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Qi Kexiu

Chicago 1990

Chicago 1990 Chapter 1: family

   "God knows how sorry I am for giving birth to you! God knows!"

   The hoarse female swearing with a talented RAP accent severely disrupted Song Ya's clear dream. He sighed, sat up reluctantly, and slowly picked up a sweater from the bed and put it on his head.

   It has been more than ten days since I crossed over, no matter if it is suitable or not, I can only endure it first.

   Of course, he is not called Song Ya now, and he is no longer a Chinese. His full name is now Alexander Song, a fifteen-year-old boy whose biological parents died in a car accident and lives with his aunt in Chicago.

   "The seventeen-year-old of M-FXXX! At the age of seventeen, M-FXXX learned to stay away at night like a bitch! M-FXXkrrrr~"

  The soundproofing is almost non-existent, and a series of vulgar words popped into the ears from downstairs. Aunt Susie is "educate" her seventeen-year-old daughter, Alexander Song's cousin Connie.

   "Born." Song Ya secretly sighed.

   Compared with the implicit Chinese, African Americans express their feelings so "strongly" and "unrestrained". Calling their biological daughters Bitch and her mother is just a routine operation of Aunt Susie.

   "Yeh, Yeh! Speaking of Bitch, I don't know who gave birth to two children when he was seventeen!"

   After many years, Connie was obviously scolded, and she immediately sneered, without showing any weakness. Aunt Susie gave birth to her eldest son Tony when she was sixteen, and then Connie again the next year, and then, the man who worked hard ran away without a trace...


   Aunt Susie, who was stabbed in the painful spot, was furious, "SHXX! You ruthless little **** is just like that ruthless man. I curse you! I curse you M-FXXX..."

   "Hey, the point is not returning home at night?" Song Ya complained again in his heart.

On this issue, if you are in China, the focus of your parents’ attention will never go wrong, and Aunt Susie clamored and threw Cousin Connie’s absence from home all night to Java. Up...

   After getting dressed, Song Ya went out and turned into the bathroom not far away, turned on the faucet and started washing.

   The sound of running water temporarily isolated the quarrel downstairs. He looked into the mirror and looked at himself in this life again.

   Calculated according to the Chinese people's aesthetics of black race, he has a slightly childish, good-looking face, and because he is half Chinese, his complexion is slightly lighter. At the age of fifteen, the height is a little over 1.70 meters, and the figure is quite well-proportioned...Of course, it is self-evident that as a traverser in the future, then the quality of this skin bag is actually irrelevant. After all, this is the United States, capital society What can't you buy as long as you have money?

   "But here comes the problem. It doesn't matter if I pass through without giving me some special abilities. It would be too much for me not to bring me memories of previous lives!"

   In the past ten days, despite Song Ya's various attempts, his memory of his last life has always been a mess. Except for the rapid progress in mathematics, it is impossible to think of any major events in history, or games that I have read and played in my previous life. And that little math score doesn’t tell much. Chicago’s South City is mostly a slum where blacks gather. The teaching quality of community middle schools is very poor, and the difficulty of the exam paper is inherently low. If the ethnic talent of the Chinese people is not brought over, Song Ya will really be unable to play. .

   "Is there another slacker? Get out and have breakfast!"

   There are many children and not enough energy to treat them differently. Aunt Susie treats them equally, and has never given Song Ya any abuse or preferential treatment. Of course, the same is true in words.


   Song Ya quickly packed up and walked downstairs.

The creaking sound of the staircase indicates that this house is a few years old. This is a standard slum house. It is a single house but not far from the left and right houses. It is basically all wood. The second floor originally had two bedrooms, one large and one small. There is a bathroom, and the large bedroom is divided into two. Song Ya and cousin Tony live in the same room, Connie and ten-year-old sister Emily live in the same room, and Aunt Susie and younger brother Fu Reddy lives in the original small bedroom.

   The first floor is a full structure of living room, kitchen, dining room, and there is only a small bathroom without shower under the stairs on the first and second floors.

There is a fierce quarrel, what should everyone do? Aunt Susie is holding a spatula in one hand and looking at the golden scrambled eggs in the pan, and in the other hand she holds little Freddie, who is looking at people with big blue eyes, in her arms. Coaxing. Aunt Susie’s newest boyfriend is white, so little Freddie is mulatto.

   Connie and Emily at the dinner table took turns taking milk and oatmeal rings into their bowls.

   And Tony leaned his neck up, and roughly nodded the spray can of cream into his mouth.

   "Open your mouth."

   The full cream was swallowed by him, and he turned the mouth of the jar to Song Ya.

   "No more."

   Song Ya shook his head and refused. The soul in this body has changed. There are the bucket figures of Aunt Susie and Tony, and the horizontal trend visible to the naked eye as a warning. Obesity is definitely an enemy he must be vigilant in this life.

   "You have changed a lot recently, Alex." Tony said.

   "Really?" Song Ya's heart was tight: "Which way?"


   Tony started to eliminate milk foam oats, "It's just... it's a feeling... you know."

   "What an easy thing! For women!"

   Connie laughed at Song Ya and said, "Who have you gotten with?" Once again, she succeeded in turning the topic off track.


Before Song Ya could keep up with her thoughts, Aunt Susie divided the tender Western-style scrambled eggs on the plates in front of the four brothers and sisters, "Shut your mouth, eat quickly, don't miss the school bus!" Don't wait to see Connie. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

   "Wait for me to change my clothes! I'll be ready soon!" Connie didn't answer her mouth this time, she bounced and rushed upstairs.

  U.S. girls wearing yesterday’s clothes generally mean that they did not go home for the night, so the main purpose of Connie’s coming home in the morning is to change clothes.

   "Who brought her back in the morning?" Aunt Susie took the opportunity to ask in a low voice. It turned out that she hadn't forgotten it.

   "I don't know, I only heard the sound of the engine." Tony replied, and stepped on Song Ya's foot secretly.

   Song Ya shook his head. He really didn't know. Little Emily shook his head.

   Aunt Susie didn't delve into it any more, she went back to concentrate on cleaning the kitchen utensils, "Hey! Black woman..." She sighed in a low voice.

Milk, oatmeal rings, and scrambled eggs. It only took Song Ya three minutes to get them all off. It’s now 1990. The welfare system in the United States should not be as good as that in the past, but for those with five children. For single-parent families, it seems that there is no problem in meeting the most basic needs of food, clothing, housing, transportation, and education, and there is even an excess of calories in food.

   Waiting for Connie to change clothes, the four siblings left the house simultaneously after saying goodbye to Aunt Susie.

Different from Songya’s impression of the United States before crossing, there is no lawn in front of and behind the community houses here, only gray weeds and random piles of debris, wooden fences in disrepair, and various types of dilapidated cars. . Including Aunt Susie, a small Cameroonian national flag was hung at the door of several families nearby, indicating that they still remember their roots in the African continent.