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   "You have been talking for a long time, the feelings are useless to me, right?" Song Ya was angry, and put the pen and paper back into the briefcase.

   This time, Eric didn't give an answer. After a few seconds, a high-pitched snoring sounded.

Chicago 1990 Chapter 19: Business belongs to business

   Song Ya is also very sleepless these days, and soon followed Eric to snoring.

   didn't know how long it had passed, sleeping soundly, and was suddenly awakened by the fierce quarrel outside, only to hear a series of dirty words starting with F.

"what happened?"

   He rubbed his eyes and got up. Eric opened the door of the recording studio and was leaning against the door frame to watch the excitement. No wonder he was awakened.

   Eric turned his head and put his index finger to his mouth, compared the gesture of individual speech, and then threw a piece of colored paper.

It turned out to be the cassette cover of Lori’s first album. The design is not so brilliant. The protagonist Lori is dressed up in a hip-hop style, holding a microphone in one hand and pointing straight ahead coolly. The title below is the full name of Lori. 'Lori II'.

Song Ya thought about it for a while before he understood the implicit meaning of the cover:'The new album has nothing to do with Al'. You must know that the posters in the old Qiao music hall have always been Lowry and Al, with Lowry as the main player. Yes, but Al can't be ignored, but now...

   He listened carefully, and sure enough, it was Al who yelled outside.

   walked to Eric, and there were many new album covers and accompanying lyrics pages scattered on the corridor outside. I don’t know who left them like this.

Picking up a lyric page, Song Ya remembers that the new album originally had fifteen songs, plus her own second-hand store, a total of sixteen songs, but this lyric page only had the lyrics of thirteen songs, that is to say, he was killed by old Joe. Quietly removed three songs, and these three songs...

   He tried to remember for a while, and yes, the removed songs were the three songs with the strongest presence in Al.

   Carl ran past the door at this time, and three seconds later, Al's cursing stopped abruptly.

   "Wow..." Eric followed.

   Song Ya hides behind him.

In Old Joe’s office, the messy furnishings were broken all over the floor. The red-eyed Al was tightly locked by Carl’s arms and his mouth was blocked by Carl’s hands, but he still refused to give up and kept twisting around. Trying to break free, both feet are still struggling to reach for Old Joe.

   Old Joe, Pablo, Little Lowry, Tony and others are all there. There are still a few clear footprints on the old Joe’s pink suit. Little Lowry, who is protected by Tony behind him, has no expression on his face, not knowing what he is thinking.

"Calm down! Al!" Pablo kept persuading him, "This is our deliberate decision. It is good for everyone! You also want the new monopoly to sell, right? As long as the new monopoly gets the results, in fact It’s still good for you, but it’s just three songs. You are not in the other songs..."

   After a few minutes, Xu Shi has a deeper understanding of Karl's force value, Al finally gave up the struggle and gradually stopped.

   "Let him go." Pablo waved his hand.

   Carl released his hand.

"BullSHXT!" Al did calm down and tidyed up his messy clothes. "If I hadn't seen the samples sent by the factory by accident, you would release them to the new album without telling me. Don't say anything good, it's all Liar! I'm blind."

   "Hey! It's not a question of cheating, business is business." Pablo said.

   "Yeah, yeah..."

Pushing Carl away, Al walked out, "I have seen it through, you rich and powerful Ngers, you are tired of logging in front of us on weekdays, brother, when things come, you will know that the white businessis business , Business is business talking..."

   "Hey!" Pablo tried to call him, "Where are you going? The promotion of the new album will begin soon!"

   "Promotion without me, stop dreaming!"

   Pablo's temper also came up, "Don't play tricks, you idiot! I'm your agent, you have to follow the arrangements!"

   "You were fired."

  Al did not look back, leaving everyone looking at each other.

   "This idiot!" Pablo cursed.

   Old Joe took off the pink suit and sat back at the boss’s desk, "You have to get him done, you can't let him go out and talk nonsense at this time."

"How can I do it! It's all a good thing from your bad idea!" Pablo unbuttoned the two buttons on the collar of his shirt and slid around for a few times, "You!" He snapped his fingers to Tony, "Go If you persuade him to come back, if it doesn't work, you have to stabilize him first!"

   "What can I do..." Tony mumbled, seeing Pablo getting angry again, he had to chase him out.

"Now the hip-hop ventriloquism has not been bought by the audience. Even if there is no new song from APLUS, I am actually planning to reduce Al’s weight in the album." Old Joe told the truth, "Lori’s goal is young women, Al Na looks It's pure chaos."

   "It looks ugly without human rights!"

Song Ya complained in his heart after hearing this. After this small episode, his life should be back on track. There is nothing about him in the new special promotion, even Pablo and Lori need to deliberately downplay him. The impact of this song on second-hand stores, so the credits program is restarted!

   It's a pity that things went against his wish. When he returned home, he saw Al again. He and Tony were playing games in the room, Super Mario.

   The two guys didn't stop playing until twelve o'clock in the night. Al's mood gradually eased, and he talked more and more, and they yelled with Tony.

   Song Ya was lying on the bed crying without tears. The red and white set and the small TV had just been bought from the second-hand market. Now I regret it very much.

   I can’t sleep even when I go to sleep, I feel like I’m going to be brainwashed by the tinkling of gold coins in the game.

The income of four thousand five hundred dollars, the purchase of a car and other second-hand items cost two thousand five, which was given to Aunt Susie five hundred, and the remaining fifteen thousand were deposited in the bank by him, in exchange for a cheque book, how to spend it back No plan. He also specifically asked about taxation. The income from January to April of this year will be paid in the tax season of April next year (thanks to the book friends who like the fire-breathing black dragon for correction), so don't worry too much.

I don’t know when the next Apocalypse will come. According to the agent Hayden, the record royalties cannot be expected to be settled in a short time. It is common for a year and a half to delay, especially after the incident of Al, Song Ya has a better understanding of Old Joe and Pablo's morals, and he instructs Hayden to keep an eye on the royalties and don't let them make small moves. This is also closely related to Hayden's own interests. He told Song Ya to rest assured that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is backed by the first-class brokerage company in the United States. William Morris is not a vegetarian. This is the benefit of signing a large company.

   Two o'clock, the brothers in front of the TV didn't mean to stop.

   "Hey, Al."

   Song Ya decided not to let them go anymore, otherwise he would worry about learning to dominate his career. "What are your plans next?" he asked.

   "I haven't thought about it yet."

   Al put down the handle, "Continue to work in the restaurant, continue to mix, I have no gang background, and can't do anything to them, just think of it as a star dream."