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Warren F. Kimball,Forged in War: Churchill, Roosevelt and the Second World War, London, Harper/Collins, 1997.

Richard Lamb,Churchill as War Leader, London, Bloomsbury, 1991.

Steven James Lambakis,Winston Churchill Architect of Peace. A Study of Statesmanship and the Cold War, London, Greenwood Press, 1993.

Klaus Larres,Politik der Illusionen: Churchill, Eisenhower und die deutsche Frage 1945—1955, G?ttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1995.

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Ronald Lewin,Churchill as War Lord, London, Batsford, 1973.

Elizabeth Longford,Winston Churchill,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1974.

John Lukacs, The Dueclass="underline" Hitler vs Churchill, 10 May — 31 July 1940,London, Cape, 1992.

William Manchester,The Caged Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill 1932— 1940, London, Michael Joseph, 1988; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchilclass="underline" rives de gloire, Paris, Laffont, 1990.

William Manchester,The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill. Visions of Glory 1874—1932,London, Michael Joseph, 1984; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchilclass="underline" l' E preuve de la solitude,Paris, Laffont, 1985.

Arthur J. Marder,From the Dardanelles to Oran,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1974.

Jean Matrat,Winston Churchill,Paris, Nouvelles Editions Debresse, 1978.

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Steven Merritt Miner,Between Churchill and Stalin,Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1988.

Robin James Moore,Churchill, Cripps and India 1939—1945,Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979.

Lord Moran [Charles Wilson],Winston Churchilclass="underline" the Struggle for Survival 1940—1965,London, Constable, 1966; пер. на фр.:MEmoires,Paris, Laffont, 1966.

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Peter Neville,Winston Churchilclass="underline" Statesman or Opportunist?London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1996.

Robert Alasdair Clarke Parker ed.,Winston Churchilclass="underline" Studies in Statesmanship,London, Brassey, 1995.

Henry Pelling,Churchill,London, Macmillan, 1974, второе издание вышло в 1989 году.

Henry Pelling,Churchill's Peacetime Ministry 1951 —1955,London, Macmillan, 1997.

Geoffrey Penn,Fisher, Churchill and the Dardanelles,London, Leo Cooper, 1999.

Arrigo Petalco,Dear Benito, C а r о Winston,Milan, Mondadori, 1985.

Robert H. Pilpel,Churchill in America 1895—1961,New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1976.

Barrie William Pitt,Churchill and the Generals,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1981.

Clive Ponting,Winston Churchill,London, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994.

Howard J. Predaza,Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell and the Nation,London, Cleveland, 1986.

Robin Prior,Churchill's «World Crisis» as History,London, Croom Helm, 1983.

Oskar К. Rabinowicz,Winston Churchill on Jewish Problems,London, Lincolns-Prager, 1956.

Marvin Rintala,Lloyd George and Churchilclass="underline" how Friendship Changed Politics,London and Lanham, Maryland, Madison Books, 1995.

John Ramsden,The Age of Churchill and Eden 1940—1957,London, Longman, 1996.

Keith Robbins,Churchill,London, Longmans, 1992.

Yves Rochas,1940 Churchill et les Fran A ais: un EtE fertile en lEgendes,Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines, 1998.

Norman Rose,Churchill : an Unruly Life,London, Simon and Schuster, 1994.

Stephen Roskill,Churchill and the Admirals,London, Collins, 1977.

Peter Sainsbury,Churchill and Roosevelt at War,London, Macmillan, 1974; второе издание вышло в 1995 году.

Maxwell Philipp Schoenfeld,The War Ministry of Winston Churchill,Ames, Iowa State University, 1972.

Anthony Seldon,Churchill's Indian Summer: the Conservative Government 1951—1955,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.

Robert Sencourt,Winston Churchill,London, Faber and Faber, 1940.

Arthur Lee Jr Smith,Churchill's German Army: Wartime Strategy and Cold War Politics 1943—1947,Beverly Hills, Sage, 1977.

Ronald A. Smith,Churchilclass="underline" Images of Greatness,London, Kevin Francis [1990].

David Stafford,Churchill and Secret Service,London, John Murray, 1997.

Graham Stewart,Burying Caesar: Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999.

Herbert Leslie Stewart,Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954.

Mary Soames,Winston Churchilclass="underline" his Life as a Painter. A Memoir by his Daughter,London, Collins, 1990.

Anthony Storr,Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind, London, Collins, 1989.

John Strawson,Churchill and Hitler in Victory and Defeat,London, Constable, 1997.

Alan John Percival Taylor и др.,Churchilclass="underline" Four Faces and the Man,New York, Dial Press, и London, Allen Lane, 1969.

David A. Thomas,Churchill the Member for Woodford,London, Frank Cass, 1994.

Carlos Thompson,The Assassination of Winston Churchill,Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1969.

Kenneth W. Thompson,Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power,Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1983.

Reginald William Thompson,Churchill and Morton,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.

Reginald William Thompson,Generalissimo Churchill,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.

Reginald William Thompson,The Yankee Marlborough,London, Allen and Unwin, 1963; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchill,Paris, France-Empire, 1965.

В. Г. Трухановский,Уинстон Черчилль,Москва, Пpoгpecc, 1978.

Fred Urqhuart ed.,Winston Churchilclass="underline" a Cartoon Biography,London, Cassell, 1955.

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Manfred Weidhrn,A Harmony of Interests. Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill,Cranbury N. J., Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1992.

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