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   "Say!" Tony put him down.

"Ah, first of all, I don’t need to inform you about this first. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I originally planned to find the opportunity to meet the boss of Little Lowry Music Company first, but I’ll tell you first. Because you are my brother, I respect you."

   "Secondly, without the addition of this single of mine, Lori’s new album would never be successful, because I overheard a conversation between Lori’s agent and the owner of the music company that day..."

   "The first release of 7,000 cassettes, no vinyl records, no digital CDs, only 7,000 cassettes... Is this what a successful album should look like?"

   "Why should I lie to you? It won't be long before the truth comes to light."

   "You give up all your friends' standpoints, give up all emotional factors, and it's a matter of matter. You said the dozen or so songs of Lori and Al's album, which one is good? Which one seems to be popular?"

   "The first professional only sells 7,000 copies. Is it possible for him to post a second professional? He loses money for the first professional and has no chance to send the second professional. What does he use to support you and the'silencer', besides, he still has AK and Al..."

   "Yes, yes, I have changed, I have become more calculating, but this change is definitely a good thing for our family! I want to leave this ghost place just like you, do you want to stay in this ghost place forever?"

   "The inspiration for my song was the last time I visited a second-hand store, on the day the MV was filmed..."

   "Of course! I'll pack the tickets with you, my song will definitely be popular!"

   "I am the main trumpet player of the school band, did you forget?"

   "Well, you don't have to believe it, and I didn't expect you to believe it, but people who really know how to do it can understand it."

   "Do you want to listen first? Okay, I recorded a demo."

   This day, it was really rap and singing, Song Ya's voice was smoked, and finally Tony was fooled into believing it or not, and passed the test temporarily.

Chicago 1990 Chapter 11: broker

   "Don't blame me for not warning you, Alex, as long as Little Lori disagrees, as long as he says no, then all will stop here, you are not allowed to harass him anymore, what are you doing with this broken song!"

   On the next day, on the driving Toyota Eagle, Tony took out the cassette after listening to the demo and threw it back to Song Ya.

   "Okay, it's a big deal, I figured out how to make a single by myself."

   The disadvantage of first confessing to Tony is that, Song Ya originally intended to win more, but now he is regarded as a speculator. Of course, it’s an irritating thing to say that you’re making a single. In this era, if you want to make a single debut, you have to walk a very tortuous and difficult road. Just want to get the strong push of DJs from all over the music radio stations, network, background, and financial resources. One of the requirements is that not to mention the excellent quality of the music itself, the singer's ability to drill camp must be full.


   The word ‘silencer’ popped out and stopped the car outside the office building, where the Chicago Office of the Composers Association was inside.

   "So expensive..."

   Song Ya looked at the price on the coin-operated timer next to the car and stunned. He stuffed a few steel trowels in, and couldn't help complaining: "I'll just come here by myself."

   "That won't work, I have to take you seriously now."

   stepped into the building, Tony looked around and exclaimed: "It's really white here!"

   Indeed, now the urban elite area is almost entirely white's territory. This is the real Chicago, the world's top academic, art, legal, financial, business, press and publishing center, and the home of skyscrapers. White-collar men and women in high-end suits and professional suits are walking in a hurry. The pace of life is completely different from Nancheng.

   walked to the elevator door, and a young white woman waiting there saw them three. She immediately stood a few steps away subconsciously, changed her bag on another shoulder, and moved from the side of them to the far side.

   "NAZI!" Tony cursed softly.

   The elevator door opened, and the three of them entered. The woman stayed in place, staring at her toes with her head down and pretending to be there, as if there was a flower.

   Song Ya felt that Tony's anger could no longer be suppressed, and hurriedly pressed the elevator door.

"Look! It's the last ten years of the 20th century, and the white people still have this virtue! They assassinated Dr. King and sealed off the 51st district..." Tony started talking about racial discrimination and white conspiracy theories. thing.

   Song Ya is also used to it now. At this time, the brain will automatically filter out Tony's voice. He now has a goal to maximize the power of the plug-in and improve his life as soon as possible.

   The filing procedures are very simple, pay money, leave your name and contact information, put the cassette and score into the portfolio provided by the Composers Guild, and work together. Song Ya and the staff reconfirmed that the information provided by Goldman was accurate and correct. Although this type of filing has nothing to do with copyright, the time and content of the filing is very strong evidence and can provide him with a lot of evidence when filing copyright attribution lawsuits. Good protection.

   "It looks like you are really playing..."

   Staring at Song Ya methodically through the filing process, Tony's suspicion disappeared a lot.

   "Nonsense, the money Aunt Susie gave is almost spent by me." Song Ya complained.

   The three people came out, the'silencer' started the car and drove directly to the downstairs of Little Lowry's house.

   Although Little Lori is playing rap, he is not a child in a slum. He lives in a high-rise apartment that is a bit older, and has everything from access control to property managers.

   The three were put upstairs, and AK was waiting at the door early. After the usual black greetings, they welcomed everyone in.

   The living room is very large, with classic style carpets.

Little Lori lay lazily on the sofa, holding a guitar in her arms, obviously unhappy, "Hey, APLUS! Comeon! Let us see and see your music!" He beckoned to Song Ya, jokingly. Shouted in his tone.

   "Uh, all right."

   Song Ya took out the demo cassette and score from his bag, and the AK next to him smiled and took it, "Sit down." He pointed to the sofa, turned around and threw the score to Little Lori, and took the cassette and inserted it into the dual-card recorder.

   "Hey." Tony didn't seem to feel the embarrassment in the air. He rushed over to sit next to Lori, stretched out his fist, and smiled affectionately: "Thank you for giving Yali this opportunity, brother."

   Little Lori smiled helplessly, fisted him, didn't speak, and just turned to the tape recorder.

His dual-card recorder is the style that blacks like to carry on their shoulders and go to the court or partying. After a noise, Song Ya's innocent sings. The second-hand store song is not long, and more than three minutes will pass quickly. , And then only the slight noise of the tape idling.

  AK turned off the recording.

   Tony stared nervously at Lori's face.

   Song Ya’s attention was all on the other person, Lori’s agent, he walked out of the room just after the song was played, stood in the corner, with his arms around his chest, listening very carefully. This is something he asked Tony to do. He promised Tony to turn around and leave if Little Lowry said "No", but in exchange, Little Lowry's agent must be present. Little Lori might be kept in the dark because the new album is almost certain to fail, and the agent who shouted ‘we’re done’ at the time must be clear about their current situation. However, a person his age will not easily let people see through the truth, and the whole process is stern and unsmiling.