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"Aaaghhh! Pierre! Pierre! Stop!" Shauna screamed, pulling at the ropes, her ass jerking as the terrible agony burst out of it.

But none of them were listening. Betty sucked Pierre's cock, taking it in to the beat of the music, her fingers moving up and down the few inches of shaft that weren't in her mouth, her other hand playing with her nipples. Pierre whipped Shauna to the music too, the paddle lashing in with regular, terrible strokes. Shauna screamed continuously, her ass throbbing and burning.

Peggy stood to one side, her eyes fixed on Shauna's ass as she drank a beer and watched. Jock stood behind her, one hand running into her blouse and over her tits, but she seemed almost not to notice him. Jill leaned back in a chair, her legs spread brazenly wide, her fingers in her panties, rubbing her hot little clit. But Leonard and Dennis were watching Shauna, so she showed her long legs and swelling pussy mound in the tight panties only to Shauna.

"Nooo, stop it! You can't do this!" Shauna screamed, sobbing in her pain as she struggled on the sofa back. But Pierre whipped her suffering ass harder as he thrust his cock into Betty's willing mouth. "Leonard, she's – aaaahhhh! She's your girlfriend – aaaghh! Look what she's doing!"

Leonard chuckled.

"Well, you see," he said, timing his words to fall between Shauna's screams, "we reckon that swapping around makes for more fun. So Betty gets Pierre and I get you."

He laughed and took another drink of beer.

"Aaaghhh! No, no, you're perverts, let me go!" Shauna sobbed, her ass jerking on the sofa back as Pierre whipped her with the paddle.

But nothing stopped him. His arm swept up and down, lashing his girlfriend's ass harder and faster as his cock slid deep into Betty's sucking mouth. She knelt between his legs, her dark eyes alight with lust.

"Yeahhh! Fuck, what a mouth she's got!" Pierre yelled, whipping the paddle into Shauna's ass. "My bitch'll never suck like this!"

He whipped Shauna harder to make his point.

"You wait, Pierre, you wait!" Leonard yelled. "Now come on, shoot in her mouth, the bitch loves cum!"

Betty was moaning with rising lust as she sucked Pierre's cock into her mouth to the balls, her fingers rolling her nipples as hard as she could. Her throat bulged and spasmed over his cock-head.

"Yaaahhhh, you got it, watch this hoser!" Pierre cried, lashing Shauna's ass, the paddle beating in hard.

Shauna screamed and tossed, her head turned in horrible fascination as she watched her boyfriend's cock vanish into Betty's mouth. The paddle beat her flesh and she jerked, rocking the sofa as she saw Pierre jerk and yell, his ass jerking harder at Betty's sucking mouth.

"Oh, fuck, it's soooo good!" Pierre shouted as his cock swelled and jerked in Betty's throat.

Roaring and lashing Shauna's ass with every ounce of his strength, Pierre jerked and a stream of hot cum gushed from his cock. Betty played him perfectly. Moaning with her own surging passion, she leaned back, letting her lips slide up his throbbing, heaving cock-shaft until they just played over Pierre's thick hard cock-head. He yelled and white jizz shot all over Betty's sucking lips.

Shauna nearly fainted in disgust. She screamed in agony as Pierre whipped her tight ass, but her eyes were on Betty. Gobs of white goo ran on her chin and over her lips. She moaned, opening her mouth and taking a jet of hot spunk straight into her mouth, drops of it falling on her white teeth. She jerked Pierre's cock, taking another stream of cum on her lips, licking it up as it oozed down her face. Her eyes were closed, her fingers rubbed her nipples and she shook with a climax. Her mouth slid over the jerking head of Pierre's cock and she sank it back into her throat as she came, sucking like a fury on the still-spouting rod.

"Uuurrhhh – fuck!" Pierre moaned, gasping as he unloaded his final gobs of cum deep into Betty's throat.

He held her mouth to his cock, moaning in satisfaction as she sucked out the last of his jizz. His arm stopped and the paddle drooped in his hand while Betty's sucking lips cleaned up the gobs of spunk on his cock and her lips.

