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“How radioactive?”

“The traces are small. Too small to cause much damage as long as exposure is kept fairly short.”

“Any idea why those particular chemicals were used?”

“Unfortunately, no. Thorium dioxide can be used as a nuclear fuel. It’s also a stabilizer for arc welding, electron tubes, and aircraft engines. Beryllia is utilized in rocket engines and semiconductors.”

She brushed her hair from her face. “Our people found other chemicals as well, including heavy doses of mercury in its purest form. Mercury is far more common in industrial usage, although I don’t know why Hartek used it.”

“That explains the so-called disease that ravaged the colony,” I said thoughtfully. “It’s mercury poisoning. I saw an outbreak of it while working a hunt in Japan. The symptoms are a good fit with what we’re seeing here. Discoloration and shedding of skin, loss of hair and teeth, brain damage, even death.”

“And the radiation would only add to their troubles. If consumed in small, consistent doses, it would weaken their immune systems and cause vomiting and loss of appetite, among other things.”

“Those chemicals might explain the alligator attacks too. The gator could’ve lived off fish that somehow survived in the river. The mercury would’ve killed off large amounts of the fish and contaminated the rest, stunting their growth and damaging their gills. Eventually, the gator would’ve faced a food shortage.”

Beverly nodded. “It makes sense.”

“What’s our next step?”

“Your next step is to leave town.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, first your face looks like it just went a few rounds with a gorilla. And second, it’s far too dangerous down here for a civilian.”

“You can’t go back to Chase.” My eyes tightened. “He’ll know you helped me escape.”

“I’m not going back to him. I’ll watch him from a distance. When he finds die Glocke, I’ll make my move.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“No you’re not.”

“Three years ago, I started running and I’ve been running ever since. Well, I’m tired of running. It’s brought me nothing but problems. So, like it or not, I’m coming with you.”

A thought flashed across my brain. Kneeling down, I removed my satchel and felt around inside. My fingers closed around leather and I withdrew the book from the bag.

“What’s that?” Beverly asked.

“A journal. Karl Hartek’s journal.”

I opened it up and examined the pages. The water had caused some damage but large portions of the journal remained readable. Grimly, I closed it and placed it back in my satchel. Somehow, I knew that Standish would come looking for it.

And when he does, I’ll be ready.

Beverly sighed. “Okay. You can stick with me for now.”

“What’s our next move?”

“We go back to the laboratory. Maybe we can figure out a way to eavesdrop on the operation.”

“Sounds good. But first, we have to make a pit stop. We need to help Ghost and the colony. That is, if it’s not too late.”

Chapter 30

Something clicked in my brain as I retrieved my flashlight. My chest loosened and for the first time in many months, I felt lighter on my feet. I couldn’t explain the feeling. Didn’t even want to. I just didn’t want to lose it.

Standing up again, I doused my beam. “We’re south of the layup yard.” I pointed to the other end of the tunnel. “Unless I miss my guess, we need to go that way.”

“Before we do, should we, I don’t know, test the water again?”

“What for?”


“We fell in once and we’re still alive. Chase must’ve disabled it.”

“But maybe he turned it back on.”

She had a point, but I wasn’t in the mood for logic. Placing my palm on the ground, I hopped off the platform.

Moments later, my lower half plunged into the water. The cold, swirling liquid shocked me to my core and I felt my teeth chattering. “We’re good to go.”

Quickly, I waded to the western concrete ledge and climbed onto it. Then I helped Beverly clamber up behind me.

Questions peppered my brain as I paced down the narrow ledge. What was die Glocke? And why did Chase want to find it so badly?

I shivered involuntarily as water dripped from my sopping wet clothes. In the back of my mind, I knew I needed to get dry and warm. But the never-ending barrage of questions easily overwhelmed those thoughts.

Were they searching for us? And if so, were we making a mistake by staying in the tunnels?

I was drowning in unanswered questions. Reluctantly, I threw up a wall in my mind. Further speculation was pointless. I needed to get to the layup yard and get Ghost and his colony to safety. After that, I could worry about everything else.

I hurried forward. Soon, we passed the 28th Street station followed by the 33rd Street station. Shifting direction, we jogged toward the yard.

A short while later, the ledge forked, heading off in two different directions. I selected my path and picked up my pace. As we drew closer to the yard, I increased my focus. Every detail from the surrounding area caught my attention.

Small waves of shimmering, grimy water.

A trashcan, filled with free Metro newspapers, balled-up Kleenex, and soda cans.

Coughing and sounds of movement.

I dodged around some I-beams and caught a glimpse of the yard. It looked dry, thanks to a makeshift barrier that someone had constructed out of rotten wood and other scrounged materials.

Stepping over the barrier, I entered the layup yard. My muscles tightened. My breath caught in my throat.

Bodies were everywhere.

“What’s wrong? Why are we stopping?” Beverly stepped around me. “Oh my God. What happened…?”

The stench of blood and death hovered in the air. Turning on my flashlight, I wandered into the yard. The beam illuminated faces. Faces I’d barely known.

Faces I’d never forget.

I spotted movement and headed for it.

“Didn’t I…didn’t I tell you to go away?”

I shivered as I knelt down next to the Ghost. The yard was like an icebox. I peeled back his shirt. It only took me a moment to realize that his wounds were fatal. “What happened?” I asked.

“Help me up.”

I helped him into a sitting position. As I propped him against the nearest wall, he shot me a determined scowl.

“They…they’re after die Glocke.”

“You know about die Glocke?”

“Of course I do…don’t you know who I am?”

A tingling sensation rose in my chest. “You’re Fred Jenson, aren’t you?”

“Damn straight. Never should’ve tried to pawn that gold bar.”

“Why’d you do it?”

“We were in rough shape and needed food, medicine. God, I was stupid. Should’ve just forced everyone to go to the hospital. But no, my ego was too big for that. Thought I could handle everything by myself.”

“That’s not important now. We need to get you to the surface.”

He pushed away my arms. “I’m not going anywhere. My time’s short. So, level with me. What are you? Army? FBI?”

“I’m an archaeologist. Well, I used to be one anyways.”

He chuckled, then coughed, spitting up blood. “Well, doesn’t that just beat all? How’d you get roped into this anyway?”

“A man named Jack Chase hired me. He runs a military outfit named ShadowFire. I imagine his people are the ones who shot you.”

His face darkened. “I see.”

I noticed a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. “Do you know him?”