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Just leave, Tony, who claims to have a way to get a bargain, directed the'silencer' to drive the car out of the city, wandering around in the labyrinth of an abandoned vehicle treatment plant, and finally in a very hidden place. Stopped the car.

A good-quality 88 new Cherokee came into view domineeringly. Several unkind black guys gathered around. Don’t get me wrong, they are just talking about business. The boss nicknamed "Mouse" asked Tony for four thousand. It looks like it can be cut again.

   "WTF!" Song Ya felt something was wrong, now the new Cherokee seems to cost about $20,000, and second-hand is not so cheap...

The ‘silencer’ beside    sensed Song Ya’s doubts and quietly made a ‘take out pocket’ gesture.

   "That's a stolen car?"

   Song Ya is a little regretful, she just got a large sum of money and floated away, let Tony come around, daring to enter this kind of place with four thousand and five big swings...

He floated, and Tony floated even more. Not only did he chat happily with the'mouse', he picked up the'hand-rolled leaves' handed over by the other party and pumped it up, and went to take out the gun hidden in the'silencer' car. Sit into the new Cherokee.

   "The interior space of this car is really good, Alex, where do you think it is appropriate to hide the gun? This? This?"

   He eagerly stuffed the gun under the driver's seat for an interview, feeling bad, and then climbed to the back seat to find something to hide.

   "Hey! Hey! Let's not buy anymore, let's go!"

Song Ya got angry and pulled him into the'silencer' car, "Are you an idiot? Such a new car, it must be parked in front of our house for less than three days!" Loudly shouted the reason for the provisional arrangement. Deliberately let the'rats' hear them.

   "Not so exaggerated..."

   Tony is still reluctant to leave, Song Ya winks vigorously, finally persuading him to get into the car, "Forget it, my brother has a problem here." He also pointed at the'mouse' and they said, "Thank you."

   "It's okay, brother."

   ‘Mouse’ didn’t say anything, and waved to let them go.

   As soon as they left the abandoned vehicle treatment plant, the two had the fiercest quarrel since Song Ya's crossing.

   "You just made me faceless like that?!"

Maybe Ye Zi’s energy hasn’t stopped. Tony almost roared to express his dissatisfaction, “Since I brought you here, there’s absolutely no problem. There are too many stolen cars in Nancheng, and the police can’t manage it, except for'ET' hanging up. Did those police cars enter our neighborhood that time? They dare not come in..."

   "Look at you now! You are betting on a probability event now!"

Song Ya was also full of anger, "If we were driving the car and were stopped by the police, have you ever thought about what would happen?" He shook his fingers and counted, "The car was stolen, and a person in the car was full of leaves, and There is still a gun hidden in the back seat! Have you ever thought that these few things will allow us to enter the classroom and squat for a few years!? I tell you that I have a bright future now, so I don’t want to be inexplicably planted on these things!"

   "Wow wow wow wow!"

Tony kept clapping his hands, "Sure enough, it's APLUS that has made a lot of money! What's the matter? You start to hate my brother, who is holding you back? Tell you! Without me, would you have a chance to sing your song for Little Lori? I am Your brother, I will always have the final say here! And for your sake, Little Lori is alienated from us. Didn't you find out? Me and the'Muffler' are making sacrifices for you!"

   "Yes, yes, yes, you hate it for sacrificing an opportunity to be a follower, and then turn a blind eye to the danger of pulling yourself and your brother into the classroom?"

   "How many times have I told you, that's not a follower, that's a brother! I and Lori are brothers!"

   "It's just a follower, and it's also a follower to say how nice it is."

   "Brothers! Partners! Little Lori is a star! We are his star partners!"


   was so loudly noisy that the ‘silencer’ suddenly stopped the car and turned around to see that it turned out that he had already driven to a super large used car store.



   The two slammed the door and got out of the car, but the noisy stopped, the salesman had already greeted him.


   ‘Muffler’ went straight to the pickup area.

"Huh?" Song Ya was fascinated by the public label of a pickup truck. "Hey! How much can this label be discounted? Well, yes, really good. I don’t know whether to burn engine oil or not? Why? This kind of thinking..."

   "Boy, you are very discerning, Volkswagen's rabbit Katie, we have a big discount on this car..." The salesman immediately began to fool around.

   "Don't look at that, the two-seater pickup is not enough for us." Tony stood beside a Ford pickup and called Song Ya over.

   Picked and picked, and finally selected a Ford four-seater pickup truck. It was eight years old and the condition of the car could only be said to be average, but it was cheaper, and everything was done in the early 2000s.

   Nger got angry fast and went fast. Tony was like a silly person when he drove the ‘new’ car, humming a little song, and kept trying the car’s performance, "Where shall we go next?" he asked.

With a lot of money left, Song Ya thought for a while, "Go to the second-hand appliance market. The refrigerator is in the house. Let’s add a washing machine so that Aunt Susie doesn’t have to go to the communal laundry room with a lot of clothes. ."

"Yeah!" Tony said while pointing the direction, "Ali, you are a good brother, to be honest, in fact, I used to think the same way as you now, probably... when I was in seventh grade? Qi' is tall and strong among peers and is the main force of the rugby team. He only wants to get college scholarships through rugby and even play professional games. It is with that belief that we can reject all kinds of temptations in slums. Gangs, drugs, petty theft... But then everything changed. The height of my peers slowly caught up, and my body fat couldn't control my body fat. There was no hope for scholarships, and our way was dead...day after day In the end, it became what it is now."

   "I can understand." Song Ya stretched out his fist and touched Tony, and the two smiled at each other.

In the second-hand electrical appliance market, they first picked a drum washing machine and an oven. Song Ya gave the'silencer' a video cassette recorder, bought a red and white camera and a small TV for Tony, chose an electronic metronome, and paid for it with a guitar. There is a trumpet and some miscellaneous things.

After crossing over, he was involved with second-hand goods. Even the first time he traveled through welfare was all about second-hand stores. On the one hand, the second-hand trade in the United States was very rich and convenient. On the other hand, it was really impossible to display new things at home, especially For new electrical appliances, the staff of the Relief Agency will conduct regular inspections and occasional random inspections. If it is found that living standards have improved significantly or if there is a male owner who is no longer a single-parent family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then the welfare supply will be greatly improved. decline. According to the current income of Song Ya, it is far from enough to let the whole family live a prosperous life without relief, so don't think about new electrical appliances.

After finishing his personal affairs, Song Ya’s main energy is still on song recording. This is his current top priority. For this reason, he has not been to school for many days, but it’s nothing. The school has looked for Aunt Susie once. The guardians had no objection and they just let it go.

   After a few more days, the version taken from the professional mixing studio has been unanimously recognized by everyone. That is to say, the new Lori new album, which is working day and night, is finally ready for production.