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Blaisdell, Bob. The Lady with the Dog and Other Love Stories. Garden City, New York: Dover Publications, 2021.

Brodskaya, Marina. Five Plays. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2011.

Chamot, Alfred Edward. Anton Chekhov: Short Stories. London: Commodore Press, 1941. [https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.123706/2015.123706.Anton-Chekhov_djvu.txt].

Constantine, Peter. The Undiscovered Chekhov: Fifty-One New Stories. London: Duckbacks, 2002.

Cook-Horujy, Kathleen. Anton Chekhov: Complete Works in 5 Volumes. Vol. 2: Stories 1886–1887. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1988.

Fell, Marian. Ivanoff: A Play. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1912.

Fell, Marian. Stories of Russian Life. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1914.

Fen, Elisaveta. Plays: Anton Chekhov. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1974.

FitzLyon, April, and Kyril Zinovieff. The Woman in the Case and Other Stories. London: John Calder, 1913.

Garnett, Constance. Tales of Chekhov. 13 volumes. 1929.

Goldberg, Isaac, and Henry T. Schnittkind. Nine Humorous Tales by Anton Chekhov. Boston: The Stratford Co., 1918.

Gorodetzky, Nadeja. Shest’ Rasskazov: Six Stories. London: Bradda Books, 1963.

Jonson, Will, compiler, from Constance Garnett’s translations. Short Stories 1886 (The Complete Short Stories of Anton Chekhov). CreateSpace, 2013.

Jonson, Will, compiler, from Constance Garnett’s translations. Short Stories 1887 (The Complete Short Stories of Anton Chekhov). CreateSpace, 2013.

Kiernan, Brendan, Lydia Razran Stone, and Paul Richardson. Chtenia: Readings from Russia: Chekhov Bilingual. Vol. 3, No. 4. Russian Information Services, 2010.

Miles, Patrick, and Harvey Pitcher. Anton Chekhov: Early Stories. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Sekirin, Peter. A Night in the Cemetery and Other Stories of Crime and Suspense. New York: Pegasus Books, 2009.

Yarmolinsky, Avrahm. The Portable Chekhov. New York: Penguin, 1981.

Yarmolinsky, Avrahm. The Unknown Chekhov: Stories and Other Writings of Anton Chekhov Hitherto Unpublished. New York: The Noonday Press, 1958.


Chekhov, A. P. Polnoe Sobranie Sochineniy i Pisem [Collected Works and Letters]. 30 volumes [Letters in 12 volumes]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” 1976.

Chekhova, M. P. Pis’ma k bratu A. P. Chekhovu [Letters to Her Brother A.P. Chekhov]. Moscow, 1954.

Perepiska A. P. Chekhova i Al. P. Chekhova [Correspondence between A. P. Chekhov and Al. P. Chekhov]. Vol. 1. Zhudozhestcennaya Literatura: Moscow, 1984. http://az.lib.ru/c/chehow aleksandrpawlowich/text_0050.shtml.

See also Chehov.Lit.Ru.

Listed by translator

Bartlett, Rosamund. Anton Chekhov: A Life in Letters. New York: Penguin, 2004.

Friedland, Louis S. Letters on the Short Story, the Drama, and Other Literary Topics. 1924. New York: Dover Publications, 1966.

Garnett, Constance. Letters of Anton Chekhov to His Family and Friends. London: Chatto and Windus, 1920.

Heim, Michael Henry, with Simon Karlinsky. Anton Chekhov’s Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentary. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Koteliansky, S. S., and Philip Tomlinson. The Life and Letters of Anton Tchekhov. New York: Arno Press, 1977.

Lederer, Sidonie K. The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov. Edited with an introduction by Lillian Hellman. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

McKee, Sharon. Anton Chekhov and His Times. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.

McVay, Gordon. Chekhov: A Life in Letters. London: The Folio Society, 1994.

Yarmolinsky, Avrahm. Letters of Anton Chekhov. New York: Viking Press. 1973.


Balabanovich, Evgeniy Zenovich. Dom A. P. Chekhova v Moskve [Chekhov’s Home in Moscow]. Moscow: Rabochiy, 1958.

Bartlett, Rosamund. Chekhov: Scenes from a Life. London: The Free Press, 2004.

Berdnikov, Georgii. A. P. Chekhov. Rostov-on-the-Don, Russia: Phoenix, 1997.

Bichkov, Yuriy. Lychshiy iz Lyudey: Melikovskie Gody Chekhova, 1892–1899 [The Best of People: The Melikhovo Years of Chekhov]. Moscow: Gelios ARV, 2004.