Betty was still moaning in satisfaction, sliding Pierre's cock into her throat at intervals and jerking with pleasure as the still-hard meat filled her mouth. Finally she eased back and grinned up at him.

"Was it worth it?" she asked.

"Fuck, yeah!" Pierre gasped.

"You have to punish me for sucking you before the stuck-up bitch," Betty said, sliding her hands over his cock. "Make it worth it! Make me scream, honey!"

Pierre gave a long drawn-out gasp of lust, his cock jerking and hardening in Betty's expert fingers. "Jeez, guys, thanks for letting me in the club!"

"Sure, honey, with a cock like yours," Betty said, her hands drawing him back to full hardness fast. "Only trouble is that if bitch here doesn't make it, you're gonna have to find a new girl. Rules, honey."

Peggy giggled. "Fuck, that'll be real difficult for Pierre."

They all laughed, making Peggy blush with pleasure.

It made Shauna cling to the sofa, sobbing in pain and shame. She knew that Pierre would give her up to stay in the horrible club, that was obvious. And there was no way she was letting people do this sort of thing to her. But she didn't want to give Pierre up. She had to find a way of making him understand and stop his disgusting behavior.

"Okay, let me have that," Leonard said, taking the paddle from Pierre. "Ain't you the lucky one, you get two blow-jobs!" He slapped Shauna's ass, making her jump and scream. "Ready to suck cock, you little tease?"

"No, never, you can't make me!" Shauna screamed and collapsed, sobbing over the sofa back, her arms and legs straining at the bonds.


"No, no, I won't do that, I won't, that's perverted!" Shauna groaned, pulling at the ropes that held her so securely to the sofa. "You can't make me, you can't!"

Betty giggled as she slid her hot mouth over the rapidly hardening head of Pierre's cock.

"Pity to waste this on a shit like her," she said, gently squeezing his balls and cock-shaft. "Come on, baby, fuck me."

"You gotta choice, Shauna," Leonard said, leaning in and running his hand over her ass. "His cock or mine. If he fucks Betty, I get you, and I'm horny!"

"Stop it, you can't do this!" Shauna moaned, her ass stinging with pain as Leonard's hard hand ran over it.

"You want Betty, Pierre, you have her," Leonard said, his fingers probing into the crotch of Shauna's panties. "I'll break this whore, get her to crawl to you, wanna bet?"

"Fuck!" Pierre gasped, sliding his cock in and out of Betty's willing mouth. He took hold of her tits, groaning with lust at the feel of her hot flesh. "You gotta deal, Leonard."

"Great." Leonard laughed, his fingers pushing at Shauna's soft cuntal opening through her panties. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

"Stop that! Stop!" Shauna cried, her pussy spasming as his fingers probed her clit and outer cunt-lips.

"You got a great cunt, you know that?" Leonard asked, his fingers probing deeper into the very opening of her fuck-hole. "Hey, you're a virgin, right?"

"Stop it! Please, Leonard, please!" Shauna moaned, the music throbbing in her head and her pussy shivering.

"Hey, Peggy," Leonard said. "Come here and show this one how to fuck while I whip some sense into her"

Shauna jerked at the ropes as Peggy gave a soft smile and pulled Jock forward, putting him right in front of the end of the sofa – and Shauna's suffering face.

"Yeah," Leonard said. "Show her how to get a guy ready and really fuck him."

"She's your sister!" Shauna screamed in horror. "And you want to watch her do that?"

"You want me to watch?" Leonard asked.

"Sure, big brother," Peggy said, opening the top of her blouse. "You wanna feel my tits too?"

Shauna moaned in horror as Leonard came around to Peggy and opened the next button of her blouse. Peggy gave a gurgle of passion and hung around her brother's neck as he opened her blouse to the waist. Her long straight hair fell over her white bra as Leonard unclipped it and pulled the cups aside, revealing the luscious mounds of her tits.