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So fast it took her breath away, Micah stood at her side. His lips were warm and soft as he pressed a gentle kiss against her cheek.

“I know you think one of us is insane, but I promise you, neither of us is.”

She didn’t worry about the fact that he stood there while she changed. Hearing his breath speed up made her feel powerful in a way she had never felt before. She took her time slipping into the silk undershirt, even turning to face him when she zipped her jeans up over the silk pants. She could have sworn his tongue was about to loll out of his mouth. With a nod, she headed past him and down the stairs.

“Are we taking the sled?” Olivia went for the most mundane thing she could think of.

He shook his head and handed her a pair of skis. “I’m assuming you know how to cross-country? I know you did that article on it for that New York resort.”

Her head jerked in surprise and he laughed. “Yes, Olivia, I researched you before you came to my property. Here are your poles.”

The trip to the clearing was shorter because they didn’t have to stick to the winding path. Cutting through the trees, they sliced at the snow with skis and poles. Left ski, right pole then right ski, left pole-the kick and glide rhythm was easy to fall into. Olivia had forgotten how much work it was but reveled in the clear, crisp air.

She managed to work up a sweat with the sun warming her up in her layers of clothing. Finally the edge of the opening appeared before them and Olivia kicked her skis in toward one another to snowplow to a stop. Without a word from Micah, Olivia removed her boots from the skis.

“Okay. Now what?” Suddenly she thought about what she was doing. Out in the middle of nowhere with-she looked at Micah and took a deep breath. With a man she knew she could trust. He just smelled right. Shoving her doubts aside, she moved toward him until puffs of her breath caressed his face.

“Are you going to eat me now?”

Micah’s start of laughter elicited an answering one of her own. For a minute they let the silliness of the double entendre ring through the woods. Then Micah’s face tightened as his eyebrows drew together and his lips pursed in. He huffed out a breath as he looked into her eyes.

She marveled at the myriad colors swirling in his eyes. What she had mistaken for brown was more hazel than anything else. Light seemed to flicker in his gaze and Olivia forced herself to look away.

“Olivia, what is about to happen is going to scare you. I’m going to help you change. I’m going to show you what you really are. Are you ready?” He stroked her cheek, sending heat waves to her belly.

At her nod, he unzipped her jacket. “You’re going to need to be naked for this or you’ll ruin your clothes. I promise you won’t come to any harm and you won’t freeze.”

Olivia didn’t hesitate. In for a penny, in for a pound. She followed Micah’s directions, tucking her folded clothes into a tree branch. Despite his assurance, she couldn’t stop a shiver from coursing over her body and she could feel the cold, especially in her bare feet. “Okay, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

He licked his lips as he scanned her body. She noticed a change in his smell and a tightness in his pants. Then he focused intently on her and her whole world shattered. Olivia screamed as her hands begin to twist on their own. Falling to her knees, she begged him to stop but the words didn’t come out right.

Her lips elongated as her jaw jutted forward. Reaching a hand up to feel her face, Olivia cried out when a paw shot up next to her. Only her cry came out as an unearthly howl.

Shuddering, she realized the world looked and smelled incredibly different. The colors were muted into shadows. Scents assaulted her nostrils until she wanted to bury her snout in the snow. Snout? SNOUT!! Olivia jerked her head around to look behind her. A furry rump with a long flowing tail greeted her. Leaping up, Olivia whirled but the tail was gone.

A coughing sound caught her attention. Where Micah had stood was the black and gray wolf. He cautiously approached, bumping her with his nose. She shied away then realized she’d leaped a good ten feet from him. Hey, that’s not bad! Wonder how fast I can run? Before the thought fully left her mind, her feet dug into the snow as she propelled herself forward.

Air whipped around her but didn’t chill her. Olivia opened her mouth to give voice to the joy she felt. This was so very right-this was her right. The sound of pounding paws came from behind her and then Micah pulled up even with her. He shot her what could only be called a wolfy grin and surged forward. Oh no you don’t, fella. I’m built for speed.

You are built for other things too and you’re the most gorgeous she-wolf I’ve ever seen, Liv. Run with me!

Olivia didn’t question his voice in her head nor did she answer it. Instead she poured energy into her run using every bit of muscle she had to gain ground on Micah. Finally she flipped her tail as she passed him. At the next large tree, she flopped down panting to wait for him. He came around the corner at full speed.

Snow flew everywhere as he skidded to a stop. Olivia waited for him to come to a complete halt before springing to her feet. Nipping at his neck, she shoulder-blocked him then hauled furry butt back toward the clearing.

The howls of pure male frustration spurred her to greater speeds. Micah didn’t catch her again until they were both nearly to the clearing. His body check came out of the blue, knocking her off her feet. She laughed in her head as she rolled through the snow to come to a standing position again.

Who’s the fastest, Micah? She danced on her paws then bowed toward him.

You are, Liv, you definitely are. But then females are built smaller so they can run faster. Ready to go home?

Olivia shook her head at him. Go home? This is home. She wanted to run until she fell over. Chase rabbits. Plow through the snow and feel no cold. She never wanted to be human again.

Taking in a huge breath, she embraced the crisp pine mingled with other scents. Her ears toggled forward when she realized one of the scents was wolf and not familiar to her. Sidling toward Micah, she ducked her head under his neck. Touching him felt familiar. Do you smell that?

Micah’s throat rumbled as his hair ruffled up along his neck. When he pressed his jaw against the top of her head, Olivia felt immediately safe.

It’s okay. It’s just Pete.

Olivia blinked. Just Pete? Was everyone here a shifter? Even with Micah’s assurances, she tensed when the other wolf entered the clearing. With his head down and jaws open, the smaller brown wolf turned his head slightly away as he approached.

No eye contact was made with her or Micah. Rolling over in front of Micah, exposing his belly, the other wolf-Pete-waited for something. Olivia didn’t know what, but suddenly his scent changed again and he leapt to his feet. He put his head on his paws, wagging his tail at Olivia next.

Welcome, Olivia Decatur, protected by Micah Keeps Vigil.

The formalness of the tone made Olivia stop for a moment. He made it sound as if she were a part of something. Allowing herself one mental sigh, she placed that feeling where it belonged. Deep in the department of long-lost dreams. There was no place for her to call home.

Micah tells me you won a race with him. Well done. I’m happy he has someone to challenge him now. Does this mean we will see you tomorrow night? Pete dropped one eyelid at her in what could only be a wolf wink.

Dropping her jaw into a wolf version of a smile, Olivia wedged her shoulder against Micah’s. His solidness comforted her.