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It should have hurt, he was so large but she dripped with desire from seeing him waiting for her on his bed and from running with him. Olivia pulled her mouth away from his, tossing her head back even as she dug both hands into his butt, urging him to move. His cock pressed against her walls as he buried himself in her. She clenched her muscles to hold him there and was rewarded by his nipping at her lips.

Micah growled, this time she knew it was him, and pulled nearly all the way out of her before driving back in, high, hard and fast. Olivia opened her mouth to pant as he started a hard and fast motion into her body. Sensation rode her as heat built up inside her body. She clamped her mouth on his chest to thwart a scream. Her teeth dug into his flesh. Micah stiffened for just an instant then moved faster and harder than before.

Olivia kept her mouth on him even as she gripped his butt, urging him deeper into her body. Her hips slammed up into his, answering his urgency with her own. She tasted blood as her climax erupted, filling her with heat. She cried out, throwing her head back and digging her heels into his legs.

Micah growled again then dropped his head to her neck. She felt his teeth close on her neck, felt him pumping faster, just moving his hips now, the rest of his big body covering her like a blanket.

A stuttering cry of ecstasy escaped her as his teeth broke through her flesh-as she felt him stiffen and explode inside her. He was so deep she could swear he was touching her womb. He pulsed again and again inside her, not moving anywhere else. Finally, he collapsed onto her, then immediately rolled onto his side, releasing his hold on her neck and inhaling sharply.

As stunned as she was, Olivia reached a shaky hand out to touch his chest. Micah was breathing hard, his heart pounding against the wall of his pecs. She could hear her own breathlessness-feel her own heart pounding as well. She’d marked him, more than that, she’d made him bleed. A perfect imprint of her teeth, just above his right nipple, the deeper marks still trickling blood.

The shock of that sight spawned more shock. He’d bitten her as well. Olivia raised her hand to her own neck. Just where her neck met her shoulder, a tender spot. She touched it gingerly, felt the blood, then raised her shaking hand to her face.

Micah caught her hand in his, bringing it to his mouth. He gently licked her fingers, then nuzzled her, licking the area he’d bitten. She flinched and he faltered slightly, then continued.

“Micah? Why did I do that? Why did you…you bit me!” She struggled then, trying to get away from him. Micah rolled back on top of her, holding her still without hurting her, calling her name soothingly until she met his eyes again.

“Easy, Liv, easy.” She took a deep breath, felt him do the same. His eyes changed, turning more gold than brown. He smiled slightly as he soothed her with his touch. “It’s okay, love, really, everything’s okay.” Suddenly his smile widened.

“I want you on top of me.” He flipped them in the bed, faster than she’d have thought possible. Micah lay below her, holding her still, holding her against his chest. He smiled and traced his hands up and down her sides until Olivia could think of nothing else but filling herself with the erection that hardened so quickly between them. But there was something she wanted just as much. Sliding her hands down his broad chest, skirting the mark she’d left on him, Olivia teased his hard nipples until they budded under her fingers. Tweaking and scratching across them with her fingernails, she watched Micah’s eyes flash.

Leaning forward, Olivia licked first one nipple then the other, much as he’d done to her earlier. She traced an imaginary line between his nipples with her tongue, then slid farther down his body so that she straddled his thighs. She was eye level with his gorgeous cock, still shiny from their combined fluids. Not so tentative this time, she reached out to touch him. Micah covered her hand with his, again showing her just how he liked being touched, then let her take control, moving his hands up so that they rested under his head. His eyes never left hers as she sat up and took just the head of his cock into her mouth.

Micah’s eyes fluttered but never closed as she sucked at him. Sliding her open mouth down his cock to the sparse hair at the juncture of his body, she stroked her hand over him in opposition to the movement of her mouth. Micah’s balls caught her attention next, she licked at his sac, feeling it tighten and draw up at her movement. Sucking him into her mouth, she heard as well as felt him groan.

Olivia moved her mouth back up Micah’s cock, sucking at the head again, then opening her mouth as wide as possible and relaxing her jaw to take as much of him in her mouth as she could. Micah jolted, his hands tightening in her curls, his entire body going tight beneath her. Olivia reveled in the power she held over him in this moment. Now, right now, there was nothing more important than giving him as much pleasure as he’d given her.

She sat up to get a better look at him, then gave a shy grin as he shook at the touch of her hand on his cock. “Now please, Olivia.”

His plea shattered her. She’d worry about biting and clawing later. Now, right now, she wanted to be full of Micah again. Rising up on her knees, she crawled up his body and leaned forward to kiss him as she positioned herself over him. Holding his gaze with hers, she tilted back to open her folds for him. His gasp thrilled her as she dipped her fingers inside her own pussy.

“Want me, Micah?” Olivia couldn’t be bothered with being amazed by the wanton woman taking over her body. She plunged herself down on his cock while pushing her fingers into his mouth. The warmth of his tongue pulling the moisture from her fingers matched the pulse of him inside her. Her nipples sprang up as his fingers tweaked at her breasts.

“Ride me, Liv, hard.” His words sent her over the edge of the world again. Olivia braced herself with her hands on either side of his head as she pumped her hips wildly. She leaned back, feeling him deep inside her body and felt his hands at her hips, supporting her, helping to raise and lower her on his hard cock. Olivia opened her eyes to see Micah staring where their bodies were joined.

“You’re so beautiful, Liv. You’re taking me so deep and you feel so good.” She leaned forward for a kiss and found herself caught. Micah put one hand on the small of her back and the other on the back of her neck. He held her against his body and pumped his hips hard and fast.

Olivia moaned her release into his mouth, spurring him on even more. Giving another hard thrust, Micah growled out his own release. For a few moments nothing else mattered as they both struggled to slow their breathing. Olivia felt herself drifting toward sleep.

“Run with me again.” His voice pulled her back to wakefulness.

“What?” Olivia managed to lift her head enough to free her lips so they could move.

“Come for a run with me.” Micah rolled so that his body was over hers supporting his weight with his knees and hands. “It’s nighttime now. There’s enough moonlight to really enjoy it. Come for a run with me.”

“Can’t move.” Laying her head back down, she felt the bounce of the bed as he laughed.

“No, you’ll be fine once we’re running.” He playfully nipped at her jaw. “Come with me, love, come run with me.”

She felt something stirring in her body, an almost primal urge but she tamped it down. Micah stared at her, waiting for her answer. Olivia shook her head. “I can’t. What if I want to stay a wolf again?”

She shoved on his chest. Micah obligingly moved off her. Olivia walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She took a deep breath then moved closer to the mirror.

God what is that? That’s not a hickey. That is something much more. She studied the mark he’d left on her neck, just where it met her collarbone. It wasn’t bleeding now. Probing it, she found it tender to the touch-the mark of his teeth still visible. A scent hung in the air that wasn’t Micah but was-only more primeval than the smell he usually gave off.