Bunin, Ivan. About Chekhov: The Unfinished Symphony. Edited and translated from the Russian by Thomas Gaiton Marullo. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2007.

Callow, Philip. Chekhov: The Hidden Ground. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1998.

Carter, Richard. “Anton P. Chekhov, MD (1860–1904): Dual Medical and Literary Careers.” Annals of Thoracic Surgery. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. 1996; 61:1557–63.

Chekhov, Mikhail. Anton Chekhov: A Brother’s Memoir. Translated by Eugene Alper. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Coope, John. Doctor Chekhov: A Study in Literature and Medicine. Chale, UK: Cross Publishing, 1997.

Davis, John P. Russia in the Time of Cholera: Disease Under Romanovs and Soviets. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2018.

Finke, Michael C. Freedom from Violence and Lies: Anton Chekhov’s Life and Writings. London: Reaktion, 2021.

Finke, Michael C. Seeing Chekhov: Life and Art. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005.

Frieden, Nancy Mandelker. Russian Physicians in an Era of Reform and Revolution, 1856–1905. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. https://muse-jhu-edu.i.ezproxy.nypl.org/chapter/1290918/pdf.

Goldenweizer, A. B. Talks with Tolstoy. Translated by S. S. Koteliansky and Virginia Woolf. New York: Horizon Press, 1969.

Gorky, Maxim, and Alexander Kuprin and I. A. Bunin. Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov. Translated by S. S. Koteliansky and Leonard Woolf. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1921.

Gregory, Serge. Antosha and Levitasha: The Shared Lives of Anton Chekhov and Isaac Levitan. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2015.

Gromova, L. D., and N. I. Gitovich. Letopis’ Zhizni i tvorchestva A. P. Chekhova. Tom Perviy. 1860–1888. [Chronicle of the Life and Work of A. P. Chekhov. Volume 1.] Moscow: Nasledie, 2000.

Heim, Michael Henry. “Translating Chekhov’s Plays: A Collaboration between Translator, Director, and Actors.” In Chekhov the Immigrant: Translating a Cultural Icon. Michael C. Finke and Julie de Sherbinin, eds. Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, 2007.

Hingley, Ronald. A Life of Chekhov. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1989.

Izmaylov, A. A. “Antosha Chekhonte.” Chekhov. Moscow: 1916. http://chehov-lit.ru/chehov/bio/izmajlov-chehov/izmajlov-chehov-2-10.htm.

Kataev, Vladimir B. A. P. Chekhov Entsiklopediya [A. P. Chekhov Encyclopedia]. Prosveshchenie: Moscow, 2011.

Kataev, Vladimir. If Only We Could Know! An Interpretation of Chekhov. Translated by Harvey Pitcher. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2002.

Khvatov, A. I., and I. E. Grudina, eds. A. P. Chekhov: Materialy Literaturnogo Muzeya Pushkinskogo Doma [A. P. Chekhov: Materials of the Pushkin House Literature Museum]. Nauka: Leningrad, 1982.

Kostin, A. L. A. P. Chekhov v Vospominaniyakh Sovremennikov [A. P. Chekhov in Contemporaries’ Reminiscences]. Moscow: Gelios, 2004.

Koteliansky, S. S. Anton Tchekhov: Literary and Theatrical Reminiscences. Translated and edited by S. S. Koteliansky. New York: G.H. Doran, 1927.

Kuzicheva, Alevtina. Chekhov: Zhizn’ “Otdel’nogo Cheloveka” [Chekhov: The Life “of a Remarkable Person”]. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2012.

Laffitte, Sophie. Chekhov, 1860–1904. Translated by Moura Budberg and Gordon Latta. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973.

Livak, Leonid. “The Jewish Persona in the European Imagination: A Case of Russian Literature.” 2010. DOI: 10.11126/Stanford/9780804770552.001.0001.

Llewellyn Smith, Virginia. Anton Chekhov and the Lady with the Dog. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.

Magarshack, David. Chekhov: A Life. New York: Grove Press, 1952.

Malcolm, Janet. Reading Chekhov: A Critical Journey. New York: Random House, 2001.

Mudrick, Marvin. “Chekhov.” In The Man in the Machine. New York: Horizon Press, 1977.

Podorol’skiy, Aleksandr Nikolaevich. Chekhov i Khudozhniki [Chekhov and Artists]. Moscow: Sam Poligrafist, 2013.

Pritchett, V. S. Chekhov: A Spirit Set Free. New York: Random House, 1988.