face like some sort of scarring. That’s odd. It looks a bit like Gareth.

“Time to head back.” Micah’s voice snapped her out of her reverie and Olivia took one last look at the animal. Foolish, Olivia, just foolish. It’s just some weird similarity, that’s all. She followed Micah and Talia back to the sled.

“Hop in the basket.” Micah waved toward the sled so Olivia assumed that was what he meant. Climbing in, she nestled into the soft blankets and held her arms out for Talia to join her. The trip home seemed shorter because the lodge showed up too soon for Olivia’s liking.