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And then she being pressed to declare whether she had not byn dishonest of her body & hath not also drawne other women to lewdnes by her perswasions & by carrying her self lyke a bawde, she absolutly denied that she was chargeable with eyther of these imputacions … [Mulholland, R.E.S., new series xxviii (1977), 31]

Mary Frith, popularly known as ‘Mad Mall’, was remanded for further investigation, but seems to have come to no great harm – certainly not the public whipping usually reserved for ‘lewdnes’. She is last heard of almost fifty years later – having reached an astonishing age for that period – and apparently still going strong.

About author

Michael Scott Rohan (1951 – )

Michael Scott Rohan, born in Edinburgh in 1951, writes both fantasy and science fiction. Whilst studying law at Oxford, Rohan joined the SF group and met the president, Allan J Scott, who started him writing for the group’s semi-professional magazine SFinx alongside names such as Robert Holdstock and Ian Watson. His first novel, Run to the Stars, was published in 1983 and he collaborated with Allan J Scott on The Hammer and the Cross, a non-fiction account of how Christianity arrived in Viking lands. Rohan is best known for his acclaimed The Winter of the World sequence, an epic fantasy set in and ice-bound world.