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Weiss G. Campa Cosmology. The World of a Forest Tribe in South America. N.Y., 1975. (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 52. Part 5. P. 217—588).

Wilbert J. Yupa Folktales. Los Angeles, 1974. (UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California. Vol. 24).

Winning H. von. The Shaft Tomb Figures of West Mexico. Los Angeles, 1974. (Southwest Museum Papers. No. 24).

Zerries O. Die Vorstellung der Waika-Indianer des oberen Orinoko (Venezuela) ьber die menschliche Seele // Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of Americanists (1956). Copenhagen, 1958. S. 105—113.