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Micah let out a huff of air. Before he could respond, Liv broke and ran, ears back, legs churning over the uneven ground. The sight of her silky tail streaming out was more than he could resist. Micah stayed hot on her heels. Pine trees flashed by. More than one rabbit took off in terror only to pause when it realized that it wasn’t the object of the chase.

Her laughter rang in his head. Her human smell mixed with her muskier she-wolf scent. Micah didn’t ever want to smell anything else in his life. More, he could feel her down to his marrow. Mine. That one word kept repeating in his brain as they ran.

Time to show you something you missed, Liv. Micah felt her curiosity as she loped behind him. Her chuckle burbled in her head.

I never noticed this before! It makes perfect sense though. A dog door.

Micah snorted. Wolf door, please, my love.

He felt her mood shift immediately and cursed himself for letting the endearment slip. He knew how he felt but she wasn’t ready yet.

Micah, I’m-

It’s okay, Liv. Cutting off her soft words, Micah shifted.

“Do you want me to wait for you?”

At her nod, he leaned against the kitchen counter. “When you are human again, I want you to come to my room, please. And understand that is a big step for us, for you.”

Olivia shuddered in front of him, easily sliding into human form. “Wow! That wasn’t as hard this time, Micah! I did what you said and put the puzzle back together.”

She stared at him then. “Go up. I’ll join you in a bit. I need to think about some things first.”

Micah could smell Olivia on the other side of his door. He waited impatiently, knowing she had to come through it on her own. Suddenly that closed door represented all that he’d shut out of his life for so many years. It was as if he’d been waiting for that perfect woman, his mate, to show up.

For a moment, Micah indulged in the daydream of introducing Olivia to the Pack as his mate. Shaking his head, he realized that would make them see her as Alpha bitch. His cock pressed against his belly like some insistent fist. She was perfect as his mate and he didn’t want to share her with the Pack that way. Just another reason for him to find someone else to take over as Alpha.

Picturing Olivia naked, he silently urged her to come through the door. He’d never made love in this bed. That had always been somehow reserved for the woman who would be his mate. For Olivia if she would just push the door. He thanked all that was holy that Talia was with the other children at Pete and Margie’s. He didn’t want any interruptions tonight.

What he wanted was a petite blonde who could run the woods of his home-their home-with him. One who could give voice to her joy as she surged past him in a race he couldn’t have possibly won. Remembering her beautiful wolf form brought a smile to Micah’s face. Are you ever going to come in?

He lay facedown seemingly relaxed on the bed, wondering if she would overcome her fear and give in to that sweet tangy desire he could smell. A click of the door opening made his senses leap though his body remained still. Sprawled on his stomach, one arm under the pillow bunched under his head, the other hanging off the edge of the bed, he hoped he presented an unthreatening view. If he rolled over now, his cock would probably grow to meet her at the door.

Suppressing the nearly overwhelming need to take her in his arms, he allowed her to look at him. He imagined he could feel her studying him and warmth swept his body. Tracking her movements by sound, Micah heard her come to the foot of the bed. The click of a shutter caused him to raise his head.

“Don’t. I need this memory of you like this.” Olivia’s voice held tension, but Micah thought he detected sadness as well. Need this memory of me? Sweetheart, I am going to be so indelibly stamped on your brain that you will never forget me. Obligingly but with great difficulty, Micah held his position.

He counted the whirrs of the camera as she took picture after picture. He wondered what she looked like-did her head turn? Was her hair caressing the camera? Did she have her tongue stuck out like Talia? With difficulty he obeyed her hissed command to “Hold still, Micah”.

The passion in her voice and his own observations from the past few days told him how much her she loved her work. Micah flinched. His mind had gone right to the thought he didn’t want to acknowledge. But does she love me?

Micah rolled slightly and looked at her through the curtain of his hair. She snapped another shot of him but he could see her smile behind her camera.

“I want you under me, Liv.”

“Oh.” Olivia let the camera dangle from her hand as she moved closer to the bed and ran her fingers from the bottom of his foot up to his butt. She felt his muscles clench and shrieked as he grabbed her, pulling her over his body and onto the bed.

“I didn’t think your magazine was into nude shots.” Micah kissed her between his words, ending his statement close to her ear then sucking her earlobe into his mouth.

“They aren’t.” Olivia could hear the breathless tone in her voice, amazed that he could arouse her so easily, so quickly. Micah had pushed her robe open and moved his mouth to her collarbone. “Those are for me.”

Micah rumbled a laugh against her body even as he licked a path from her shoulder to her breast. Olivia moaned softly as she reached for the nightstand. She put the camera down then put both hands on Micah’s head. She felt her body warming, felt her nipples tightening just as he cupped her breasts. His hands were so large, so strong. He pushed her breasts together gently then licked across the tops of them.

“I’m glad you followed me up those stairs, Liv. We won’t be interrupted tonight. Talia’s with the other cubs until tomorrow. Our time is now and I plan to make full use of it.”

With that he dropped his head back to her breasts. Micah cupped her, pushing her breasts together and licking and sucking at her nipples until both were hard nubs vying for his attention. Olivia tugged at his hair and Micah chuckled as he continued to suck, bite and pinch her nipples. He slid down her body, his goal obvious.

Olivia spread her legs, bending her knees as Micah opened her pussy. He licked once from the bottom of her slit to the top then pushed her legs open even more as he delved deep with his tongue. Dropping her head back on the bed and tugging at her distended nipples, Olivia gave herself up to Micah’s ministrations. He thrust his tongue deep then tickled her clit with the very tip of his tongue.

His fingers dug into her thighs as he fucked her with his tongue, sliding down to rim her rosebud, then up to lick and suck at her clit. Olivia wanted his cock where his tongue was, she wanted him to fuck her hard and fast, to pound her into the bed, to cover her with his warmth. She wondered if he’d been holding back and that was the last thing she wanted him to do.

It amazed her that someone as handsome as Micah could want her as much as she wanted him. Tangling her fingers into his hair and forcing his head back, Olivia met his eyes. “Take me.”


“No! Take me.” She wiggled under him, wrapping her legs around his hips. She could feel his erection, he was there, right at her entrance. Olivia kept one hand in his hair but ran the other down his back, her nails scoring a path to his butt.

She saw his eyes narrow, watched his nostrils flare and heard a low growl. For a moment she wasn’t sure who had growled, then it didn’t matter. Micah moved his mouth to hers even as she pulled him into her body. He sheathed himself deeply inside her on the first thrust.