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   Immediately there was a woman's scream.

   "Put your pants up and get out!" Pablo didn't care, went straight in and chased people.

   In the dark room for a while, a shirtless black guy wrapped his female partner's upper body with a jacket and slipped out with his head down.

Tony laughed and yelled outside, not forgetting to introduce Song Ya to each other, "This is my brother, Alex, you can also call him APLUS. Alex, this is Eric, our tuner. "

   "FXXXYOU, Tony." Eric cursed in a low voice, and the female companion next to Tony raised his middle finger.

   "Come in! Come in!"

   This is a standard recording studio. The outside is a control room. There are mixers, chairs, sofas, and some miscellaneous equipment. The small room inside is the recording studio. Both sides can see each other through thick glass.

   Pablo turned on all the lights, "Go to work! Hurry up" and pushed open the door of the recording studio, letting old Morgan and Lori in, "The score!" snapped his fingers at Song Ya.

   Song Ya took out the music scores from the bag and walked into the recording studio, putting them on the music stand in front of Old Morgan and Little Lori respectively.

   Little Lori was still breathing, and she tugged without saying a word, not even communicating with Song Ya in her eyes.

   Old Morgan took out his reading glasses and put them on, and began to drive the saxophone box slowly.

   "Come out, say here." Pablo's command came from the horn.

   Song Ya hurried out and closed the recording studio door.

   "If you have any comments, click this, but don't interrupt them easily."

   Pablo pointed to the call button as a demonstration, "Start when you are ready." He pressed into the microphone and said.

   "Don't rush, don't rush, I'm old, unlike you young people..." Old Morgan's complaint came out through the monitor speakers.

   "Where is Eric?" Pablo looked back.

   "Didn't you tell him to roll?" Tony was puzzled.

   "Go and get him back, he can't be missing here." Pablo arranged everything before leaving in a hurry.

Only Song Ya was left in the control room. He sat in front of the mixer and inspected it a little bit. In addition to the mixer, there are many equipment that he is not well-known. The walls are covered with sound-absorbing materials, which looks very Professional look. Of course, apart from the long sofa at the back, it was in a mess, and there was a smell of sweat floating in the air, which showed the fierce battle just now.

   The saxophone accompaniment of the second-hand store’s song is mostly mechanical repetition. Old Morgan tried a few paragraphs with the score, "WTH..." he put down the saxophone and cursed: "Which stupid X wrote this garbage?"

   "It's me." Song Ya was embarrassed, and answered honestly, remembering that he forgot to press the call button, "Uh... it's me." He had to repeat it.

   "I don't understand the current kid making music, can these things you write become popular?" Old Morgan continued to complain, and asked the little Lori next to him, "Do you think it's popular? Sing these things, eh?"

   it amused little Lori, "I don't know." He replied.

   "Oh, kids now...I really don’t understand... you know? When I was as old as you..."

   Old Morgan was nagging endlessly, and Little Lori was also happy and passive. Song Ya knew that he couldn't command them, and he didn't bother to offend others. Fortunately, before long, Pablo accompanied Old Joe and opened the door.

   Old Joe was still wearing the pink suit that day, "Morgan!" He held down the call button and yelled: "You believe it or not I came in and tore your old mouth into Lake Michigan to feed the fish!?"

   is still that powerful subwoofer, even his appearance is not too different from the old man in the pink suit from the second-hand store MV in "Apocalypse". Song Ya wanted to laugh when he saw him.

   "APLUS, right?" Old Joe took Morgan's training honestly, and then reached out his hand, "Get to know, I am the boss of this company, Joe, you can call me Old Joe, but I prefer others to call me BOSS."

   "Hello, BOSS." Song Ya shook hands with him, and when the music sounded inside, he took the initiative to let him go behind.

   Morgan played the saxophone, Lori sang and djembe, the two honestly went through the song, and the effect was much better than that of Song Ya and Lori.


   Old Qiao pursed his lips nonchalantly, "Do it again." He pressed the call button.

While Lao Qiao and Pablo listened to it for the second time, Song Ya’s mind turned rapidly, and Tony asked himself to slap Pablo’s ass, but from the communication with Pablo in the car just now, he There is a conflict with his interests. He is Xiao Lori's agent, and he intends to let himself'let' the lyrics to Lori. UU reading www.uukanshu.com wants him to change his mind, but pure flattery probably won't work. . Even if Pablo becomes his own agent in the future, and he has a conflict of interest with Lori, how he will choose is still unknown.

   Maybe it’s not a good idea to ask Pablo to be your agent.

   But the old Joe and Pablo in front of him are completely different. As long as the record can sell well, the old Joe as the owner of the music company will definitely have the same interests as his own...

If you want to understand, act, and wait until the second pass is over, "Uh, boss." Song Ya attracted Lao Qiao's attention, "That's it. The inspiration for this song is the day when the MV for Little Lori was filmed... "

   "Yeah, I heard that, second-hand shop." Old Joe replied casually.

   "More than that, part of the inspiration comes from you, boss." Song Ya continued, "I wrote the chorus for you. I like your bass very much."

   "Me?" Old Joe was surprised.

   "Yeah, why don't you try it?" Song Yachao made a please gesture at the recording studio.

   "Try it?" Old Joe and Pablo exchanged glances.

   Pablo curled his lips and nodded.

   "Try it." Old Joe pushed open the door of the recording studio and walked in.

   After he took the score and briefly brewed, the third time began.

  I'mgonnapopsometags, onlygottwentyinmypocket

  I'm, I'm, I'mhunting, lookingforacomeup


   As soon as he spoke a few lyrics, Song Ya noticed Pablo leaning forward and his eyes lit up.

Chicago 1990 Chapter 14: Offer

   Song Ya knew very well that Pablo was not so amazed, it was better to say that this ‘plug-in’ song was officially unveiled after Old Joe took over the chorus.

   In other words, it’s not that the second-hand store’s song is suitable for Old Joe, but it’s Old Joe’s unique dress and voice that helped Song Ya open up the so-called "Apocalypse". Old Qiao is the reason, the second-hand shop is the result. He is the person who is most suitable for the chorus part of this song at the current level. On the contrary, there is still a big gap between Lori’s RAP and the original singing. The taste of the song came out immediately.

But after all, it was the first contact. Old Qiao was getting older. There were still a lot of problems in the more complicated part of the lyrics in the second half. After singing a song, he opened his hands and made an action to ask for opinions. Song Ya immediately separated He flattered with two thumbs up on the glass, he was very helpful, and he bent over with a standard curtain call.

   "No way, I'm exhausted, I have to drink something and take a break." Old Morgan took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat and walked out of the studio.


   Old Qiao Xing just got up, how can he please, follow behind, "Don't be disappointed, old guy, I haven't warmed up yet!"

   "Let’s practice the words first, did you bite your tongue just now?"