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Sitting up, Micah held one hand out toward her. Olivia put her hand in his, hoping, praying she could keep her beast at bay. Then again, Micah has his own beast. What is this going to be like? Making love to a shifter?

“Stop thinking so hard, Liv. There’s just the two of us in here. Nothing else, no one else. Just you and me. Come closer, sweetheart. You are in control.”

She let him pull her so that she stood between his legs. The temptation was too much and Olivia reached out to run her hand over his hard rod. Micah immediately put his head back, letting out a groan of pleasure.

She whispered softly, “Show me what you like, Micah.”

His hand covered hers as he showed her the pressure he liked best. The muscles in his thighs twitched when she ran her other hand down from his balls to his knee and back up again. When she lightly scratched her way back up, she thought he might levitate.

“Let me do this now. You can watch, but you can’t touch.” A sly smile accompanied her quiet demand. The answering flash of gold in his eyes as he moved his hands up to rest behind his head rewarded her. Olivia felt a surge of power well up within her. For a moment it scared her then she remembered that he was like her. Her passion wouldn’t scare him.

“Liv, you are thinking too much. Please, sweetheart, don’t stop. I want to touch you so badly. I want to flip you over and drive my cock into your sweet pussy. I can smell you, Liv, and it’s driving me crazy.”

That last ended on a low growl as she refocused her attention on Micah’s shaft. The heat of his cock filled her palm as she smoothed up and down the velvet-covered steel. He shivered when she leaned over him to lick the tip. His hands came down, almost touching her head, then fisted at his sides. Musk and salt sang in her nose as she slipped her lips over the head then released him. Pulling back, Olivia reveled in the soft groan from Micah.

His hands flexed at his side as if he were straining against an invisible bond. Gold gleamed at her as his eyes lit from within. Momentarily she wondered if her own eyes did the same. Then she bent down again to swallow him into her mouth. She tried to keep her lips tight around him. When her teeth scraped him, his hips drove up.

“Liv, please. I need you. Let me touch you. Let me fill your pussy with my cock. Please.”

Lifting her head, she stroked her hand over his cock, Olivia marveled at the control he’d once again given her. She’d expected someone Micah’s size to always want to be in control, but he’d surprised her yet again. Suddenly he covered her hand again.

“You have to stop, sweetheart. I’ll come if you don’t.” Micah pulled her closer, kissing her chin, her cheeks and finally her mouth. “I can’t take your lips on my cock with your ass in the air like that. All I want to do is spread your legs and lick you until you scream my name.”

“You cheated, Micah.” She murmured the words against his lips as he kissed her.

He chuckled as he lifted her up from in front of him. His strength amazed her as he twisted to seat her next to him on the redwood sauna bench. “I know. You make me not want to play fair, sweetheart.”

Olivia made her own sound of pleasure, leaning close enough to feel the heat of his body and the sweat from the sauna. She turned into him and Micah cupped her breasts. Threads of pleasure wove through to her belly as he nipped at her lips while his thumbs rolled her nipples into hard peaks. The hair on his neck tickled her fingers as she stroked his neck and shoulders.

Then Micah surged to his feet, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into the air again. He laid his head against her breasts as he held her tightly-almost like he was afraid she would disappear. “Liv, I-”

He stopped, making Olivia nearly weep to know what he’d been about to say. Then he put her gently back down on the bench. The towel under her felt soft, the air warm and thick as Micah surrounded her with his body.

Olivia ran her fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly as he moved his mouth down to her breasts. She guided him toward one nipple and he immediately took her up on her invitation. Not wasting any time, Micah sucked her softly then harder, nipping with his teeth then soothing with his tongue.

“Open your legs, sweetheart. I want to feel your heat, I want to taste your sweetness.” Micah licked his way down her body, pushing her legs farther apart to accommodate his broad shoulders.

“Micah, please.” Not sure quite what she asked for, Olivia tugged on Micah’s hair again. He laughed as he nuzzled her then all laughter stopped as he licked her core. Olivia lifted her hips, wanting to feel him inside her. “Yes, oh yes, right there.”

“God, Liv. You taste sweet.” Micah licked all around her opening then thrust his tongue deep inside her body. Olivia arched her back, one hand tweaking her nipples, the other holding tightly to the back of his head.

Micah watched her carefully, saw when he found the perfect spot and concentrated on making her squirm. Olivia had to be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. In ecstasy her skin took on a rosy glow, her blue eyes reminded him of a perfect summer sky and her scent filled his head and his senses.

Growling against her pussy, Micah sucked at her clit, pushing two fingers into her body, curving them slightly as he pulled them out and listening to her cries of pleasure. Olivia pumped her hips, her grip tightening on his hair and her other hand pinching hard at her nipple. He moved his other hand up to pinch the neglected nipple and Olivia screamed out her release.

Before he could temper his thoughts, even analyze what he was doing, Micah flipped her over onto her stomach. Olivia groaned and pushed her rear up slightly. Micah grabbed her hips, pulling her toward his very eager body and guiding his cock with one hand, slid inside her wet, welcoming body.

Olivia threw her head back at his first thrust, then dropped her shoulders back to the bench. Micah covered her with his body, pushing hard and fast into her then pulling almost all the way out and reentering her slowly.

He leaned back again so he could watch his cock disappearing inside her body. Olivia pushed up again then looked at him over her shoulder. “Micah, more, more.”

“Yes, Liv, more.” Gripping her hips, he started a pounding rhythm. Sweat poured off his body and hers, making his hold on her slip. Olivia reached back, grabbing his hand and pulling it toward her breasts. Instead of letting him cup her breast, however, she pulled it farther up her body as he continued to take her. Micah felt his eyes roll back in his head when she sucked on his forefinger.

He came with a shout, pushing deep inside her body, feeling her contract around him and feeling the scream she blocked with his finger in her mouth. Olivia let go of his finger and dropped her head back down onto the towel. Micah slowly pulled himself out of her body and sat down before his knees gave out.

He knew they couldn’t stay in the sauna much longer, but at the moment, all he could really concentrate on was breathing. Liv lay on her stomach, one hand by her head, the other still holding his hand. She opened those beautiful blue eyes and smiled at him and Micah felt his heart start pounding.

Olivia was his mate, his love, the woman he wanted for his own for all time. Now how to convince her that they could share a life? Share the joys of being shifters, share the feeling of freedom and happiness from being a wolf and a human and share the rearing of children, Talia among them. He had to convince her to accept her wolf, then he’d work on convincing her to accept him as her life mate.

First though, he had to get her to the Gathering so the others in the Pack could meet her. If Pete had said even one word to his mate Margie, the entire Pack knew and probably the ones two states away. Margie did love to tell a good story. Micah smiled down at Olivia.

“Tomorrow night is a special night for our kind. There will be a Gathering. Though it’s not a full moon, it is important. All the members of the local Pack will be there.” At her flinch, Micah smoothed his fingers down her head onto her spine. “Let’s move out of here and go talk.”