Queen Christina (film)
Queen Victoria (Strachey)
Ramkissoon, Chuck
readers, reading:
as creative
pleasures of
Rear Window
“Reenactor” (char.)
Remainder (McCarthy)
self-ridiculing humor of
space in
“Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, The” (Coleridge)
Robbe-Grillet, Alain
Romance & Cigarettes (film)
Room with a View, A (Forster)
Roth, Philip
Rush, Geoffrey
Sade, Marquis de
Saga of Gosta Berling, The (film)
Samsa, Gregor (char.)
Samways, Phil
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saving Private Ryan (film)
Scaife, Bert
Scudder, Alex (char.)
See It Now (TV show)
“Self’s the Man” (Larkin)
Selznick, David O.
Sentimental Education, A (Flaubert)
Seraph on the Suwanee (Hurston)
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Shopgirl (film)
Sierra Leone
“Signifying Nothing” (Wallace)
“Silly Novels by Lady Novelists” (Eliot)
Smith, Ben
comedy act of
Smith, Harvey
ashes of
background of
comedy enjoyed by
death of
fatalism and pessimism of
in World War II,
Smith, Luke
Smith, Perry
Spielberg, Steven
Spinoza, Baruch
Starks, Joe (char.)
Stewart, Jimmy
Stiller, Mauritz
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (film)
Strong Opinions (Nabokov)
Suddenly, Last Summer (film)
“Suicide as a Sort of Present” (Wallace)
Sunday Telegraph
Sylvia Scarlett (film)
Syriana (film)
S/Z (Barthes)
Szymborska, Wislawa
Tapestry (album)
Taylor, Charles
codes in
indeterminacy of
Thalberg, Irving
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
Theron, Charlize
“Think” (Wallace)
Thirlwell, Adam
Tolbert, William
Tolstoy, Leo
“Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus” (Wittgenstein)
Tracy, Spencer
Traffic (film)
Transamerica (film)
Treadwell, Timothy
Tremendous World I Have Inside My Head, The: Franz Kafka: A Biographical Essay (Begley)
Trial, The (Kafka)
“Triple Dream, The” (Lermontov)
“Tri-Stan: I Sold Sissee Nar to Ecko” (Wallace)
True Whig Party
Tsotsi (film)
Tubman, William
Turturro, John
Two-Faced Woman (film)
Two Ronnies
Unity Temple
Valentino, Rudolph
Valéry, Paul
Vallon, Annette
van den Broek, Hans (char.)
van den Broek, Rachel (char.)
Van Eyck, Hubert
vdokhnovenie (recapture)
V for Vendetta (film)
Vincy, Fred (char.)
Vincy, Rosamund (char.)
Visconti, Luchino
Vitti, Monica
vorstog (initial rapture)
Vyas, Nazrul Ram (char.)
Wade, Aubrey
Walker, Alice
Walk the Line (film)
Wallace, David Foster
commencement speech of
difficulties of
insistence on awareness in work of
Larkin’s poetry and
linguistic specialization in work of
MacArthur won by
parables of
“self” in work of
Wasteland, The (Eliot)
Watanabe, Ken
“Water” (Larkin)
Waugh, Evelyn
Weil, Simone
Wells, H. G.
Werfel, Franz
West Point
“What I Believe” (broadcast)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Forster)
White Teeth (Smith)
Wide Sargasso Sea (Rhys)
Wilcox, Henry (char.)
Wilkerson, Mr.
Wilton, Penelope
Witherspoon, Reese
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wodehouse, P. G.
Women and Children Development Association of Liberia (WOCDAL)
Women Love Diamonds (film)
Woods, Vergible “Tea Cake” (char.)
Woolf, Virginia
Wordsworth, William
World Is Not Enough, The (film)
World War II
World Wildlife Fund
Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston (Boyd)
Wright, Frank Lloyd
writers, writing:
inspiration of
pleasures of
Wyllie, David
Yates, Richard
Yeats, William Butler
Yeoh, Michelle
“Yet Another Example of the Porousness of Certain Borders (XI)” (Wallace)