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He left the room, heading for the stairs.

"Come on," Jock said, and Shauna could hear the excitement in his voice. He and Dennis pushed her toward one of the low-backed, thickly padded sofas.

"Stop this! Stop it, you can't do this to me! Pierre stop them!" she screamed as the two boys held her against the sofa back.

Pierre grinned and sat in a chair. Instantly, Betty curled in his lap, easing her cheerleading skirt up, showing her thighs and the white crotch of her panties.

"You had this coming, bitch," she said to Shauna. "You're gonna learn to fuck like we do."

She opened the top of her blouse, running the buttons down until they were open to below her bra. Her luscious tits pushed out in the lacy white bra. To Shauna's absolute horror, her boyfriend – the pure, honest Pierre – ran his hands over Betty's tits, caressing the mounds in the lacy bra.

"See, that's what men like!" Betty giggled, smiling nastily at Shauna. "And you're gonna learn how to give it to them. Fuck, you might even like it!"

There was a roar of laughter at that Peggy came out of the kitchen with some beers and handed them around as Jock and Dennis pushed the squealing, horrified Shauna down over the sofa back.

"Stop it, no!" Shauna screeched.

The boys held her on the sofa back, her legs on either side of it. Her skirt had ridden up and her panties were showing. She blushed with shame and hid her face in her blonde hair as she struggled against the iron grip the boys had on her.

Leonard came back in with a large box, which he emptied on the floor. Out of it fell leather bonds, ropes, whips, dildos and other things that made Shauna shudder in terror.

"No, no, you can't do this!" Shauna yelled. "No, oh, God no!"

Leonard grabbed her ankle and slipped a leather strap around it, tightening it and pulling her leg forward, lashing the rope it was attached to to the leg of the sofa right by her head. She screamed and struggled, but he grabbed her other ankle and tied that, pulling her leg forward, painfully stretching it since it was on the cushions of the sofa. Finally he lashed that rope to the front leg of the sofa.

"You can't do this!" Shauna gasped, her eyes filling with tears as she saw Pierre slide his hands over the tight crotch of Betty's panties. Betty moaned and spread her thighs, thrusting her pussy at his hand, a disgusting damp stain on the thin material right over her pussy. "Stop, no! Leonard stop it!"

Shauna screamed at the top of her voice as Leonard took one of her hands and slapped another binding around her wrist.

"No, this is enough, we were supposed to be going to the hamburger joint! I'm hungry, I want to eat! Now!"

"Oh, you'll eat enough," Leonard said, and they all laughed, humiliating Shauna further.

She broke into tears, yelling and screaming at Leonard to stop as he pulled her arm down and lashed her wrist to the same sofa leg her ankle was tied to. When he started on her other arm, she broke, pleading and weeping, but nothing stopped him. He lashed her other hand to the back leg of the sofa and then added the final touch. As she screamed, begged and cursed him, he slipped a rope around her waist and pulled it tight under her body, out between her spread legs and down to the other end leg of the sofa where he tied it very tight indeed. She was finally pinned completely.

Leonard chuckled and picked up a long-handled, paddle-shaped piece of rubber. It was about four feet from end to end and sagged a little in his hand. She stared at it with rising horror as he walked behind her.

"Gimme a beer, boys," he said, and Shauna jerked as she felt his hand on her thigh.

"Take your hand off, Leonard!" she gasped, but he eased it up her thigh, tweaking and pulling at her white flesh as he reached her panties. "You can't do this, it's rape! I'll have you in jail!"

"Oh yeah? With seven of us saying how you lured us here because you knew my folks were away and begged for it?" He ran his hand over the tight curves of Shauna's ass, his fingers still mercifully outside her panties.

"Stop it!" Shauna cried, heaving on the sofa back, trying to get free. But her hands and legs were tightly tied and the rope around her waist stopped her from rolling forward.

Leonard laughed and flicked the little plaited cheerleading skirt with its red and gray stripes up and over her ass.

"Oh, fuck," he said, picking up his beer and slurping it down. "I knew this ass was good. Take a look, boys."

Shauna screamed and pleaded with them as they all gathered around to look at her lovely ass, the tight curves stretched to perfection by the terrible pull of the ropes. At least she had her panties on, but they weren't much protection. All of them came to look, even Pierre and Betty. The sides of Betty's blouse flicked around showing her tits in her little lacy bra, and that disgusted Shauna almost as much as the sight of the massive bulge in Pierre's pants.

"Okay, boys," Leonard said, taking another drink. "Let me show you how to use this. It's easy."

Shauna didn't know what he meant until the most terrible pain burst in her ass. She screamed and twisted in time to see the rubber paddle bouncing away from her stretched asscheeks.

"No, stop it!" she screamed, her ass burning.

But Leonard lashed the paddle across her tight asscheeks again and Shauna bucked on the sofa back, screaming, tears rushing from her eyes at the terrible agony of the paddle and the sound of the slap that rang in her ears.

"See that?" Leonard asked. "You have a go, Pierre."

"No, Pierre, no!" Shauna cried, twisting her head, begging him as her ass bucked on the sofa back. "No, not to me, you can't – aaaggghhh!" But her boyfriend swung the rubber paddle at her ass. "Please, Pierre, please – aaauugghh!" She jerked, her body tense as the horrible agony surged in her flesh again. She lurched, screaming, her skirt flicking all over her ass until Pierre had to lean in and push it back out of the way. Her blouse strained and the top button popped off as her body rolled in agony on the sofa back.

"Go on, Pierre," Betty said, and dropped to her knees, caressing the massive bulge in the front of his pants.

"Hey, stop that, you know the rules!" Leonard yelled. "Your date does everything first, then you fuck who you like!"

Betty pouted, opening the top of Pierre's pants and reaching inside.

"I think it'd be worth a whipped ass to suck this cock first." She pulled out Pierre's long thick prick and gave a moan, running her hands over the throbbing rod. "Anyway, I want shit-face to have a real hard time tonight. She can suck this when I've taken out the first load!"

She pouted at Shauna and slipped her soft red lips over the head of Pierre's enormous prick.

Shauna screamed, so horrified that she almost forgot the pain. The first shock had been the size of Pierre's cock. It was nine inches of thick meat at least, and Shauna thanked her lucky stars that she had seen it before she had committed to marriage. There was no way she was taking that thing in her cunt.

"Fuck," Pierre groaned, his ass jerking as Betty's sexy little mouth ran down his cock-shaft, taking fully half of it in, her soft tongue working on his flesh while she opened the clasp of her bra and let the cups fall aside, revealing her lovely tits. She moaned as she sucked him, her fingers playing with her tits, rolling her nipples tightly. She pushed her mouth deeper on his cock, her throat spasming and sucking at his cock-head as it slid in. Pierre held her lovely brunette hair and lined the rubber paddle up on Shauna's heaving ass.

"Yeah, do it, Pierre!" Leonard laughed, taking a drink of beer as he watched.

They were all drinking now, but Shauna was too busy to be disgusted as she usually was. She stared at the paddle, hovering, bending in the air a little. Pierre lashed it down, right into her ass as he thrust his cock deeper into Betty's hot mouth.