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   Old Joe and Pablo have both gone to the factory, and peace in the recording studio has returned. The tired Song Ya and Eric collapsed on the sofa, not wanting to move.

In fact, this version is still far from the original version in Song Ya’s mind. Perhaps it is due to technology. The sound quality of Old Joe’s chorus and Old Morgan’s saxophone is far less penetrating than the original version. In layman’s terms, it’s not brainwashed enough. There are many other shortcomings. The rap part of Little Lowry is naturally not as good as the original. Song Ya can't give too much guidance when recording. After all, he is a pure newcomer and has to consider the relationship between the two parties.

   Anyway, he feels that the achievement of this song is unlikely to reach the height of the original song, but it can only be so, just try his best.

   "Hey, Eric." He suddenly remembered what old Joe said about Eric picking up girls.

   "What?" Eric was almost asleep.

   "Those girls downstairs, can you really pick any one of them and hook them up to the Fa-rectification on the spot?"

   "Almost, you want to learn?"


   Eric smiled, "Still pretending to me? You little pervert, come, let me teach you, it's not difficult at all."

Chicago 1990 Chapter 18: teach

   Eric is a sincere man, he has no idea of ​​concealing himself, he preached and taught, starting from the beginning.

   "Suppose, you have picked a target, then you walk straight over and go straight in, without paying too much attention to the people around her."

   "What if she snuggled in her boyfriend's arms?" Song Ya was very impressed by the bragging words of Old Qiao.

Eric smiled, "You didn't mean to go up and say you want 419? That's too straightforward. You have to do this, pretending to be looking for her, such as: you are... uh..." I knew the girl, but after trying hard to think about it, she couldn’t name her for a while. "At this time, the other person usually introduces herself. I'm so-and-so, right?"

   "Yeah." Song Ya simulated the scene in his mind, nothing wrong.

"Yes, yes, yes! I know you! I heard Carl mention you." Eric said, "Al is fine. Anyway, you can mention your personal name. If your boyfriend is around, you can mention a girl who is a big way. Name, Jenny, Mary..."

   "Hmm, and then."

"Then say: Carl said you have artistic talent or singing well." Eric took out his business card, "You will introduce yourself at this time, pointing to the brand of Old Joe Music and saying: I am from the opposite music company. , Do you want to try the sound? If the other party doesn't believe it, give her the business card.

"So simple?"

"It's that simple, just wait. About one-third of the girls will follow me on the spot, one-third will follow me after a few minutes to half an hour, and another third will give them within a few days. I called."

   "That means 100% success rate!"

   "Almost, the girl who called may not come, so the success rate is eight to ninety percent."

   "Will their boyfriends and other friends dissuade them?"

"Idiot, the average girl can't stand this temptation. Just try the sound, and it won't be so good. If it is really an opportunity? Don't you grasp it? If a female friend persuades her, she will think it is out of jealousy. She would think it was a man’s possessiveness, so even if they refused to follow me at the time, they would try to avoid her boyfriends and friends and contact me afterwards."

   "It makes sense!" Song Ya was taught, "but what if her friends and boyfriend insist on coming to the studio with them?"

   "Then Carl should cooperate. He will shut out the "miscellaneous people waiting", so you usually have a relationship with Carl. Others talk very well."

   "emmmmm..." Song Ya recalled how he felt when he first met Karl. The tattoos all over his face were indeed very deterrent, "And then?"

"Hey." Eric smirked, "Everyone is brought here, so it's easier." He sat on the table opposite Song Ya, "The first trick, let her sit down and talk, for example, she sits. At your current position, I will sit on the table and make some daily greetings while letting this..." He pointed to his inner thigh, "It's right in front of her sight."

   "emmmmm..." Song Ya found that Eric's crotch was indeed directly in front of her sight, and that this guy had deliberately spread her legs.

"This trick is the most common suggestion. The white guys have used it for hundreds of years. It is simple and practical." Eric threw the pot out. "At the same time, you have to brag about yourself and say what you can do to wrap her up and let her go from there. To become popular, or to record singles or albums for her...Anyway, for girls’ star dreams, it’s the right thing to try hard to draw cakes.

   "Will they take the bait?"

"Part of it, they will take the initiative to touch my leg hehehe... Maybe their boyfriend is still waiting downstairs at this time." Eric touched his leg and smiled more evilly, "But then The proactive ones are generally not good, and the ones who really don’t understand hints or pretend they don’t understand are more difficult to handle."

   "Go on, focus on the difficult part."

"The next step is to record the song. I have to give someone some sweetness. Let her go into the recording studio and sing a good song." Eric walked to the mixer, "After singing, you put her original sound and After comparing the tuned version, it's like plastic surgery for a girl. You show her that you have the ability to make her voice beautiful. This feeling is probably the same as her appearance being made beautiful by you. Trust me, a lot Girls can get wet on the spot."

   "The effect is so good? It seems that I have to learn more about tuning..." Song Ya thought.

"At this time, I will ask the girl to stand in front of the mixer and try it by herself, teaching on-site. When she is playing the mixer like a game, I can gently hug behind her and blow into the ears with my mouth. , Say some provocative love words, and then get started..." Eric hugged the air and performed seriously.

   "What if it is still rejected?"

"Then use my standing weapon!" Eric took out the Chivas Regal that Old Morgan's favorite drink from the wine cabinet. "Do you want something to drink after you sing the song? Do you want to drink some wine to celebrate after the song is recorded? I made it with inferior brandy and vodka. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is so fast! Of course, I’m a person with a bottom line and can’t take medicine."

   Standing by? Distressed old Morgan!

   "Of course, I can't pour too much, it's easy to do things dizzy." Eric stuffed the wine back.

   "What if I still can't figure it out?"

   "Then there is no way, half push and half, OK, clearly refused, then I have to let others go, after all I am..."

   "A person with a bottom line."

   "Yes, yes, stick to the bottom line, otherwise things will easily happen."

"But..." Song Ya still felt something was wrong. "If you don't take responsibility afterwards, won't you have trouble? Many girls won't let go, right? Especially you promised to release a single to others, and you are also popular. What."

"Oh, I'm a small tuner, what can they do?" Eric suddenly became decadent and lay back on the sofa. "Don't worry, most of the girls are also very practical, when he found out that I was actually a small character. , You won’t be too wasteful of time with me."

   "So small characters won't entangle too much, what about big characters? For example, Little Lori?" Song Ya asked.

"That's completely different. If it's Little Lori, the girls won't let go. After a while after Little Lori's new release, she will even start to guard against some over-enthusiastic girls with purpose. In fact, you are the same. , The second-hand shop you wrote is really good. If those girls realize that you are a great guy who can write lyrics and music, believe me, it will be hard for you to get rid of them."