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Thank you, Pete. It’s-ahhh-good to meet you again? Forgive me if I mess up. This is all new to me. What’s happening tomorrow night?

Micah’s voice rang in her head and she assumed Pete’s as well from the way his ears suddenly cocked forward. Don’t worry about that, Olivia. You are vouchsafed by me with the Pack. Pete will alert them to answer any questions you have. We need to go back to the lodge now. Olivia, we’ll talk about tomorrow night when we’re back at the lodge. Thanks for bringing me the news.

The brown wolf trotted back into the woods as Olivia turned to look at Micah. He stood before her human and gloriously, stunningly, breathtakingly nude. Smiling down at her, he said, “You have to shift back now, Olivia. You need to do this on your own.”

I don’t know how. Olivia sounded petulant even to herself. The idea of being a wolf forever was losing its appeal when the human side of her remembered Micah’s hands stroking her breasts and his mouth on her nipples. Turn me back, Micah. I don’t know how.

Shaking his head, Micah pulled his jeans on then smoothed his hands down his legs. “No, Liv, I can but I won’t. You have the natural ability to control this yourself. Just focus on being human again. Grab that thought and hang on to it. Then let it flow over you until you return to two legs. I’m right here, sweetheart. Nothing bad will happen to you.”

His voice eased the trepidation beginning to take hold of Olivia. She knew she’d be sweating if she were human and realized from the tightness of her bladder that peeing in fear took on a whole new meaning in wolf form. Closing her eyes, she did as Micah said.

It felt as if she were putting a puzzle together in her head. Seeing her hands as hands first and then working her way through her body, Olivia panted in her desperation to return to human form.

“I can’t do it, Micah.” The sound of her voice gave lie to her words. Olivia opened her eyes to see her hands in front of her in the snow. Taking the hand he offered, she stood up, brushing snow from her knees as she did.

“You can and you did it beautifully. Nice job for your first conscious shifting, Liv. I’m proud of you. Now unfortunately, you’d better get dressed.”

Micah’s voice rang with admiration that made Olivia glow with pleasure. Then she stopped as she pulled on her shirt. One arm in and one arm out, she suddenly got it. She had transformed into a wolf.

“Oh my God.” Olivia shoved her arm into the shirt and hurriedly zipped up her pants. “I am a mons-”

“Stop right there.” Anger crackled through his voice. “If you are, then so am I and so are Pete and Gareth and even Talia. Do you believe that?”

Talia? The little girl’s face loomed in front of Olivia. She couldn’t reconcile that sweet innocence with that of a monster. And, she nodded, neither could she put Micah or his friends in that role.

“Micah, this is so hard.” Tears burned her lids as she fought to maintain control.

His arms around her destroyed her tight hold on her emotions. She sobbed against his sweater as he stroked her head and back. His voice vibrated his chest but she didn’t listen to the words-just held on to the emotions she could feel from him. Safety. Calm. Sanctuary. Desire.

Desire? Pushing herself back from his chest, Olivia tipped her face up to his in wonder. “You still want me?”

Breathing deeply through her nose, she smiled. Cinnamon raged spicy and sharp in his scent. Stroking a hand against his cheek, she smiled at him. “What is it about me crying that gets you all hot and bothered, fella?”

A shudder shook her when he stroked the back of her hand where it rested on his face. She felt as though she’d never been truly touched until this moment with this man. Rising up on the balls of her feet, Olivia wrapped her arms around Micah’s neck to pull him down to her. She wanted to fall into his luscious soft mouth and drown.

Micah’s responding groan along with the press of his erection told her all she needed to know.

“It’s my turn, Micah. I want you now.” Olivia reached for her zipper only to be stopped by Micah’s hand.

“Liv, it’s below freezing out here. You don’t know how to control your body temperature yet. We need to go back to the lodge.” Dipping his head, he tasted her again. “We need to go back right now so I can taste the sweetness I can smell between your legs.”

Micah stepped away from her and went for his skis. As he kicked the supports into place, he bit his lower lip and looked at her.

“I’d love to have you in the sauna. Hurry, Liv, before I explode.” His words floated back at her as he began to push toward home. Olivia scrambled to catch up to him. It took her a few minutes, but she did manage to draw even with him.

Shooting her a look that reminded her of the one she’d given him as a wolf, Micah bent his head as he put all of his muscles into what had suddenly become another race.

Her laughter split the quiet when she realized she was up to the challenge he presented in more ways than one. Olivia suddenly felt more at peace than she could ever remember. She gritted her teeth as she set her pace to catch up and try to pass the handsome man.

Even though she failed to win this race, Olivia felt like a champion since she was afforded a view of Micah’s ass and strong legs pumping up the path in front of her. Letting her mind wander as she followed, Olivia imagined the way those muscles would work as he stroked into her.

Smoke billowing from the main chimney was a welcome sight. Olivia kissed Micah in congratulations. “Well done, Micah! But next time, if it’s a fair race, I think I’ll win.”

His grin was infectious. “I don’t doubt that, Liv. A man has to take advantage where he can. You’re good on those skis. Your rhythm is very natural.” His voice dropped as he leaned in to whisper, “And I can’t wait to feel your rhythm under me. Come join me in the sauna, sweetheart.” Nipping at her chin, he shot up the steps and into the warmth of the lodge before she could think of a rejoinder.

Olivia stacked the skis against the porch then toed her boots off at the door. Padding in stocking feet, she eased the door open looking for Micah. No sign of him, but she self-consciously sniffed the air to catch his scent and follow him to the back of the lodge.

She went into her own room and removed all her outer layers. Just to ensure there isn’t any interruption this time. I want to make love with Micah and the fewer clothes I’m wearing, the easier that’s going to be.

Slipping into a silky robe, she felt the material brushing against her semi-aroused body and bringing her senses to a fever pitch. Tightening the robe, she left her room and followed the discreet signs leading to the sauna.

This room more than any other gave off an old-world feel. Dark paneling lined the walls and the heat from the enclosed section in the middle of the room felt almost stifling. Olivia smiled at the trail of Micah’s clothing leading straight to the closed door.

The solid wood door stood as a silent boundary. Placing her hand on the door to push it open, she hesitated. If she went in, her life was going to change in more ways than just finding out she could grow a pretty tail. It was a pretty tail. I wonder what I look like as a wolf. Shoving that thought aside for later, she opened the door to the sauna. Steam billowed out around her and then Olivia caught her breath at the absolute feast set before her.

Chapter Eight

Micah lay on a towel on a wide wooden bench. His body had started to gleam with moisture from the heat in the sauna. He leaned up on his elbows to smile at her, his cock rising to greet her. Olivia licked her lips and saw his cock respond. Micah’s scent filled her nostrils and she quickly ripped her robe off, tossing it on the floor and stepping into the warm, dark room.